
Village of Warrior

" My name is Lucia. "

Both her corners of mouth curved up, her white teeth slightly revealed and two cute dimples could be seen. She gave Kane an elegant and charming smile, Kane lost his soul temporarily. Kane's heart beat fast, red color on his face became thicker, he kept staring at Lucia.

His staring couldn't escape from Lucia's charming eyes, she felt shy as Kane kept staring at her. She was the same age as Kane, although she had shown her great talent in battling, but she was still immature and young about the relationship between male and female. Thus, she didn't know how to act towards Kane's staring eyes, she just felt warmly red on her face. Her shy face had made her more adorable, Kane could sense some blood was going to burst out from his nose.

" Mr. Magus, thanks for your help before in the jungle. Without your help, we probably couldn't retreat ourselves and I had probably died. "

She talked in low voice, she really appreciated Kane's helping hand. Due to his fire magic, those creatures were stunned due to fear and gave them a chance to strike back, she even slew down a beast king.

After listening to her words, Kane regained his soul, his face turned serious. He shook his head and revealed a sigh, " No, you have no need to appreciate me. I was saved because of you, you never give up me. Actually, you could retreat easily on your own, but you choose a difficult path to save me. You are a great warrior with a brave and honor soul, I think I should be the one who says thank you. "

Kane's eyes were full of gratitude, he thought he would probably die without her help. He was the one to be saved and he should be the one to show appreciation.

" No, you really saved me once, I owe you. Protecting the people of the country was my duty as a warrior, hence I just do what I suppose to do. "

Upon mentioning the duty of a warrior, her girly and shy expression was gone off. A look with full honor and arrogant shown on her face, Kane thought that she was really a great warrior like what he had read in the story, willing to sacrifice themselves to protect the people of the country.

" Fine, we both saved each other once. Is that alright? " Kane came up a conclusion to their topic, there was unnecessary for them to argue too much it.

" Well, it is alright. We owe each other. " Lucia agreed with Kane's words.

After Kane concluded their talking, they turned back to silent. Kane turned his head around, trying to come up with some new topics for their chatting. He felt sick for his words, he couldn't even think a single topic which was interesting, mingling with women was his weakness.

" Can I ask you a question? " Lucia asked.

" Of course. " Kane replied in quick.

She stared at Kane with curiosity. Kane could read her expression, she really had some questions to ask him, not just raising questions for longer chatting. " Are you are Rank 3 Magus? As you can use Flame Burst magic, this magic required the user at least with the spiritual energy of Rank 3 to cast it. You are talented, you can reach such a level at a young age. "

" Err… Rank 3? Err... Yes." Kane didn't understand what she said, he had yet to know the cultivating system of this new world. He just nodded his head with a puzzled look.

" You too. From your look, you are about the same age as me. You already are a leader of a soldier team. " Kane replied quickly to Lucia.

After Kane finished his speaking, somebody called Lucia from a far distance. " Leader, we are ready. "

" My soldier calls me, I need to go now. See you later. " Lucia gave a sweet smile and bid farewell to Kane. She then turned her back, headed towards the soldier calling her.

" See ya. " Kane replied with a slight smile and looked at the charming figure leaving away from him.

After a while, he changed his vision from the girl's back to his surroundings. He was standing on red hard soil, the village was in a round shape, a central gathering point in the middle and surrounded by many other buildings. Those buildings were made up of wooden, and most of them were built with one floor. The village was not huge with the capacity of allowing hundreds of people live in this village. Kane felt like he was inside an isolated village from the modern city.

The sun was going to set behind the mountain range, the sky and cloud were colored by orange. The soldiers and villagers cut their rewards from hunting, some of the others were setting up the fire. Kane saw a lot of wooden buckets putting aside the center gathering point, those buckets were filled with pink color liquid. It seemed like a festival was going to be held in the village.

A man with about the age of eighteen walked towards Kane. He wore blue rough clothes with long sleeves, he had brown color hair. His fit body could tell that he was a well-trained warrior and he was taller than Kane.

" Hey, little bro! You have awakened, how do you feel right now. " He spoke with a leisure voice, a big smile hung on his face as his hospitality to welcome the outsider of the village.

Kane looked at him, replied with a smile, " I am fine. And who are you? "

" I am John. I am the one who takes care of you. Your bandage of hand was my work, and your current wearing clothes were mine also. " From his words, Kane knew that the man who named John was the one helped him a lot. John even helped to bandage his injury hand due to burning, and also help to change his filthy clothes.

" Thanks for helping me. " Kane slightly bend his back, show a posture of gratitude to him.

" No need to be so polite. I used to do this kind of job. "

In Kane's eyes, the person with a short beard was not just a stranger for him anymore. He used to help Kane, Kane would remember his kindness and return him in in future.

" Hey, little bro. Your wearing is quite… weird somehow. I can make sure that you are not from the village around here, right? Where are you from? "

John asked Kane curiously, He used to help Kane to change his clothes when the time Kane was fallen asleep, he saw Kane wore with white soft clothes and thick blue pants, this style of clothes was far different from them. In fact, what Kane wore were a yellow T-shirt with colorful picture and a black blue jean.

" Just call me Kane. Err… Yup, I am not the people nearby. I come from a place far away from this village. And, I think I have no way to head back my hometown. "

Some sadness filled Kane's eyes, he was a little bit homesick to his home although there was no single one in his home to wait for him. He just told John that he came from somewhere far away from this village. If he was to tell John he was from a planet called earth and teleported by a weird cover book to his current whereabouts, John surely felt he was ridiculous and talked nonsense.

" Oh, I see. If you have no place to live, you can live here how long the time you want. Because there were many empty houses here, you just need to clean it on your own and stayed without paying rent. "

John didn't ask more about the question where Kane from, he understood that everyone had their own secrets and hardships. That was no need to come up answers from the person who was not willing to tell, sometimes knew too much would probably bring disaster to him.

The village was poor and isolated, many empty houses were there. John gave the suggestion to Kane, he could live here if he couldn't go back to his hometown. Kane really appreciated it, he at least had a warm place to live and rest.

" There are some matters you must know once you live in this village. The first, forest area around 1 mile from the village, we call that area as shallow area. That area is safe for anyone to hang around, thus you can pay a visit anytime you wish, no big deal there. "

" But, the forest outside the area was called as deep forest, there is not a place for a common villager to pay a visit leisurely. A lot of tough creatures are hanging around, you may be killed by those creatures if you unintentionally step to the deep forest. Unless you are tougher than them, try not to step into the deep forest side. "

" And the last thing, this one will kill you in no time if you accidentally consume it. There is a type of herb grew in the forest, it just four leaves and a thin stem. The herb's leaves were Golden color in the middle and red in the edge. "

" The name of the herb is Golden Mush Herb. The herbs are not easy to be found, if you do find one, don't try to eat it as you may be killed by your curiosity. "

John gave advice to Kane, he told him some basic knowledge of the village. It once again showed his kindness to an outsider, he gave warning about the danger of deep forest as Kane may accident walked into. And, about the Golden Mush Herb, Kane didn't think he was stupid enough to try eating something he didn't know.

" Thanks for your information, I really appreciate it. " Kane appreciated him once again. Kane could understand him the meaning of his words, the deep forest was a habitat for many fierce creatures and dangerous for a commoner. Just like his previous experience in the forest, he was almost killed by a Hammer Gorilla. Sometimes, the warrior with no enough strength would face hardship as well.

One question flashed through his mind if the forest was such dangerous, how could the outsider pay a visit to this village?

John looked at his question face, started to explain more information to him, " The deep forest really sounds dangerous, but there is a path to get out of here without attacking by the creatures. But the path normally is known by the locals only, if the outsiders really want to come to this village, they probably need to recruit a team of soldiers to protect them in order to get in here safely. But, who will pay a lot of money coming to a poor and isolated village such ours. "

John laughed after finishing his speaking.

" Later, if I am free. I will show you around and have a close look at this village."

"Thank you. " Kane appreciated him once more again. He lowered his body, bent his back to show his sincere gratitude to the man in front of him.

" Haha… You are really a polite young man. You must be well educated, perhaps you are somewhat young master from the ancient hidden family in the mountain. "

" Oh yes, tonight we will hold a festival to celebrate in our village. You can join us as long as you are willing. I am here to see whether you have got well or not, I have to go now, farewell. " John replied.

John waved hand to bid farewell to Kane. Kane responded him with a smile, waved his right hand and bid farewell in return.

" Ah, I nearly forget something to tell. Before I leave, I have some more words to you. " John suddenly turned his back, looked at Kane with a big smile showing all his white teeth.

" Welcome to the village of warrior, Sagadia. "

John left.