
Three Women And One Show


Kane was forced out by the book, he appeared again at his home. Due to losing his stability, he fell down with his butt directly hitting on the ground, caused him great hurt on his butt and backbone.

" What the… " Kane nearly spoke out vulgar words from his mouth. But, when it came to considering speaking rude words in front of a little girl was bad, he stopped his word immediately.

" Haha… your expression is funny. Is your huge butt alright? " Cecelia was naughty and laughed at Kane by looking his bitter expression.

He had regretted about his previous thought, he must speak out loud what the vulgar word came to his head just now.

Kane sighed and shook his head helplessly, he didn't know what to do to this naughty little fairy. Cecelia gave him totally two different feelings, one was a knowledgeable fellow who could impart him a lot of knowledge, Kane really appreciated her teaching. The other was, sometimes, Cecelia acted like a little sister who was naughty and active, needed care, love and tolerance from Kane.

In fact, Kane had treated her like his little sister. Thus, he ignored his sister's naught and laughing, giving her much tolerance.

" Maybe this was the little sister I always looking for when I was a child. Now, I really have a cute and adorable sister but she is naughty and out of control. "

Kane muttered to himself. Recalling back the old memories that he asked his parents the reason of having no a little brother or sister to play with him. His parents always told him that he would soon have a young sibling. But, it seemed there was no chance for him to have blood-related siblings.

" Are you laugh enough? Let's get back to our topic, what do you find? " Kane's face turned serious and asked Cecelia. He hoped that she could give him an answer to solve his puzzle. He had a strong urge to figure out the weird phenomenon shown by the book, was it good or bad? Will this come in handy for him or not?

Upon looking at his serious look, Cecelia stopped laughing. When it came to this phenomenon, the puzzling look was thicker on her face. She stared at Kane's face, took a long breath before speaking.

" I have never met this phenomenon before. For the previous owner, what he did was just summoning out this book and learned knowledge from it. But the condition changed when it comes to you. At first, you could not even connect with the book. All of a sudden, you successful connect yourself to the book. Not summon the book on your hand but directly enter a realm in the book. "

" In my opinion, even a knowledgeable person such previous owner of the book couldn't explain this phenomenon as well. Thus, you must find out the answer on your own. "

Cecelia couldn't give him an answer. The book was still highly unexplored, many more secrets were hidden from the owner, maybe more correctly speaking, the owner was not good enough to get that information.

But when it came to the ability of those previous owners, most of them were the most genius magus with a good fame in their time of period. If their intelligence were still not enough to know all the secrets of this book, who else could explore its true faces?

The previous owner had mentioned before, he may be the most talented owner among them, but he just stressed that he had only explored roughly twenty percent of the book's content, perhaps lesser than this number. With the aid of this book, he finally became a legend in the history of humankind. He was the only one saint level magus within recent five hundred years of period.

Kane revealed a sigh, he understood that Cecelia couldn't answer him. The answer could only be revealed by his effort. " Well, I have one more question. What do you do upon the time I was in the book realm? "

" I looked at it carefully to determine whether this book is the same as the one owned by the previous owner. And the result is positive, the book is the same as before. "

Cecelia still remembered the cover of the book, its logo, design, and inscription.

" When I am going to open the book, the book suddenly disappeared and you reappeared again. "

That was what had happened to him. An idea flashed across his head, once he entered the book realm, the book would replace him for some reason. If the book was opened or whatever acted on it, he would be forced out by the book.

This may be related to some theory of time and space, something must be replaced if he suddenly disappeared from this world. This process of replacing had a weakness as well, the process would be ended if being disturbed.

Kane understood that nothing was perfect in the world if he could enter the book anytime and anywhere, and there were no methods to interfere with this process. He could hid himself or retreat for any danger in no time. But the fact was he couldn't take advantage of this to become one of his ideal means to avoid danger and fatal damage.

" Maybe we can give it more tries to understand what really happened on the book, don't you think my suggestion is good? " Cecelia suggested.

" You are right. " Without hesitation, Kane entered the realm again. He just walked on the realm a few steps, he was once again being forced out.

The same thing happened, his butt was directly fell to the ground as he lost his stability.

"Again! " Cecelia spoke.

" Alright. " After Kane entered for just a while, a teasing smile shown on Cecelia's face. From her smile, Kane could tell that some bad idea had come to her little head but he had no chance to see it.

Kane forced out again as Cecelia knocked the book with her fist.

" Again! " This process was repeated many times, Kane seriously followed what she instructed.

Finally, Cecelia couldn't endure it anymore and was burst in laugh.

" Haha… I want to ask you again. How is your big butt? Is it alright? I couldn't endure enough more, every time I saw your idiotic face when falling on the ground with your butt directed to the ground, your expression is very funny and make me laugh. "

Cecelia was cried out laughing as loud as she could, even hold her abdomen with both hands. Now it was clear, Cecelia just wanted to make fool of Kane as she found it interesting.

Kane's face turned red as he was laughed by Cecelia, some fury came into his head. This little fairy had gone too far. " You! How dare you make fool of me, I will show you my true color if I catch you! "

" As you wish, you can't catch me. Haha… " Cecelia beat her winds quickly and escaped from the scene to outside with teasing laughing and words.

" Do you think you can escape from me? You better fly as fast as you can, or I will show you what I have to you. "

Kane chased towards Cecelia's direction. He thought that he must give a lesson to this naughty fairy, this would be the best way to correct her manner.

He ran to the door in a hurry and opened it forcefully as he was in furious. After opening the door, his face suddenly turned red such a mature red apple because he was being looked by someone with a surprising look.

" Err… Mr. Mag… No, I mean Kane. Am I arrive at the wrong time? "

By looking at Kane's outraged look, Lucia wondered the reasons for his fury. Was she not welcomed to his home. Did she do something to make him lose his temper? Or maybe this was his true personality, not the quiet and polite guy she expected before?

Remained silent. Kane didn't know what he supposed to say, he lowered his head to hide his shyness. Like before, the atmosphere became cold again. Perhaps they didn't really share any same interest, their conservation was difficult to start it up.

Knowing that he couldn't let the atmosphere became colder, he immediately raised the head and tried hard to give her an explanation. Upon he saw her beautiful eyes, full of wonder, full of puzzling and even had strong intent to find out an answer on her big eyes, Kane ate back all his words.

How could he lie when a pair of innocent eyes was looking at him?

A naughty figure fell into the edge of his vision, he quickly took a glimpse on it. Cecelia teasing mouth was still shown on her face. But after seeing Kane's awkward condition, her smile of teasing was thicker.

Kane gave her furious stare with frowned bows. Cecelia didn't care about it, she stuck her tongue out and looked at Kane with blinked innocent eyes. Then, she burst into a laugh again.

Shameless! Shameless! Is she really a fairy? No, she is not. She just has the appearance but no heart of a pure fairy. Her true self must be evil. That is right, she is an evil, shameless and naughty evil.

His expression couldn't escape from Lucia's eyes.

Lucia was once again the one who started to speak and break the icy atmosphere. But this time, no warm and care came from her mouth but just disappointment.

" Sorry to disturb you, maybe I am not being welcomed. I will go now. " After finishing her speaking, she turned her back and was going to leave.

Upon looking the moment of Lucia turning her back, he found himself had done something unforgivable. Her back was full of upset. How could he hurt a beauty's heart? This was not a behavior of a gentleman.

" No, no, no! I don't mean that. I surely welcome you, you saved me once. Please don't leave and stay here. "

Kane was in a lost on his words. His brain was progressed with the speed he never experienced before and came out to these words. He tried to stop her from leaving, but he had used the wrong tune of speaking. This would probably be misunderstood by others as if a girl was hurt by his man and left him, but the man finally knew his fault and beg for her staying.

The work of fate was always a fantasy, making a lot of events connected together and turned it into a beautiful misunderstanding. Their chat was heard by the kind neighbor aunt who gave Kane bread as breakfast. She shook head and sighed, she decided in her heart that she must do something to solve the conflict of this couple.

" Oh, my sweet girl. Don't just leave, maybe he does have some explanation for his fault. Just give your boyfriend a chance, if the answer is not satisfied us, I will help to scold this cold-hearted young man. "

" What?! " Kane and Lucia yelled out simultaneously. What was this aunt talking about? When did they become a couple?

Knowing the kind aunt had misunderstood, Kane had strong urge to explain to her that their relationship was just treating each other as a friend, they were not couple as she thought. Kane told himself in heart, he must stop her from talking too much because the more misunderstanding would be created.

" No, aunt. This is not what you thinking… "

" Shut up! Don't disturb female's chatting. I want to scold you, how could you treat your girlfriend bad. Don't you know women hearts as fragile as glass, easily being hurt and broken. We women needed care and love from our man, but you did something hurting this beautiful girl's heart. Once I know this, I couldn't just sit there and watch it. I must let you know… " Aunt spoke nonstop to give Kane lessons how to be a good man.

His eyes occasionally turned into the direction of Cecelia and Lucia. Cecelia was enjoying the interesting drama in front of her, if she knew something called popcorn, she surely would get some and ate while appreciating the drama acted by Kane.

On the other hand, Lucia's face was shy, the red cloud was thicker on her face. She really had a beautiful and flawless face, especially red clouds that were shown on her face, making her more cute and adorable. Kane almost losst his soul and manner upon looking at her shy face.

Finally, the kind-hearted aunt thought that he was a bad guy who hurt the beautiful girl's heart. Thus, she thought also that Lucia was being hurt by her lazy young neighbor, and decided to teach Kane a lesson although she had yet to understand the condition.

" What should I do to deal with them? I felt that dealing with women was more difficult to learn magic. Heavenly Divine Book in my mind, you are being called All-Known sometime, am I right? Could you please tell me how to solve these. " Kane told in his heart in silence. He couldn't help feeling a headache, he really hoped that the book could give him an answer.

Sorry, no answer!

If the mysterious book did have soul and mind, it probably would say this sentence to Kane.

Looked like girls are more mysterious than the Heavenly Divine Book.

Mysterious. Mysterious. Mysterious.

This word was filling Kane's head.