
Pity Boy

Rapidly and frequently punches were hit on the rough and highly-folded face of the Ground Rhino. The creature moaned due to the heavy punches from Kane.

The first time it saw Kane, full of disdain and looked down at Kane as weak species, it just treated Kane as if an ant could be killed easily anytime it was willing. The second time, it was irritated by Kane as he stole the Golden Mush Fruit which it longed for.

But now, an emotion of fear slowly overwhelmed its heart. The fists of Kane was strong enough to make it feel intense pain, he was not weak as it thought before. The punch was as hard as steel, causing heavy damage to its body.

" Guaaargh! " The Ground Rhino roared fiercely, the voice was loud and rough, making the beasts in the near surroundings in a fear. Yet, Kane felt nothing about the roar which probably made others feel the tension and painful to their eyes, just increasing the speed of punching as if he wanted to shut the big mouth of the noisy creature in front of him.

The Ground Rhino was intent to come out with a long roar to express its anger but immediately shut its mouth by Kane. Moaned in painful and fury, yet couldn't do anything as the punches were like a storm hitting on it, no chance to retaliate and just being bullied by Kane.

At the time of his fifty-seven punch, Kane could tell that his arms were somehow paralyzed, maybe he had already overused his body. Both his hands were immobilized, trembling but couldn't a single finger.

" Guargh! "

This condition of Kane had provided it a great opportunity to strike back. Without any delay, the Ground Rhino turned around its body, a three hundred sixty degree turn, swept its tail and attacked Kane. Due to the turning force, it made its swinging tail became much more powerful.

This attack would crush a Rank One warrior easily, that was why the Rank One Warrior before was full of fear upon the time they noticed that the Ground Rhino was heading towards them. Fortunately, they thought too much, it was irritated and chased after Kane for a long time.

Recalling back the memory of it fought with a white snake, just a small angle of swinging its tail. The damage deal on the white snake was devastating to the point that the white snake had no remaining strength to retaliate back the Ground Rhino.

At that critical moment, Kane sensed that his hands could be moved. As soon as possible, he raised up both hands to the front, in bending 'L' shape to block the heavy attack.

The intense pressure could be felt, as if the air had compressed by its tail, exerting great tension on its enemy. The fast wind brought by its tail could be sensed also, the wind was strong enough to the point blowing up Kane's hairs.


Kane was sent flying out for a distance of ten feet. A tree was blocked him and made him didn't fly any further, without any guess, the tree was broken by Kane's great momentum force.

A great amount of blood was vomited from his mouth until covered his cloth with red color. The backward momentum had deal heavy damage on his body, some crush sound of bone could be heard clearly, roughly two of his rib had been crushed by the tail attack.

Kane lay on the ground quite, just like a corpse of a cold body.

The Ground Rhino had yet to give vent off his anger, staring at the Kane and charging towards him. Just dealing heavy devastating damage on Kane was far not enough, it must stomp his body until every part of the body turning into bloodshed.

After taking numerous punches from Kane, it was being greatly injured as well. Its charging speed was slower than before, yet still could be considered as moving in high speed. It drew closer and closer to Kane.

Quite, quite, no movement. Just lying on the ground.

Just a few seconds, the Ground Rhino had reached before Kane, raising its feet at the highest position it could and stomped to the chest of Kane with all its strength.

All of a sudden, Kane opened eyes with sharp and fierce. Rolling to the beneath of the Ground Rhino and successfully dodged that stomping attack. The stomping was just beside him, the feet made the ground tremble vigorously as if the ground would be cracked in no time. The sound was very loud as if it would make someone's ear becoming deaf.

The vigorousness of the trembling ground created a certain amount of force and pushed Kane upwards from the ground. This one more time showed how much strength this creature possessed, not too many could withstand its stomping attack.

Without any hesitation, Kane's one foot kneeled on the ground, both his hand pressing upwards on the abdomen part of the creature.

The Ground Rhino was a weird-look creature for Kane, it had a turtle shell with four long feet emerged from the shell. It had a long neck with a face of Rhino, a long tail as the same as a crocodile tail.

Upon Kane pushed upwards, Kane could tell that he was pushing a shell that was stronger than steel.

" Err… " Some low voice was created from Kane's mouth, as thought he was pushing something that was unmovable.

Much sweat falling down from his head down to his cheek, his entire cloth had already wet by his sweat and blood. At the time exerting force, many veins could be seen clearly on his whole body, just like the snake moving on the ground. His muscles became bigger and bigger, this meant more force was coming out from his whole body.

" GUAAARGHH!! " Finally, Kane raised up the body of the Ground Rhino, one side in the middle air, the side on the ground. Standing still and ready to throw it upside-down.

The Ground Rhino moaned with fear and pity, maybe this sound entering to someone's ears and made them show mercy on it, probably would ask Kane to spare its life. Yet, without thinking too much, throwing upwards that cause the Ground Rhino falling with its back on the ground.

The Ground Rhino struggled to stand up with swinging four feet in directionless, same as the turtle being flipped its body upside-down, requiring great effort to stand back normally.

Kane immediately turned around his head to all directions, he was looking for something.

Staring at one thing not far away from him, then rushed crazily to there. Upon struggling, the Ground Rhino occasionally looked to the back of Kane.

After seeing that Kane bringing a huge thing back to its side, its heart was overwhelming with fear.

Kane was taking a very huge stone, walking near to its face and threw it down forcefully. Kept rising and threw the stone on the face of the Ground Rhino repeatedly until the blood covered its entire face. One side of the stone was color with deep bloody color as well.

After a while, Kane finally lost all his strength and kneel on the ground.

" This all over. No more suffering, no more pain and no more frustrating " Kane muttered in low voice.

On the other hand, the Ground Rhino finally struggled back to a normal standing position. Just after standing up, it immediately escaped from Kane. The fear towards Kane was filling its heart.

Never thought of a human could be tough such as this, far fiercer than it. From its memory, how many humans had been killed by it with just simply stomp and swinging tail. But when it came to Kane, he acted more like a fierce beast who fought crazily.

Thus, as it had captured this opportunity to escape from him, it dared not turned its head back to look Kane and focused on escaping. No more disdain towards Kane, no more desire fighting against him as well.

" I… very tired… I think I need a very… very… long rest. " Kane felt hard to breathe, even found no remaining strength to move any part of his body.

Cecelia flew around in the forest for a long time, finally found him. Before she reached before Kane, she saw that the Ground Rhino showed a face of scared towards and escaped without any hesitation.

" Kane… " Cecelia was sad now, the tear was almost pouring down from her big eyes.

By looking at Kane, he was very weak now to the point a small wind could blow him down. He was kneeling on the ground with his hands putting on his bending legs. His face was pale, covered with white color. His lips were dry like the stem of the tree. His dry eyes were staring aimlessly, found no lively aura on his eyes which were filled with red color lines

The heaviness of eyelids made his eyes couldn't fully be opened, need great effort to hold and keep it open, but not wide. He looked old as if all his life energy had completely drained, Cecelia could still remember his tender face. His cloth was full of blood, the unpleasant smell of the blood could be smelled as well. His messy hair made him look like a beggar. Anyone who looked at this scene would probably show pity on him, how much suffering had him experienced.

After Kane noticed the absence of Cecelia, he slowly turned his head towards her.

" C… Ce… Cecelia… " A faint smile was shown on his face. And this smile almost required him to use up all his remaining energy.