
Kyuubi attack, and surprising discoveries


[Sensing demonic chakra energy, escalating...sensing...scanning...object Identified, Kurama...the kyuubi no kitsune, Obito controlled.]


A loud roar was heard that shook the grounds In Konoha. In a hospital, a young baby with brown hair, eyes closed and sleeping when suddenly it's eyes snaped open. as the system fused within him sent him this message. and it's eyes glanced up at the window.

This was Shiro.

Shiro frowned as another loud *Boom! was heard that caused yet another after shock streaks of red shot by the window.

'I kind of feel bad for Kurama,' Shiro thought, knowing of his origin and being a victim of fear from the other humans, Shiro new the hatred of humans, but he also knew that humans were No better than anything else, the truth of the matter is no one is better than the other all races has done terrible stuff, and all races have done good.

Shiro was surprised, as he was suddenly picked up and squished in between his mother's chest, interrupting his thought as she used her own body as a shield.

There was another loud boom, that shook the hospital so badly it felt like it was God, pinslapping the devil into an oblivion right next to him. Shiro had felt it like it was actually hitting him causing him to cry out in shock. his newly made mother tried to comfort him the best she could as she was protecting him with her body.

One more *Boom! and an instant later the building Shiro was in started to crumble, and the cealings fell on top of them.

Next thing you know, Shiro felt a spike of pain, before there was nothing but darkness.


When he awoke the next day, Shiro could only sigh in sadness he figures his mother was dead when the hokage that had visited him called him an orphan.

Shiro assumed that his parents must be cilvilians, since he himself didn't have a bloodline inheirited from them he asked the system just to be sure.

[Both of your parents are civilians.]

'Ok...thank you,' Shiro thought, but he still had one question that was bugging him, 'how come I didn't absorb a bloodline from this universe?'

[You were born in this universe, once you travel to another universe, you will absorb a bloodline of that universe.]

Shiro could only sigh, 'Ok then.'

Shiro can't really complain, I mean he had this awesome system that is everywhere,along with skills that. Shiro never really earned. He was grateful.

Shiro smiled as he thought, 'I just got to make due with what I have cause what I have is plenty.'

And with that Shiro started to plan, his first steps to life, there wasn't holding anything back. Shiro was determined to love his life to the fullest..nothing was going to stop him from doing it.


Being in the world that was once fiction now turned into reality was something that. Shiro enjoyed a lot. He took in great pleasure. When Shiro saw the first person from the Naruto world he remembers Herizen Sarutobi, the Third Hokage.

After Shiro was sent to the orphanage, he saw other characters that made Shiro heart smile, characters such as Naruto and Rock Lee.

The difference with this Naruto and cannon Naruto was that he had green eyes instead of blue, something Shiro found extremely interesting.

From what he has seen with the villagers interactions with him, they treated Naruto terribly would be an understatement, as it was worse here than on the show.

it was very sad.

[Congratulations, you have learned the skill observe..]

Huh, Shiro thought, "observe." first word spoken in English. in this new life As he glanced at naruto curiously.

A title appeared on his head.

Name:Naruko uzumaki namikaze...

Race: human.

Title demon child

Job: Jinchuriki

Gender female.

Slowly, Shiro's eyes began to widen.

"Wait female?! why?!" he instantly shuts his mouth and glances around discreetly. Nobody seems to notice so thats good.

Shiro decided to stop talking out loud to avoid getting some suspicious, or any attention and start speaking in his mind.

Why is Naruto a female...is this a fanfiction universe?

Not that he minds it, gender equality you know but it still kinda suprised him.

[Correct, this is the alternate universe, from the original timeline, as it also might be known as fanfiction or cannon.]

Shiro nodded, make sense, the universe is infinite, which means infinite possibilities, including the possibility of Naruto being female in another universe.

Shiro glanced at Naruko, before he shifted his body towards the left, he managed to see another in the distance, Shiro realizes that this was Rock Lee, he then used Observe.

Name: Rock Lee.

Title; none

Job; none

Gender: male

Huh, they maybe nothing now but they will grow into a powerhouse in the future. I should keep my eye out on the both of them, Naruko especially.

Something interesting is bound to happen when she is around...trust m.

Shiro glanced at his hands and clenched it. it is time to learn and grow.

After he thought that Shiro started to write everything down, so that he won't forget, using the skill draft, which basically is like an invisible journal. before putting it into my inventory.


3 years had past away since that fateful discovery, learning Japanese was hard because of my English language, Shiro kept getting it wrong.

It was because of that, learning. the language here was harder, and it took a lot longer to master speaking it.

Eventually Shiro could probably start speaking the language clearly in about a year and a half.

Afterwords, Shiro started to plan on to master his chakra control by doing the chakra exercises he remembers them doing in both anime and fanfiction.

Once he was 5 years old, his chakra control could rival that of Sakura's.

Not talking about Sakura's strength, but more so control. She had insane levels of control in cannon

Ken_Uzumakicreators' thoughts