
The Strongest Naruto

A rerun of Naruto. the only difference is Naruto's personality and some slight difference in plot...

JustaLazyGuy · Komik
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100 Chs

Chapter 68 - Senju Tsunade(4)

Chapter 68 - Senju Tsunade(4)




(A/N: Hah… What am I doing with my life…? I'm just a lazy guy yet I'm working my ass out on drafting my original story. On top of that, I'm publishing 2 chapters a day here…? Just thinking about it makes me tired… Ah… I'm sleepy… What a drag…)


Naruto opened his eyes wide awake as the morning light came into view. He flipped like a showoff and used [Shadow Clones Jutsu] to make 3 Jounin Clones.

Naruto looked at them as they nodded, knowing what to do. They used [Flying Thunder God Jutsu] to teleport out of the house and into the forest. They were tasked to train, [Condensed Rasengan], with a raised difficulty of course. One [Rasengan] each in their pinky fingers, and thumb fingers in each hand.

Naruto went to the bathroom and took a bath. He also took a shit while he was bathing.

After drying his wet hair, he went on to prepare his breakfast. It was the normal, bacon, egg, and toast breakfast.

He ate with disinterest as he looked out the window, wondering 'Hm… what should I do today?'

Munch, munch…

'Hm… I've been on a training montage for a bit, not really having a rest… I guess I'll go see how everyone is doing…' Naruto decided what he was going to do after he finished eating.

Wearing his usual black long sleeves, and black pants with orange linings… he disappeared as soon as he stepped out of the house. He used [Body Flicker] to jump up in the sky and use [Fly] with 'Wind Sage Chakra.'

He went around Konoha. The first one he saw was Sasuke.

He was using [Lightning Chakra Mode] but in a different way, he was following my instructions.

He was using, [Lightning Chakra Mode] instantaneously. With a step, he uses it and disappears from the spot, he applies Lightning Chakra Nature to his feet, instantaneously like [Lightning Chakra Mode] to attack. He modified [Chidori] and applied it to one of his feet, although it was less powerful, it was efficient.

Chicihcihc! Boom!

Then uses [Lightning Chakra Mode] again to gain distance. He repeated this process again and again.

Naruto smiled and headed to see others.

In another training ground were Shikamaru, Ino, and Chouji.

As usual, Shikamaru was looking lazy, yawning again and again. Then saying "Ino… Chouji… Formation A…"

Ino and Chouji nodded and followed Shikamaru's lazy instruction.

Naruto chuckled when he saw Shikamaru participating in the training. It was not in his personality to do that.

In another training field, Naruto was surprised to see Tsunade and Tobirama fighting.

Tsunade trembled as she had cuts from Shurikens all over her body but was still fighting. She's getting over her fear of blood, little by little, one step at a time. Right now, she was able to move despite her trembling movements.

"Continue!" Tobirama solemnly said as he threw Shurikens from all over the place.

Tsunade with a pale face nodded and continued to fight.

Hashirama watched on the side and called out "Why look from afar? Come here."

Naruto chuckled and arrived next to Hashirama who was watching "As expected of the Shodai Hokage. You detected me."

"Right?! Hahaha! If only you were my little brother instead of Tobirama who only knows to scold me…" Hashirama sighed as he thought about it.

Naruto sat beside Hashirama in a tree and replied "It's not like we're totally unrelated. I'm an Uzumaki, you know?"

"Is that so?! Hahaha! Then just call me Hashirama-jiichan!"

"Too long, no way."

"Hah… can't you at least follow the lead of this dead old man?" Hashirama sulked.

Naruto chuckled and replied "Then, I'd call you Hashi-jii. Hashirama-jiichan is too long."

"Hashi-jii huh…? Sounds good." Hashirama gave Naruto a thumbs up for the nickname.

"So? How are you enjoying the future of the Konoha you built?"

"Umu! It's pretty good but… this peace is still temporary…"

Naruto nodded, "That's for sure, peace is always temporary, stop aiming for eternal peace, as long as emotions exist, human greed is natural and so is war."

"Hah… that's true… I thought if I gave the neighboring villages tailed beasts, they'd stop causing wars…"

Naruto mocked "That's a dumb move. Why would you think giving your enemies weapons will make them stop? They only stopped because you're alive. When you died, you the 'God of Shinobi' , they proceeded with the war since the incredibly strong opponent is dead."

"Hahahaha! No point in worrying about the past! What's done has been done! In any case, I leave Konoha to you."

"Hehe~ As long as Konoha treats me well, I'll treat it as my home, and naturally… protect it."

Hashirama patted Naruto's head "I'll make sure Konoha treats you well!… Oh wait, I'm dead. Hahahaha!" 

(A/N: O_O Is that you? Brook?! Yohoho… I'm sleepy…)

Naruto chuckled at Hashirama's easy going attitude but didn't speak any further.

After watching for a bit, Naruto said his goodbye to Hashirama and didn't go and disturb Tobirama and Tsunade's training.

Naruto was bored, and I am as well. So he talked to Kurama "Kurama? How much of my chakra is being used for your sealing?"

Kurama replied without meaning to "Hm… you like putting numerical value on your chakra so if I were to put one, it would be your current chakra is 8% and 92% used in the seal."

"Wtf? You use 92% of my chakra? You useless freeloader!"

"What'd you say you brat?!" Kurama yelled in anger! It wasn't his choice to be sealed!

"Hah… I'll get you out soon enough." Naruto sighed as he thought about it 'My current chakra was about 4 Jounins… that's 8%… so my total chakra is actually 50 Jounins? How overpowered this body is…'

"Hm?" he murmured as he received his clones' memories. It's been 3 hours and they're already done?

He tested it out. He used 5 [Condensed Rasengan] in one hand, one for each finger. Although it was barely manageable, it was an improvement. Before, he was barely able to use one in one hand. He aimed to be able to use [Condensed Rasengan] in all of his fingertips including the toes on his feet.

He dispersed his chakra and then saw Jiraiya over there again peeping on women. He sighed as he thought 'Again? Doesn't he like Tsuna-ba?'

Tsuna-ba… the nickname he came up with for Tsunade. Just Hashirama's Hashi-jii.

"Perverted Sage…" Naruto called out as he suddenly appeared beside Jiraiya.

"Holy mother of sh… Oh… It's just Naruto huh? What's up?" Jiraiya asked after getting ahold of himself from being surprised.

Naruto's face twitched at Jiraiya's shamelessness that was used to getting caught while peeping. "Nothing~ I thought you like Tsuna-ba? She's here right now, why are you wasting your time peeping?"

"What do you mean waste… but she's indeed here but she's already rejected me."

Naruto sighed and said "Perverted Sage… your EQ is quite high when you're thinking about enemies but when it comes to the woman you love, it's suddenly down the drain?"

Jiraiya played the fool and replied "So? What about it?"

Naruto replied "I've heard the story about Dan and Nawaki. It's in the past, why don't you help her move on from the past and live in the present?"

Jiraiya smiled and looked into the distance, "If I did that, wouldn't I just be a replacement of those she loved in the past? I want the love to be genuine, I will pursue her again once she's moved on."

Naruto was a bit taken aback and replied as he nodded "Certainly… you can look at it that way. Despite being perverted, you have some experience under your belt, Perverted Sage."

"Right? Right? Hahaha!" After laughing out loud, Jiraiya continued "The wheels of fate are starting to turn… I will move soon."

Naruto chuckled at Jiraiya's cringyness but nodded "Alright, I'll leave you be and not interfere with your love life. I hope you achieve what you want."

"Hahaha! Sure, sure. I hope you achieve your dream too."

Naruto nodded and smiled "Of course I will, I'm Uzumaki Naruto."

Jiraiya merely smiled, watching the back of Naruto who was going away.

After checking out most of Konoha, Naruto felt a bit empty, he couldn't help it. He felt that something was missing.

He spent his next days, lazing around, strolling around Konoha, and suddenly, at night time… the door to his house unlocked for him to see a woman… It was Haku. He thought in enlightenment 'I see… she was the missing puzzle huh?'

Naruto smiled with gentleness, and warmth showing in his eyes and said as he saw Haku who was smiling at him. "Welcome home. Haku."

She replied with a smile, returning the greeting "I'm home, Naruto."




(A/N: Filler anyone? Leave a power stone, Thanks~)