

" Kept calm! Practice the technique! " Cecelia shouted on his ears, she tried to make Kane calm and focus on practicing the technique.

Unfortunately, due to the devastating effect of the Golden Mush Fruit, the suffering made him almost lost all his five senses. Couldn't hear, couldn't see, and couldn't smell.

It seemed both of them had underestimated the effect of the Golden Mush Fruit. The Cooling Grass showed the only mild effect to hold down the power of the fruit, perhaps it could be said that no effect towards the suffering of Kane. It as if drop some ice into the sea of fire.

As Kane had lost his conscious and mind turned blankly, he couldn't practice the technique, which made him cool down himself, thus his condition became worse.

Only just a moment, Kane had lost.

" Oh no! If the condition kept continuing in such way, he probably will die. " Cecelia muttered.

By looking at Kane, her brows were frowned tightly, biting her soft lips and clenching her fists to the point all her nails were going to pierce into her palms.

The emotion of anxiety overwhelmed her face. Just taking a few seconds to figure out what she supposed to do, Cecelia immediately controlled her spiritual energy inside her body and led the energy to Kane body.

" Hold on! I will save you! "

" Please wake up immediately! You are the only one who could save yourself. "

Green flashy color energy kept emerging from Cecelia body, her current body was looked as though a bright torchlight and the light radiated to all angles. The energy came out from all directions of her body, the energy was then flowed towards Kane, wrapping his whole body to cure him.

Much sweats were flowed down from her head, Cecelia closed her eyes and fully focused on controlling the energy and curing process. She clearly understood every second was very important for Kane if she lost her focus and this may result in the death of Kane. Thus, she dared not to lose her attention on Kane.

At the same time, not like before, Kane didn't show any suffering face, didn't scream due to suffering as well. This didn't mean he was well, but this showed that his life energy was kept losing. The current Kane was looked like an empty body without a soul, staring to the front without any focal point.

Many old memories kept flashing across his mind, the time he was a child and his parents still were beside him. His beloved granny who took care of him after his parents passed away. The day of him stood in front of his granny's grave. Even the memories of being a baby were clear in his mind now, usually nobody would the memories of that period.

That maybe was the what other called as flashed back memories before death.


" Err? " A very small volume sound was entered his ears. " What is that sound? "

" Ka... " The sound became clearer and Kane couldn't understand what those sound meant.

His soul was floating in a realm, this was what Kane could tell. He couldn't see anything at all where the black was filled his surroundings. The entire body was felt like weightless, he couldn't even move a single of his finger.

The eternal realm made him feel lonely, the darkness slowly overwhelmed his heart. From his feeling, he couldn't tell some source of important energy from his body kept losing to the surrounding. He just could sense it, yet had no means to avoid it.

" Kane!! Wake up! " A loud echoed in the realm. It made him wondering.

" Huh? " Kane slowly regained some mind.

" Wake up now! "

Those sound echoed in his soul until every corner, stimulating his mind and allow him to slowly regain his soul. Later, he felt some green flashy energy flowed inside all his body, cured him and made him feel warm.

" Yes, I am Kane. Where am I now? " Kane asked himself. Peace slowly appeared in his soul, the mind became clearer.

" That must be the voice of Cecelia, she is calling me. I need to wake up now, I will not be ended up in such a way. "

The darkness was dispelled slowly, much and much warm light passed through the darkness and fell on his soul.


After a while, Cecelia looked at the face of Kane and a slight smile was shown on her face. As she saw, Kane slightly returned livelily.

" ERR!!! " Kane screamed out loud, many veins have clearly appeared on his face. Immediately, Kane took out all the Cooling Grass and consumed them in one time.

Actually, their initial plan was Kane ate the one Cooling Grass every ten seconds. But now, Kane didn't care too much and ate them all as there was too much suffering as if he was under a Fire Torment of the Hell.

This time, he immediately sat in a correct position, straighten his backbone, and gesture certain style and practice the technique.

" Thanks, Cecelia. I feel better now. " Kane felt hard to come out some words from his mouth, yet he wanted to tell Cecelia that he was fine now.

Cecelia spoke with a gasp voice: " That is great! "

She was exhausted now, started to gasp with a soft voice. Sweats had wet the entire half of her cloth, as too much energy was used to save Kane.

Cecelia just awakened one week, but this was already the third time she saved Kane. Every time, she almost used up all her energy and needed to take a long time resting. This time was far more difficult for her compared to before.

By practicing the technique, Kane felt coldness over his whole body, this helped him to hold down the burning suffering the fruit brought to him. With the aid of Cooling Grass, which be consumed all by Kane in one time, maximize the coldness and made him felt better.

Kane felt that a long time had passed, but only two minutes had flown in reality. The suffering was timeless for him, and he didn't know how long the time he needed to endure this suffering. Yet, he could only try his best to hold this as long as he could.

Both of them were worked hard. But, one problem arose.

Kane had already consumed all the Cooling Grass. As consuming too little amount showed no effect on him, plus he was at the edge of death just now, thus he had no choice but eating all them to turn his hardship.

This clearly showed that he needed to consume a lot of Cooling Grass and practicing the technique in order to allow him to fight against the burning pain.

There was no any Cooling Grass now. In this condition, he had no remaining attention to run out and find these herbs.

The feeling of unbearable suffering slowly returned to his heart.

" ERR… " Kane moaned in a slow voice, his face slowly changed from calm to a face which was full of suffering.

" How can this be? Kane started to moan and this means that he is nearly to reach his limit. " Cecelia's eyes were filled with worrying. What should she do? She had no ideas, could only bless inside her heart to hope Kane would finally go through this.

Without too much other thinking, Cecelia focused back to cure Kane. Her cute face became paler, too much energy had used up, she forced herself too much. In her heart, she felt guilty towards Kane as she chose a very aggressive way for Kane to train himself.

Actually, she could guild him to get the power as a warrior slowly, no need to be rush. But there was no way return, what she could do now was focusing on helping Kane.

Forty more seconds had gone, Kane finally lost his calm and couldn't maintain the correct position and gesture of practicing.

" Guaaargh…! " Kane couldn't endure that suffering anymore.

" Burning! Burning! " Kane could tell, all his organs underwent intense pain as if they were on fire. He even felt that the chest was kept pouched with a 200-pound hammer, making him difficult to breathe. The entire body muscle was being pierced by ten thousand sharp needles.

" Ahhh! " Kane lost control of his body, standing up, ran crazily and dumped his body on the wall.

" Wait! Keep calm! " Cecelia immediately followed him.

Bang! Bang!

The sound of the fists frequently punched on the stone echoed in the cave. Due to losing self-controlled, Kane used both fists hitting on the ground, the wall and himself, as if this was a way for him to reduce his pain.

Unfortunately, this method wouldn't work, more wound appeared on his hand.

" Err! Err! " Punch and punch. More and more punches were hit on the wall, blood kept flowing out from his fists. Compared to the burning suffering of the fruit, this was nothing to him.

" Kane! You should... " Cecelia wanted to make Kane return to calm. Upon the time she flew near to Kane, she was accidentally hit by Kane rising elbow.

" Ouch! " Cecelia fell to the ground. Her knees were direct to and slide on the ground. This made a deep wound on her knee, some blood was flowed out.


The big hole has appeared on the wall. This had shown how crazy Kane hitting on the wall until the wall crushed and made a big hole on the wall. at the same time, more blood on his hands.

" Kane, please... Wait! Where are you going?! Come back. " Cecelia pressed her hands on the ground to raise her body. She then saw that Kane made a fierce scream and crazily ran out from the cave.