
Little Angry Fairy

" You bastard, I will show you some true color " A green fairy gave Kane a sidekick on his face. She tried to give vent of her anger as Kane kept scolding ' the book '.

" Ouch… What is that kicking my face " Kane felt quite a pain on his face, he used his hand to sweep the little who kicked his face. The fairy flew away from his hand in quick speed and showed an angry face towards Kane.

Kane had yet to understand the current situation, looked quickly in all directions to find out the culprit. A little creature fell into his vision, he looked at the little green light creature, wondering the species of the creature in front of his eyes.

" What are you? " Kane asked her and took a closer look on the fairy.

The fairy kept staring at him with fury. She was in blue cloth, surrounded green flashy light, hugging her chest and beating her wings to fly.

Kane wondered the reason for her anger.

" Little, are you some kind of creature," Kane spoke with curiosity. He raised one of his finger pointing toward the little fairy.

" How dare you speak to me in such a way, I am the most glorious and beautiful fairy in the world. You must show me your respect, you little bastard. " The fairy spread anger with her words, she stressed that Kane showed no respect to her.

Questions were filling Kane's heart by her words, he never knew the fairy before, how could he show no respect to someone he had yet to meet. The puzzled look became thicker on his face, his expression couldn't escape from the green fairy's cute eyes.

" You idiot, you still don't understand what had happened to you. " The fairy spoke impatiently. Kane nodded his head, he really didn't understand the words of the little fairy.

" How can I know you, we never met before. You kicked me on my face, I think you're the one who shows no respect to others. Is kicking others' face a way of showing respect to others " Kane replied in an unpleasant voice, he was being scolded by the unknown fairy for no reason and this surely made him a bit angry.

After hearing Kane's answer, more fury was grown inside her heart to the point her face became very red like a mature red apple. Now she raised his hand, pointed at Kane with her little finger, spoke coldly towards him.

" You are truly a bastard. I saved your life once, yet you show me no appreciation. This is just one point. The other point was you scolding me who helped you in the urgent time, should I be angry at you? "

Those scolding words from Kane's mouth made her angry. The fairy misunderstood him, Kane actually scolded the book not her.

" You help me?! "

Suddenly, an idea flashed through his mind. Frankly speaking, he never thought that he was talented enough to learn somethings he unfamiliar with in a short time - the Flame Burst magic. He kept wondering the reason why he could use magic since he waked up, perhaps somebody helped him.

Kane stared at the fairy, far more thinking came to his head. The little fairy kept stressing that he showed no respect her with scolding words, was the fairy came from the book? He seemed like he had figured out something, those puzzle turn clearer on his mind.

" You saved me once in the forest, right? " Kane asked.

" What are you talking about? Forest? " The fairy frowned his bows. It seemed what Kane thought was wrong, she was not the person who saved him in the forest.

" You are nearly to die, you know? All your energy was almost used up, your soul was crushed and your hands were burnt intensely. I just awakened this afternoon and saw your poor condition, I infused my energy into your body to heal your wound and the damages of a soul. Without me, you are already dead meat. " The fairy explained to Kane. She had fallen asleep a long time ago, just awakened this afternoon.

She saw Kane was in danger condition to the point he would probably die in no time. She used his energy to heal Kane, thus Kane only required a short time for him to recover.

Due to too much of energy being used, the fairy felt weak and returned back to the book for resting. Kane was severely damaged both mentally and physically. Without the fairy's help, he probably needed roughly a month for his hands to be recovered completely.

The physical damage was no big deal compared to the soul damage. As the Flame Burst required the one at least possessed the soul power of Rank 3 Magus to cast it out, but Kane was just a commoner and actually, there was not possible for him to use the magic.

But the fact was he succeed to use the magic and certainly, some cost must be paid by him. His soul almost crushed into pieces and was unable to be cured by normal people. Fortunately, the fairy used her curing power, saved him in time.

" Oh, I see. " Kane replied. It seemed what Kane though was wrong, she was not the person who saved him in the forest. The weird sound, where is it from?

" Stop staring at me with your stupid look, it looked like you already knew your ungrateful acting ." The fairy spoke coldly.

She started to introduce herself.

" I am the fairy of the book, the most beautiful and glorious fairy in the world. Every other living thing respects our race and thought of us bringing luck upon we are visible, hence you must be grateful as I show myself in front of you. Further, I was the one saved your life, you will surely die without my help, you show no gratitude on what have I do to you. You... " She spoke non-stop.

At the same, Kane was stunned by the talkative fairy, he slightly opened his mouth while listening to her long and self-fulfilled speech. After listening to a while, he paid no attention to her speech and focus on thinking.

She kept speaking with no intention to stop. Kane flipped his white eyes towards her to show that he already felt bored about her speech, she ignored him and spoke how well her being.

"Ye… Ye… My great miss fairy, you are kind-hearted, beautiful and elegant. But, you are a little bit shameless on self-fulfilling speech and very talkative with your little mouth. " Kane insulted her with sharp words. The fairy gave a sidekick to him once again, yet being blocked by his bare hand.

They fight in the mouth for half an hour.


Kane felt weird about his acting, he was always an introvert to the point that sometime he never spoke a word whole day. Yet, he had a fierce mouth fight with a fairy, maybe just like the others said a people with fewer words will talk a lot in some circumstances. The fairy sat on the table, fold her left leg above her right. Her facial expression seemed like a hot bun, this showed that she was in an angry and bad mood.

Kane looked at the fairy, he thought he'd best to be the one who started a new topic between them, he actually had tons of questions wanted to ask the sudden appearing fairy of the book, the fairy must know something about his fantasy incident and the secret of the mysterious book.

" Let's stop the old topic. I had questions to ask you ." Kane asked.

" Hmph… " The fairy turned her head away from the vision of Kane. She made a sound of anger, showed she was still in temper. Kane wondered a way to break the atmosphere of the room, he tried to be one who apologized first.

" Well, I'm sorry for making you angry. You are the great fairy with honor, the most beautiful fairy I ever see in my life. Forgive my rude towards you, and apologized me. " Kane spoke in a slow voice, he tried to convince the fairy as he wanted some answer from the little, he had urged on understanding the incident happened to him.

The fairy turned her head back to the direction of Kane's vision, flew with her transparent wind to the front of Kane. Her red color on her face grow was thinner, slowly back to crystals white color.

" Hmph… I have yet to forgive such a bastard like you. Yet you have understood your rudeness and my kind act, I permit you to ask me a few questions. " The fairy spoke, all her anger had yet to go off.

" Why am I teleported to this world? "

" What is this weird book about? It is some kind of book with strange power? "

" Why is the book existing in my mind? Can it really happen? "

Kane asked many questions with the hope of his question could have an answer. He would like to know the answers as it is unbelievable for a commoner like Kane, involved in these fantasy incident: could use magic, attacked by weird creatures and a fairy was in front of his eyes.

He was waiting for the answers from the fairy. She was about to tell him, answers would soon be revealed and all his puzzles could be solved.

The fairy gave him a smile of revealing a mystery, her eyes blinked, seemed like the blinking stars on the dark sky. She started to speak the answers out.

" I don't know!"

She raised both hands, helplessly shook her head. Her tied green hair swept by turning of her head.

Kane stared with an emotionless face, he felt he was being deceived by the little fairy. It was different from what he had read before, the fairy always had the purest heart and brought luck to the people, but he was encountering a shameless fairy with many vulgar words coming from her mouth.

" I have also a question for you, why does the book choose you. Are you possess any great talent in cultivation, aren't you? " Fairy asked him, some questions were around her head as well.

" I don't know. " Kane replied quickly.

Both of them looking at each other with a lot of questions, yet they couldn't answer their questions.

At this moment, Kane asked her to tell him more all the information she known. She started to explain some brief information about the mysterious book, the book was owned by four different people previously, he was the number five been chosen.

The book had recorded numerous magic and other technique, the owner could learn magic from the book. The owner was required to provide spiritual power to unlock the book pages, the book was highly unexplored even the previous strongest one owning this book.

" It is been a legend recorded for this book, it can help one to reach the level beyond mortal. Immortal level of magus can even change and travel the time, and create realm with his power." Fairy spoke.

" Travel time? " Kane's face became serious, some idea had come across his mind.

Upon looking at Kane's expression, the fairy wondered the reason for Kane's face becoming serious. Later on, she spoke with a laughing voice towards him.

" Don't imagine too much, an immortal level is out of reach from humankind. It even highly unlikely to be a saint-level magus for humans, immortal is not on your range of thinking. "

After listening to her words, Kane had a brief understanding of the book but he found it puzzling upon hearing some specific words used by her, just like the word 'saint'. He wondered the difficult to be a saint magus and how much power they possess.