
Lucky Day

Fortunately, the deer was hurt by Kane's fireballs. The deer's speed was great decreases compared to its usual speed, yet it still could run the same quick as Kane.

Their distance between them was constant. After a long-running, Kane started to gash, breath became rapid. It had shown that he was about to reach his limit.

Kane thought in heart, " That is no way I can catch up the deer, my legs are very exhausted already. My only method to hunt it down was using fireball magic to cause damage, but I couldn't control my spiritual energy well upon running. "

The spiritual energy flowed inside his body aimlessly, he found it hard to lead the spiritual energy from his soul sea into his hand. Many tries had done, the energy flowed until his arms and suddenly dissipated.

He knew what had happened to him. As he was just beginner in cultivating, he could only control spiritual energy and allowed the energy flowed fluently when he was at stationary.

" Keeps calm. Imagine you are stationary and traveled by some force as if you are on the car. " Kane muttered to convince himself. " The car moves with high speed yet we still feel that we are at stationary "

After a few seconds of breathtaking and refreshing, he was calm as still water. The power of imagination made his heart was peace, he could sense spiritual energy flow inside clearer. This time, it was liked the fluent flow river without any blocking.

Focusing back to his prey, he started to spell magic and led the spiritual energy to his hand.

The deer took a look back on Kane, even its intelligent was low but the instinct of wild animals was strong, allowing it to sense the danger of its life.

From the calm look of Kane, it knew that he would probably have some action on it. The deer ran faster when it could tell that energy kept accumulating on his right hand.

" Fire Ball! " Kane cast once again the Fire Ball magic.

The moaning sound could be heard by him, the fireball hit on the deer's back. Due to the great momentum, the deer was pushed, fell to the ground. Struggling to stand up, Kane was near to it.

" You are so tough but you have no chance to run from me. " The deer stood up immediately before Kane could catch up him.

It was third times of the deer being hit by fireballs, it was heavily injured as Kane could tell from its speed. The speed was slower and slower.

When it came to Kane, his condition was no better as well. He has almost used up his energy again, he had already cast six fireballs. Only two fireballs were directly hit on the deer, the other fireball just slightly touched it and the rests were missed.

Kane knew clearly his current condition. He spoke with gashing, " I… I… I am going… to reach… my limit. Last… last chance. "

If he was not running, he probably could use roughly ten times of Fire Ball magic. But when it came to aggressive moving, he had already done his best to cast six fireballs. He would be collapsed in no time if he forced himself too much.

But, he didn't want to give up so easily.

The deer jumped left and right during running, that was why Kane's fireballs were missed to hit on it. The deer was as worse as him, the jumping force was greatly lower.

Leading spiritual energy to his hand, he slowly formed a fireball on his palm. The last casting, the fireball slowly became bigger and turned in round shape.

" Argh… The spiritual energy in my soul sea has emptied? "

All of a sudden, he sensed no more spiritual energy supplied to his palm. From his feeling, the spiritual energy supplied was suddenly cut off, emptiness could be felt in his soul sea. The emptiness of the soul sea made him a headache in the head.

The fireball with the same size of his palm grew smaller slowly. " Perhaps… I have over… overestimated me. Should I give up? "

The mind of giving up flashed through his head. His limitness blocked his way of casting out the last fireball, couldn't help feeling a headache as well.

No way! That was close, how could I give up and end up fruitlessly? Cecelia surely will laugh at me and said to me as the man with no dedication and strong heart. And, Lucia surely looked down the man who easily gave himself up. I don't want to be such a man. Kane silently thought inside his heart.

At the moment strong desire to achieve success, his mind of giving up was gone off to nowhere. Suddenly, an idea flashed through his mind.

" Chaotic Star Technique! "

Without any hesitation, Kane spelled the text of the soul training technique and cultivating it. At the same time, he spelled again the Fire Ball magic.

By cultivating, he gained spiritual energy immediately. Leading directly the spiritual energy to his palm and made the fireball round and big again.

He had shown his talent of tasking two matters at the same time - cultivating and casting magic.

Regaining back some of his conscious as some spiritual energy flowed into his body, Kane aimed his hand towards the deer.

" Fire Ball!! "

A backward momentum was created by the fireball and pouched his hand back. The fireball moved in high speed, the fastest one among the seven castings and headed towards the direction of the deer.

After seeing the fireball headed quick toward it, the deer ran quicker with all its remaining strength.

Closing near to the deer…

Nearer to it…


A great sound could be heard by Kane, the loud sound turned his face dark instantly.

Miss! What the heck!

This moment, Kane had wiped out and fell to the ground. He could feel no more energy remaining in his body, no more spiritual energy within the soul sea. Although he succeeded to cast out the magic but missed to hit on the deer.

Kane turned his head and looked at the escaping prey, sense of frustrating climbed to his heart. That was close to success, but he did one mistake to fail himself.

By looking at the facial expression of the deer, Kane could tell something from it. The three-horned deer had some human intelligence, it knew how to show a bit human emotion on their expression.

The deer was laughing at him. As if, it was saying, you little idiot, no matter how hard you tried and you had no way to catch up me. You fool!

" This foolish deer! " Kane scolded inside his heart.

Sighing helpless, he knew he could do nothing but just looking it always from him. He closed his eyes and rewind himself.


The sound of heavy mass fell on the ground, suddenly heard by Kane.

" What is this sound? Not only one sound, but I can also even hear the moan of a creature. "

Opening eyes and saw what had happened in front of him. A victory smile was shown on his face, laughed out from his mouth.

" Haha… you foolish deer is crushed by the tree. It looked like I am very lucky, God is on my side. "

The previous fireball didn't hit on the deer but fell on the tree, which was not far away from the deer yet in front of it. The huge momentum of fireball crushed the tree, and the tree fell down directly to the escaping deer.

Kane got his victory from his luck. Luck could be considered as talent as well, am I right? The victory was on my side. Kane thought inside his heart.

" I am… weak now. I.. I did best cultivate more spiritual energy before getting my reward of hunting. " After a few long breaths, he immediately sat on the ground.

Straightening backbone, gesturing and spelling the text of Chaotic Star Technique. Once his mind reached a stage of peace and calm, endless of spiritual energy from surroundings flowed into his body.

The amount was much more than before, roughly twenty percent of energy absorbed into and stored in his soul sea. Due to wiping out of spiritual energy, he was greedy to absorb the energy at a high rate yet the energy has absorbed the book as always, an only a small portion flowed into soul sea.

Amazing! The feeling was indescribable!

Kane enjoyed the feeling of spiritual energy flowed into his soul sea, sensing his soul sea was filled a bit by a bit. Until his soul sea was half-filled, he experienced no more headache. Instead, the mind was clearer and fulfilled.

That was the amazing feeling that was only belonged to those who to be a cultivator.

The current him could master the soul training technique much better than before. Thus, the 'small portion' of spiritual stored in his soul sea became much. He could fill his soul sea for a shorter time, sense of expanding of his soul sea could be clearly felt by him as well.

After twenty minutes of cultivating, his soul sea was eventually filled with full.

" I feel better now. Previously, I just want to get power from cultivation. But now, I start to love it, as cultivation makes my mind more calm and clearer. I felt good and comfortable as my soul was treated warmly by the spiritual energy. "

The sense of fulfilling was shown on his face. He stood up and was ready to go near to the deer which had bad luck today.

" Wait! What is wrong my soul? " Kane felt something strange inside the mind. His spiritual energy was in the rampage, made him feel like the energy kept pressing on a barrier. Unpleasant expression was shown on his face, anxiety could seem on his face as he didn't know what was his problem.

" Something was going to burst out! I cannot tell accurately what is happening in my soul. Just like a solid container, too much fluid inside until the container is going to burst "

Kane muttered to himself.

At this critical moment, a familiar figure suddenly appeared on his shoulder from nowhere.

" Whoa! You finally are going to rank up. Hurry! Don't waste time and practice the Chaotic Star Technique " Cecilia spoke in a hurry.

" Alright! " Kane replied. Quickly sat down and practiced the technique.

" Endure it! Don't let your spiritual energy break your barrier so easy. Kept cultivating the energy to your soul. " Cecelia told.

" Ergh… " Kane moaned in low voice.

He has already felt hardship at first. Yet Cecelia asked him to practice the soul training technique in order to accumulate much energy in his soul sea. The feeling grew stronger, the barrier would be broken in no time.

As more energy flowed inside to his soul sea, he felt far headache on his head and brain was going to burst. From his instinct, he could tell that it made him feel better by just allow the spiritual energy to burst to the barrier and broke them. But he chose to endure it as what Cecelia asked him to do, he chose to believe the little fairy.

" Alright! One minute had passed, endure your pain for a longer time. Remember, you can gain much power than a common magus if you can go through it. So, don't lose your concentration and endure it! " Cecelia spoke seriously.

Kane thought inside his heart: " Ah! Only one minute?! I thought that I had already endured it for at least ten minutes. This was unbearable! "

" Kane, please believe in yourself. You can do it! Just hold on for five minutes. " Cecelia tried to say positive words to cheer him up.

Later, Cecelia closed her eyes. Spelling silently with her mouth, some green color energy flowed around her body as she was center of the energy cloud. The energy then flowed into Kane's soul.