
Long Time

One week had passed from that incident…

In the village of warrior.

An old lady was standing in front of a decrepit house, staring at the wooden doors. Her eyes were full of wonder, as someone was missing for a whole week.

" Where is that lazy boy? He has been missing one week, is there anything that happened to him? "

The old lady was Kane's kind neighbor, the aunt who gave Kane breakfast every morning.

Usually, she will knock the door of Kane's home and gave him the bread she baked every morning as her care for the newcomer of the village.

Her impression toward Kane was quite good, she still remembered that Kane had once hunted a deer and shared that meat with her family. After knowing that Kane was the person who would repay back the good deed from others, her smile became warmer and sincere upon chatting with Kane.

" It is not possible for him to stay in the forest for such a long time. He is not a warrior or mage who had many methods and ways to survive in the forest. How can he stay for one week in the forest? Maybe something has already… "

The aunt helplessly shook her head, some bad feeling came to her mind.

" Don't worry too much, I think he is not the person who will die easily. " Someone interrupted the aunt, trying to dispel her negative thinking.

A young man with short beard appeared in his front.

The old lady spoke with worry : " John, are you sure about that? He is just a commoner, not like you, a warrior who has battle technique and strong physical state. Moreover, you are the child grew up in this village, so you are very familiar with this forest and master a lot of surviving knowledge. "

The aunt worried about Kane, maybe the image of Kane had overlapped with her son image who left this village a long time, and didn't return to this small village.

John spoke with smile : " I think he is a tough guy, although he looks thin and weak. But I can tell from his eyes, he is not someone who will die easily. "

" I hope so… "

The aunt turned around and went back to her home.

Looking at the back of the aunt, John's smile slowly disappeared. Instead, the color of worry slightly became thicker on his eyes.

" Can he really still survive in this jungle for one week. If he was born and grew up here, he surely will learn the knowledge of how to survive in the forest. Although he is not a warrior cultivator, he still has high livelihood to survive. "

" But he is neither a warrior cultivator nor child born in this village… "

Eventually, someone around his age was in this village. Although John just reached the age of an adult, but he was very mature to the point that others thought he had the wisdom of a three-year-old man.

Frankly speaking, he really hoped of having a friend with the age close to him. Upon the time the aunt told him that Kane was missing, he immediately went to the forest and searched for Kane.

The result was negative.

" Hope that the God Mother will bless you… " John helplessly sighed and left from the house.

Where was Kane?

Time flew in a quick with just a blink, three months had already passed.

A great festival held in the village to welcome the new year. Just like the normal way of celebrating, males hunted some prey and females prepared the beer and cooked food.

They enjoyed their festival and didn't notice that a figure was missing from their the sign of a young boy who once joined in their party. It looked the young boy had yet to make thicker footsteps in this village, didn't leave any deep image in their mind.

On the other hand, some villagers still remembered him.

The weather turned cold at the end of the year, the villagers drank the beer and sat beside campfire to get warm.

Looking at the white moon, John sighed and spoke, " Three months already, still has no sign of Kane. "

" Maybe he already became the food of the forest beast. If what I think is true, he probably will never return back to this village. "

Without thinking too much, John continued to drink the beer and sighed helplessly.

John turned around his head and an idea came across.

" Perhaps he had returned back to his hometown. Don't try to think a matter on its negative side, thinking positively… "

John suddenly stopped his speaking, once again sighed helplessly. A bitter smile was shown on his face.

Nobody knew about the whereabouts of Kane, whether he was still alive or dead?

In the cave not far away from the village, there was a weird plant grew inside the cave. The roots penetrated through the stone ground for its support, a green crown was hung in the top.

The roots were hard enough to pierce through the stone, making the ground many cracks. There was an abnormal phenomenon about the roots of the plant, if somebody looked the plant, they surely will come out the idea of someone being wrapped inside the roots.

The other abnormal phenomenon was how could the plant grew with a green crown. There was no sunlight shone into the cave, the plant was not under the exposure of sunlight.

Yet, the green crown was grown even healthy and greener than the sky-high trees outside the cave.

The spiritual energy surrounding the plant was rich, as the plant kept drawing the spiritual energy to it and absorb the energy as its fertilizer. It then flew accumulated at the weird shape of root part.

Once the energy reached the weird shape part, the energy disappeared to nowhere. It just like a black hole existed its root part and greedily absorbed the energy from the plant. This process kept continuing timelessly.

Longer time had passed, perhaps all the villager had already forgotten the existence of the young boy.

It just like the young boy never stepped his feet in this village, maybe some villager still remembered but his image became more blurred in their mind with the passage of time.

When will that young boy wake up?

I am back.

The shameless author is here.

Any voice? Any complaint? (ᇴ‿ฺᇴ)

CalciumLackcreators' thoughts