
The Chosen One, New Journal Began

The sun raised from the east, sunlight shine through the gaps of mountain range into the village. The villagers had already waked up before the rising sun, they started their daily work to make their own living.

Kane sat on the bed, cultivating with the technique given by the fairy. The sweats covered his whole body, wet his cloth throughout and this made an unpleasant feeling for him. He focused on concentrating his mind, controlling his breath to reach his mind at the state of peace and sensing the energy flowed slowly inside his soul.

Kane had yet to master the way of controlling the energy flow inside his body precisely. The energy was just allowed to flow directionless in his body, then he tried hard to lead it and accumulated the energy to his soul sea.

The sense of fulfilling across his whole body, his mind and muscle were warmly treated by the energy flow. All his pain and sense of powerless had gone off, he was high in spirit through the whole night he hadn't slept.

Kane turned around his head, looking for the fairy. The fairy was on his shoulder, she slept quietly with a sweet smile on her face. Kane bet she must be having a nice dream, wondered what she was dreaming about. He didn't move his body as if he fear of waking up her.

After a whole night of cultivation, he felt a great change on his body, energy flow could be sensed clearly in his body, the feeling that Kane hadn't felt before. His eyes were full of gratitude towards the fairy, she saved him once and also taught him the technique to train his soul.

" I will be a great magus in this world, this is what I always dream for. " Kane mumbled to himself with rising up great ambitious in his mind. Kane recalled back the memories of fighting in the forest, he stayed quiet for a while.

" Maybe I should train my body to become a sword man as well. The magus is powerful with their magic, yet they are weak in physical state. If I can possess both strength and power at once, I am sure I will be like the main character in the RPG games, one hand wielding the strongest weapon and the other hand casting powerful magic ." Upon coming to his imagination, he was high in spirit, straightened his backbone as if he was looking for something with great ambition.

The fairy fell from his shoulder, she was yet to aware that.

Kane noticed his falling, tried to catch her with his right hand. She was shocked and waked up suddenly as she was falling in the middle of the air. She struggled to achieve her body balance in a great effort, flew with her winds towards Kane.

The red color on her face grew thicker, she was seriously full of fury. Kane gave her a dry smile as he even didn't know what kind of expression should he give to the furious fairy, the only fact he understood was the fairy was angry at his flawless act.

" How dare you drop me from your shoulder. You are ungrateful as always to somebody helps you." Her eyes were full of fire as if the fire would burst out in no time. Kane remained speechless, he couldn't find any excuse to deal with her anger.

" I don't have any intention to make to you angry, I want to thank you for helping me. Last night I felt great pain in my mind, thus I lost my temper and scolding at you, I apologize for what I did. " Kane showed his grateful words to the fairy.

After hearing Kane's thankful words, her temper getting more controlled by her. She felt satisfied with those words of Kane, at least she knew Kane was the one who didn't forget the good deed others did to him. But, she showed the face of she wasn't the type of girl that could be settled by man's simple sweet words.

A question flashed through Kane's mind, something he must know as he will get along with the fairy a long time as the mysterious book still floating in his mind.

" Nice to meet you, my name is Kane," Kane spoke with a slight smile on his face.

" What is your name? "

The fairy was stunned by his question, she pointed her little finger on her face by holding her one of her elbow by the other hand. She slightly tilted her head, made her more adorable, immersing at her world of thinking. Kane had to admit that the green fairy was adorable though she had a talkative mouth and was easy to lose her temper, she looked like the fairy on the TV.

" I don't have a name. From my blurred memories, before I awakened, I was alone in the forest with no friends, no family and no someone beside me. Humans just call me as Fairy, many of them are curious about me and thus I became their prey."

After great effort of thinking, she gave up herself and lost her words. Depression, sadness and loneliness flashed across her eyes, Kane felt sorry about his past. He decided to do something to cheer this fairy up.

" What about Cecelia? Start from now, your name is Cecelia. I am your family member and elder brother as well. " Kane gave her a name, smile warmly to show his kindness towards the fairy

" Cecelia? That sounds great! I will be Cecelia now. " Cecelia was happy about her new name, she flew here and there, rotating her body while flying to show her joy of getting a new name.

After minutes, she flew back to the front of Kane, hugging her chest and spoke " The name sounds great, but there is no relation of family between you and me. The only relation is, you are my servant. Hmph…! "

Cecelia was touched by those words from Kane, yet she didn't admit it. She spoke something coldly to hide her true feeling, she was always alone, however, she had someone willing to care about her now. Even though they just knew for one day, Kane could know well her personalities, she felt shy to admit her true feeling… except for her furious emotion. Hence, Kane didn't care about her cold words, slight smile showed on his face.

He indulged himself in thinking again, he wondered when is the time for him to start training. By looking at Cecelia, the surge of anticipation thicker in his pupils just thinking that he finally could act as the powerful magus in TV. His emotion couldn't escape from Cecelia's eyes, she tried to figure out the best way for him to train.

Cecelia smiled and spoke " It is time for training. Always remember, power is the most important for you to survive in this brutal world, as this world shows no mercy on weaklings. You must at least achieve the state of level ensuring your safety."

Kane agreed with her words, he almost died in the forest as he couldn't stand a chance with the green creatures. This was the reason why he urged for power, he didn't want to feel again the feeling of powerless and his fate was controlled by the others' hand.

" Can I train myself as the warrior at the same time? " The fantasy imagination still remained in his brain. That really cool to be a warrior who could cast magic and use martial art at the same.

" I don't think so. " Cecelia replied.

" Why? "

We never knew as we never tried it. This was what Kane thought in his heart as he still remembered many stories told by his parents to him. As long as the person kept trying and improving himself although his goal maybe seemed ridiculous in the other people's view, yet he could eventually succeed just like scientists. Most of their theories were unacceptable and seemed ridiculous at their period of time. But finally being proved that those theories were correct and bring advantages to many people.

From his dedicate eyes, Cecelia knew that he wouldn't give up as long as he never tried it. She knew it did best for her to come up with some difficult challenge for Kane to make him give up this thought. It was better for him to train in one specific field, she didn't think Kane was clever enough to learn knowledge from his idiotic appearance.

" Well, I will give you a test. If you can pass it, I allow you to do what you wish and I will fully support you as well. If fail, no weird thinking and focus on training your soul and learn magic. " Cecelia spoke seriously. Some hardship must be given to Kane in order to let him give up his unrealistic mind.

" I give you a word - unrealistic idiot. Try to write it down with both of your hands simultaneously. One hand write in the correct order of this phrase, the other hand write in inverted order, that is, 'toidi citsilaernu'. "

" Can you do this? "

This was a very difficult challenge. Most of us could focus on one thing at one time, but Cecelia required Kane write these two phrases at the same time. Only a few people could make it. Even women with high multitasking ability probably failed to do so.

" So, if I manage to do it. You will tell me how the way of training as a magus and warrior simultaneously? " Kane asked with emotionless on his face.

" Of course. " His expression made Cecelia wonder, this challenge was easy to understand but difficult to make it. Yet, Kane didn't show any frustrating on his face.

Kane quickly jumped up from the bed, walked to the table. Due to the lack of pen and paper, he used his fingertips as pens and write on the table. Both his left and right hands' fingers were fluent in writing as if there was no big deal for him.


Kane really wrote the phrases fluently. Franking speaking, he knew his ability of tasking two errands at the same time since young. And his ability was only known by his parent, he was classified as a genius by his parents. But in his teachers' eyes, he was a common student with no specific talent compared to the top students in the class.

" I make it. So, you have to keep your promise. "

" Well… " Cecelia almost lost her words.

In her mind, Cecelia thought that Kane may probably be a magus and warrior at the same time. He was trying to make something the people never did before. If he really could accomplish his goal, he would probably surpass the previous owner. As the fourth owner found his limit to achieve a higher level as he found that he was lack of very strong physical body. Some of the powerful magic even required the magus to have a stronger physical state.

The future of Kane's choice would be full of uncertainty. As nobody could guide him fully, he had to figure out his own path. His path of cultivating certainly became more challenging compared to those only focused on one field.

Cecelia looked one more time on his eyes of dedicate, she sighed helplessly. As she had promised, there was no way for her to eat back her words.

" You, the one chosen by the Book of Heavenly Divine, must have the ambition to be the strongest cultivators in the continent. You are blessed one yet you surely have a journal tougher than the others. " Cecelia told in a serious way.

Kane took a deep breath, looking at the blue sky. His ambition was raised up and he prepared himself for a new journal in this world.

" At first, you need to get a herb named Golden Mush Herb and consumed it. " Cecelia mentioned.

Golden Mush Herb? The name was familiar, Kane recalled back his memories. From John's words, this herb was grown in the forest and the consequence of consuming it was…

" What?! Do you want to poison me? " Kane cried out.