
Lost In The Jungle

Inside the random forest part, a young man was wandering around.

After escaping from the danger of the Ground Rhino, Kane found himself lose of direction in the jungle. The previous marks made by him were unseen as he didn't return as the path led by those marks.

All his hard work was wasted, this made him feel a bit unlucky inside his heart. Moreover, he lost in the jungle, he couldn't even tell which direction should he headed back to the village.

" It seems like today is not my day. " Kane inhaled a huge amount of air, then exhaled those air to make a long and helpless sigh.

" Guess I have to choose randomly a direction to go and maybe I can make it back to the village by my luck. "

Upon thinking of his lucky, he quickly rejected this decision. Depend on lucky? He surely would lose in the jungle forever.

" Don't be give up easily. Perhaps I should observe my surrounding environment to find out any information which is useful to me. I should not just choose the direction randomly or guess, that is a low livelihood for me to choose the more appropriate path to return. Instead, I must analysis the surrounding environment, get an answer from what I see, what I feel and what I hear. "

Kane understood what he supposed to do now. Random guessing would lead him a wrong way in most time, it sometimes would make his condition more difficult.

He was observing the soil on his feet, there were many shallow footsteps on the ground. From these footsteps, he could tell that many people were passing through here in early time. He made a hypothesis of following the footstep could lead him to return back.

Lack of information to support his previous hypothesis, he changed his vision of eyes from the ground to his surroundings. All of a sudden, he realized a very serious problem that must be realized at first, but he forgot about it.

" Where is Cecelia? Don't she just keep sitting on my shoulder from before? "

Oh, my gods! Kane became panic and couldn't help feeling a headache on his head. Before he maximized his speed, he surely had told Cecelia to run and follow him. But now, the little fairy was missing.

He immediately turned his head around in all directions, looking for the little fairy. But he failed to find Cecelia.

" How can I… How can I don't realize Cecelia was not following me. How can I abandon a little weak girl in such a dangerous place? " Kane kept questioning himself but nobody would give him an answer, or no answers to his questions.

Sadness, guilty was filled with his heart, he blamed himself that he was not thoughtful enough to take care of the person he cared.

" I am sorry. I… I… I have no excuses for my fault " Kane muttered to blame himself.

" Although you are sometimes unreasonable, very talkative, shameless and spoke many cold words to me. And also you are very easy to get furious, though we know each other just only a short time, I have treated you as my family "

After finishing his speech, his heart was immersed inside the lake of sorrow. He felt really guilty to himself.

Upon his sadness, he felt something hit on his head, causing him to have a feeling of someone knocking his head, but he didn't mind it.

" Ouch! " Kane suddenly felt pain on his head, he could tell that his head was stomped by a small foot forcefully.

" How dare you speak of my scandal?! Who is the one unreasonable, talkative?! And who is the one easily lose her temper and shameless ?! Huh? "

Cecelia was questioning angrily and stomped her little feet on Kane's head.

Her face turned bloody red, just as the first time Kane saw her as if some steam was going to be injected from her head. From his expression, Kane could tell that Cecelia had lost her temper again. This time, he didn't felt the little fairy unreasonable, he even found himself was happy to see her again. He gave her a big smile to show happiness.

" What is your expression. Can I understand from your smile that you agree all your slander to me, huh? "

" No, I mean… I am glad to see you again. "

" Hmphhh! "

" Hehe… " Kane smile bitterly and didn't know what to say.

Cecelia flew down from his head to his shoulder and sat on. She pouted her soft lips, her vision was swept away from Kane, there was her expression to show she was angry.

Kane asked her with full of curiosity in his eyes, " Where have you been? Are you following me?"

" Hmph… I have told you before the forest is my home. Do you that little ants can hurt me? " Cecelia raised her head, arrogant, naught and prideful filled her eyes. Yet if Kane could take a closer look on her mouth, he certainly would notice one of her mouth's corner curved up slightly.

She found it funny to look at Kane's panic look when he couldn't find her presence. At the same time, her heart felt warm as Kane really cared about her, all those muttering words from Kane were listened by her in silence. But, once again, she tried to spoke cold words to hide her turn feeling.

" Well, I am glad you have been fine. Start from now, follow me tightly and don't lose again. "

" Just give me few minutes, we can get out of here. " Kane spoke.

Kane started to observe again his surrounding environment. This time, he saw there were seldom thick brushes, less grass on the ground. He remembered when the time inside the deep forest, there were more long radius thick tree, more brushes and the trees' crown blocking most of the sunlight.

From this information, he guessed he was inside the shallow side of forest. Further, he looked far distance, he found there was an open area and decided to go there. Perhaps he could find out more information on there.

Cecelia was sitting on his shoulder, looking the boy's serious look on his face. His bows frowned when he was thinking, his bows released once he though out certain ideas.

In fact, Cecelia actually knew the direction they should head back, but she chose to stay quiet. It was a great opportunity to allow Kane training his instinct and getting used to the forest.

She could sense the living energy just hundreds of feet from them, she could tell that many living accumulating at there and carrying out their daily life routine. Their energy is soft and not rough, there must be a human village located there from what she felt.

Upon she sensed the energy flow, Kane had walked to the open area. Cecelia wondered what was Kane going to do as she saw Kane rising his head and staring at the sky.

" Look there! There was black smoke. I remembered a blacksmith was not far from my home. I think he is crafting something, black smoke is produced and flow out from his workshop's chimney during his process. " A black smoke flew like a black snake to the sky, entering the white cloud.

Cecelia nodded her head as Kane had guessed the correct way. She spoke silently in her heart, " He is still poor in sensing the energy, he probably finds it difficult to differentiate the things by just sensing the energy flow from them. Maybe I need to train his instinct and five senses later. "

"But, at least, he finds out the way to return back to the village. So I can consider he had passed my test. "

Kane revealed a sigh of relief, a smile shown on his face and head suddenly felt light as if the burden put on his head just now had all gone. This time, he made sure Cecelia sitting on his shoulder and headed to the direction of the black smoke.

After ten minutes, Kane finally returned back to the village.

" Today was long. I felt like one year had passed although just a half day for me in the forest. " So many incidents had happened to him. He even experienced a great fight between fierce beasts and losing in the jungle. Moreover, long searching had almost wiped all his energy out.

Without any hesitation, Kane walked back to his new home. Once he opened the door, he could smell the scent of a decrepit house and the old bed fell into his vision. This time, he didn't feel the house was poor, yet feeling warm to come back home. This old house was a paradise compared to the dangerous forest.

He walked towards the bed and sat on it. Due to a half day of walking and running, both his legs were exhausted, he felt relaxed sitting on a soft bed.

The sour scent could be sensed on his nose " What a smell. It is unpleasant. "

That scent was from his dirty clothes. Kane took a look on his clothes and pant, covered by dust and soil. Fe found himself filthy and required to take a shower immediately.

Before entering the bathroom, he told Cecelia that she must not to pear him when he was showering. This made the little fairy burst in fury again, she raised her fist and clinched tightly as if she was willing to give a big punch on Kane's head.

After finishing cleaning, Kane took a long rest on the bed.

Two hours passed, Kane dragged himself from the bed. The tiredness had yet to go off from his body, he felt his whole body heavy but forced himself from lying down again.

" I cannot be lazy, time for cultivating. What I need the most is strength. How many have I tell myself, without power, I am just a walking dead meat in this world. "

Kane took out the soul training scroll and read it. He had yet to completely understand all the sentence in the scroll, thus during cultivating, he could absorb great amount of spiritual energy from surrounding but just a little amount stay inside his soul sea, roughly ten percent.

In fact, although he just managed to cultivate just little amount of energy to his sea soul, his cultivating speed had already reached the same as the other common soul cultivator yet he had no idea of it. He even thought himself are weak learner in cultivating path and he kept motivating himself to work harder as he was urged to get power.

As usual, he sat on the bed and took a warm-up by taking a few deep breaths. Later, he closed eyes, calmed his mind and read the text of scroll in low voice.

After a few seconds, he could sense the spiritual energy. He was at the center of the energy, that energy waving around him like a spiral and slowly entering his body, finally reached sea soul in his mind.

You could cultivate more energy this time, not like before just allow entering his body and moved out immediately. The energy flew inside his body and some of them moved into and accumulating in his soul sea.

The book has greedily absorbed the energy from the soul sea, almost all his energy cultivated infused into the book, just a little remaining. Once the book absorbed more energy, it would glow brighter a bit.

After hours of training, the book glowed extremely bright as if the brilliant star in the sky. All of a sudden, the light accumulated in the book burst out to all directions in his sea soul until every corner.

" What happened? "

Kane felt a trance on his mind.