
The Red hair Beauty

" This is not enough yet. Keep going, I need to make a powerful flame burst. " Kane's hands were shaking, he was about to reach his limit but he didn't have the intention to stop. He could even feel his hands were going to burst because too much energy accumulating on his palms as if a balloon being blown to its limit and would probably burst in no time.

" Flame Burst! " Kane cast the magic. This time, the energy flow inside his body became more fluent compared to previous tries. He led the energy flow to his palms, kept accumulating the energy until he felt that something was going to burst from his hand.

" Leader! " The soldier shouted with despair and sadness.

The girl closed her eyes tightly, waiting for her death quietly. She understood that it was too late for her to retaliate or dodged away from the attack. After a while, she found that nothing had happened to her, the matter didn't go on as she imagined, the hammer didn't hit on her. She could even hear the moan of great suffer from the beast king. She opened her eyes, what she saw really made her surprise.

" Guaagh…. !!! " The beast king was burning in fire. It moaned in agony, it probably had a great suffered mentally and physically. The beast king used its bare hands and tried to put on the fire. Later, it even rolled on the ground here and there.

All of the creatures were stunned by looking at the power efficiency of flame burst. Actually, the Hammer Gorilla was vulnerable to fire, this was the reason those creatures were scared by Kane's magic. If the group of soldiers had a magus with knowledge of using fire magic, they would probably feel easier while fighting with the creatures.

" Magus? " The female leader surprised. She never thought that the commoner she saved was a magus.

Kane felt dizzy on his head, by casting the magic had consumed him a lot of energy from his spiritual soul sea, made him feel weak as if he was going to fall down in no time. Finally, Kane was able to cast the magic in an urgent time to save the female leader. Although the beast king was heavily hurt yet he won't lose his alert. As he understood that they were still in severe condition, he must turn the condition and save them.

" Let me use it again, I want to save them. " Without wasting time, Kane moved his hands to both his sides, to the front direction of the soldiers, he cast the magic again in hurry.

" Flame Burst! "

Kane cast two flame burst magic at the same time to two different directions. The creatures in front of the soldiers caught on fire as well. The soldiers were surprised by Kane of his fire magic. Some of the younger soldiers had no experience to fight alongside with magus, thus they didn't know too much about magus and estimate the power of the fire.

" Guaaagh… " The Hammer Gorilla moaned in agony as well as the beast king. The power of fire was much weaker compared to the flame burst cast to the beast king, as Kane almost used up his spirit energy, but it was enough for him to deal with the weaker green creatures.

Kane used all his remaining strength, shouted towards the female leader and the soldiers, " It is time! Fight back! " Then, he felt weak and fell to the ground.

The girl with burning red hair was the fastest one reacted to the current situation. She took up her long sword, slew on the neck of the beast king, causing a deep wound on its neck. The beast king couldn't retaliate at all as it only focused on putting the fire off, thus made it easily killed by the female leader. Plus, the effect of the flame burst was powerful, it actually was far powerful than the flame burst cast by a normal magus. Kane was able to cast out such powerful magic because with the aid of the mysterious book.

The other three Hammer Gorilla in front of her being slain down one by one as well. At the same time, the archer shot his arrow towards the creatures which were on fire, he shot accurately to cause fatal damage on them. Normally, it is not easy for an archer to kill the creatures in one shoot as they were high in agility, while the creatures were on fire and widely opened.

" The victory is on us. My soldiers, it is time for us to show them what we get. " The female leader shouted towards her soldiers, all the soldiers regained their high spirits again and fought bravely.

More creatures were being slain down, the remaining ran from the soldiers. The soldiers tried to catch up to the creatures but stopped by their leader.

" We have won, there is no need for us to chase the remaining. " The female spoke to the soldiers who tried to chase the remaining creatures.

" We are saved. " Kane revealed a sigh of relief, all his stress and sense of frustrating were gone off.

His face became paler as if being color with thick white color, he almost lost his conscious but tried hard to stand up as the female leader was approaching to him. His hands were in heavy injury due to burning, the magic caused backfire to him.

As the female leader walked to his front, Kane showed a slight smile on his face. He wanted to appreciate what she did to him, she never gave up him and tried all her best to save him. His heart was really touched at that time, hence he wanted to show his sincere gratitude to the girl.

Kane used his very last energy to say the following two words.

" Thank you." After speaking, Kane couldn't support his body anymore and fell to the front.

" This is our duty to save the people of our country. Actually, I am the one who wants to thank… "

She had yet to finish his speaking, she found that Kane was falling to the ground. She was shocked by sudden fall down of Kane, she stepped back from him. She knew that Kane would probably fall directly to the ground and caused more damage to his weak body. Thus, she rushed back to his front, tried to support him with both of her hand, but she failed as she couldn't expect Kane's sudden falling toward him.

Kane fell into her hug. He could feel something soft pressing on his chest, made him feel very warm although being blocked by a light chest armor. Before he completely lost his conscious, he had a glimpse on the girl's face, the red cloud on her face became thicker.

She has curve blue eyes, crystal white skin and vermilion lips. The red clouds on her flawless face made her more beautiful and seductive towards man, certainly, man would be attracted by her shy-looked face and fell in love with her.

Kane had completely lost his conscious and he would surely have a sweet dream.

He was dreaming.

Many of his old memories kept entering his dream. In his dream, he was still in the world he familiar with.

Kane was a 14-year-old teenager who likes to read books, especially fantasy novels. He always hoped that someday he could be like the magus in the storybook, had mysterious power to cast magic. He even strongly believed that magic really exists, not the kind of magic performed on the stage, but the real magic which was a deep secret of the world without acknowledgment of commoner.

What he believed always be the reason of people laughing at him, as they were with the thought of Kane was some kind of idiot or someone who indulge too deeply in the movie, cannot differentiate what was reality and virtual.

"Haha… What a pity boy who still believes in the fairy tales. "

" Kane, I know that magic is very fantasy and attractive. But, it is just a story, you should not indulge yourself too deeply. "

" I know you have sad childhood, your parent died when you are 8. Maybe it is a way to let you forget about those things. But you have grown up, you must know what is a reality. "

These are the words the others told to him, he also noticed that he was indulging in the fantasy stories deeply. He believed that magic really existed…

Maybe, he also didn't believe the existent of magic but just hoped that the magic really exists in the world. He just wished he could possess those magic power one day and many of the unacceptable facts can be changed by his power - his parents' death.

The scenery of his dream changed, he became a child once again. His parents were beside him, gave much of their love and caring to him. Those memories are the sweetest to him, he wanted to be loved and cared once again, but the fact is solid.

His heart was broke once he heard about his parents' death in a car accident, both of them left him forever.

His surroundings suddenly turned dark, he was sitting inside the darkness with scare and sad. No light, no warm and no love. He raised his head with a crying face, he saw his parents standing in front of him. He stood up quickly and ran towards them, but his parents kept away from him and their image became blur and blur. He kept running as fast as his feet could take him, yet this was no way for him to catch up them.

His heart was full of sorrow and despair. He screamed towards his parents with all his strength, " COME BACK! "


Kane was awakened by a loud sound.

He slowly opened his heavy eyes, an old and decrepit house fell into his vision, its corners were full of cobwebs.

" Where am I? " He wondered his whereabouts. He was on a bed, the bed was hard and not comfortable. He raised his hands, he found that his hands were bandaged, burning pain could be still felt by him yet not that intense as before.

" My head! " He had yet to recover from the sharp pain of his head. His lips and face were covered with white, he even found heavy to open his eyes. He sat on the bad and observed his surrounding, he was in a primitive square house with a table at the center of the house, bed on the right side. He looked around, he could see a window at his front and a wooden door at his left.

Kane was raised curiosity by the loud sound outside the house. He carried his heavy body, walked to the door and lay on its side to support his body as he was weak now. Some soldiers with familiar look fell into his field of vision, they were shouldering deer-like creatures and gathered those dead meat in a place, about 5 big dead meat were there.

Kane swept his eyes to another direction, an adorable girl was fell in his vision as well. The girl has a sweet smile with white teeth, her deep red color hair occasionally blown by the wind. She was half a head lower height than Kane, there was no serious look on her face as in the forest, what he saw was a beautiful face with a kind smile when talking to the villagers.

She found out that Kane was awakened. After she finished her talking, she walked towards to him, she was in light armor and the sound created from her armor could be heard when she was getting closer to Ray.

" You have awakened. It is nice to see you in the good condition, " She spoke with a happy voice, as she was worry about the well-being of Kane.

" Yes, I am in one piece," Kane replied her words. The heartbeat of Kane became faster and louder as he talked with the girl. This kind of feeling he never ever experienced before.

They showed a slight smile to each other, looking at each other.

After a while, the atmosphere turned cold, they still looked at each other without talking. Kane tried hard to construct his words, he urged to break the cold atmosphere between them.

" Err… We just know each other for a short time and I don't know your name yet. Err... What I mean… I want to ask about your name. "

Kane found difficult to speak fluently when he was looking at the girl's beautiful face. He would like to know the girl's name, but feeling shy to ask. He was a person with a bit personality of an introvert.

" My name is Lucia. Nice to meet you. "