
Problems with villagers and a new apartment

Nothing of what it was has always been able to escape Shiro's attention. Which means he knew a lot of the stuff from the fanfiction or animation. Shiro read books to help him with his reading and writing skills.

Thank God I have my system. The process would have taken an impossibly longer time for me to start learning how to write as the symbols are like drawings, incredibly confusing.

Where was he now?

He had currently grabbed Naruko by the wrist and pulled her behind him.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Shiro, yelled at the cartaker in Japanese.


"Nothing you would understand, kid." the cartaker said calmly, glaring at Naruko like she was satan himself, "get away from the demon brat."

Naruko looked frightened.

Confused? Well it's simple, life, as wonderful as it can be, can also be just as terrible.

The care taker was just about to smack the girl. When she wasn't doing nothing.

Naruko was my friend, Shiro did not go up to her, she came up to him, after seeing that he didn't discriminate her like the rest.

"No, I will not," Shiro said sternly, "and I understand perfectly, you think Naruto is a demon...he's not a demon, he is a normal boy, my friend."

Honestly, some people might be confused, and ask themselves, "I thought Naruto was a girl named Naruko?" Well she is, but under the order of the third hokage, due to the of fear from the general populace, and he didn't want Naruko to be put in the Clan Restoration act because she was the last of her clan. and it wasn't that hard, so the Hokage kept her gender a secret.

I liked that idea, this kind of gives off a lesser possibility that this is a universe is a universe where there is no bashing of the Third hokage, that doesn't mean that I'll still keep my eye out on him though.

"Then get out!" The caretaker screamed losing her cool, as she shoved us out of the orphanage.

Yes we got kicked out of the orphanage, that's cool I was planning on leaving anyway, we were homeless now...

After that incident, Shiro and Naruko was sleeping soundly against the wall of a random store farther away from the people. When the system awoke me up to something.


[Konoha villagers and shinobi are closing , killing intent aimed at Naruko.]

Shiro's eyes snap open only to see myself surrounded by shinobis and villagers alike.

"Shit...." Shiro cursed in English, as they quickly surrounded us.

"Kid... leave the demon or die with it." a males voice shouted from.the crowd.

"I don't see a demon all I see is a human."

Alright, Shiro thought, time to abuse the hell out of the basic jutsus.

"He's a demon alright, now step aside!"

Shiro glanced at Naruko who was still sleep, before glancing at the crowd "clone jutsu," he muttered under his breathe as he made a handsign . Clones of him appeared next to him.

'This would have been a lot harder without my knowledge of the anime.' Shiro thought


Yu have learned a new skill, "Clone jutsu!"

Shiro quickly grabbed Naruko put her on his shoulders and evaded hid from the mob while he could, when Shiro found a place away and lost the villagers he was about to rest untill Shiro saw the hokage there along with dog closing in.

The Hokage was curious about me when he saw Shiro hanging out with her

Shiro wasn't surprised that he was, all of the civilians hated her.

Why was the Hokage here, how did he find out?

When he went to the village orphanage, he asked to see how was Naruto doing, when the caretaker responded, he was furious.

Shiro wants to protect her womb from the villagers, God knows what unthinkable things the villagers and ninja would do to her, it is surprirsing that they haven't noticed that she was even a girl.

Not really, since Shiro hadn't notice either before his system alerted him about it. Preventing them from noticing she's a girl he had to cut her hair.

After Shiro told the hokage my intake on everything that happened, the hokage was grateful to him for sticking up to Naruko and gave them an apartment to live in... No doubly he is going to have anbu'6s bugging the place so he should be careful with his plans.

Shiro frowned as he started to variate his plan.

Meh somethings wrong with this chapter I can't quite out my finger on it.

have a good day.

Ken_Uzumakicreators' thoughts