
Golden Mush Fruit

In the forest, roughly two hundred feet from the village of warrior.

A young man was hanging around in the forest. Exhaustion could be seen on his tender face, sweat covered all his body. The sun was hung high in the sky at its highest position of the day.

He looked at the sun with a covering of hand, estimated the day was near to noon. The hot sun made the surrounding temperature became higher, caused him feeling unpleasant along his journal. Fortunately, the tower-high trees blocking most of the sunlight for him.

Kane felt his body wiped out. Upon he found a great shadow under a tree, he sat down below the tree to take a rest and recover his body energy. He kept gashing, many sweats flowed down from his head as if someone poured a bucket of water on his head.

He looked at Cecelia and said " Are you sure that the Golden Mush Herbs is really in this forest? I have been searching from morning until now, but there is no sign of it. "

By hearing his complains, Cecelia replied him briskly " Are you think that this type of herbs can be found easily. The Golden Mush herbs can be considered as one of the difficult herbs to be found, many forest beasts will eat it for strengthening their body. "

Golden Mush Herb was not a high level of herb, it was useful for those who just about to step into the path of warrior. It didn't have any effect of boosting one's cultivation level, only cleansing the bones and vein of cultivators. Many found it difficult to endure its unpleasant smell and bitter taste, moreover, a commoner would have to endure the pain of burning once they consumed the herbs, there were seldom people can endure such pain.

As long time ago, a villager accidentally ate this herb. He was just a commoner without any basic training on his body, he couldn't endure the burning pain with his weak body and mind, eventually died from the suffering pain. Thus, the villager came up with a rumor that this kind of herb would kill someone if the person consuming it. The other purpose was made fear inside the naughty children's hearts, made them dared not to eat these dangerous plants.

In fact, this herb was good for a person who was high ambition to walk on the path of warrior to higher state. If one could endure the pain, he would probably gain a lot from it. If he was to fail, this may mean the end of his life.

High risk, high rewards. Great pain, great gain.

Once stepping into the state of Beginner Warrior, body toughness and strength would greatly increase, far more a commoner could compete. With the body of warrior, even just Rank 1 warrior, could find the burning pain just like nothing to their body. Yet, the effect of the herbs consumed by them would drop to a minimum or even no effect on their bodies. There was meaningless for them to consume it.

Moreover, most of the people thought there was no necessity to risk their lives to clean and strengthen their body with this kind of method. Instead, he found it better to take more time on cultivating spiritual energy and climbed to a higher level. By just fusing spiritual energy to their body, they could also have a body with great strength and toughness. But they would find their concept wrong upon reaching to a higher level or stage.

Yet, it doesn't mean quick leveling up always a good thing. The foundation was very important as well. If the foundation is not strong enough, one would find his cultivation was limited once he reached a higher level. It did best from more preparation and stronger foundation before one stepped into cultivating path of warrior.

This was the reason why Cecelia didn't teach Kane any cultivation technique of warrior yet. She wanted Kane having a sturdy foundation before he stepped into the path of warrior, thus it was ideal for her to let Kane eat the herbs to cleanse his body first.

Kane sighed and shrugged his shoulders, " Fine, I will keep searching for it once my body has rested enough. "

He closed his eyes, lay on the trees and took a deep breath to calm himself. He had spent a morning searching the herbs nonstop, but he found nothing. This made him feel a bit disappointed in his heart. He was lucky along his searching process as he didn't meet any beasts that may probably attack him. He was weak now, it would be difficult for him to fight beasts.

He was resting. The wind blown on his face, this made him better and refresh.

His heart was shaken suddenly. The ground was trembled, he could sense about it.

The heavy stomping sound became louder and louder, the ground kept more trembling, he could tell that some creature with large mass was nearby him.

" I guess that must be a big guy approaching here. I'd best to hide as it will make me trouble if it finds me out. " Without any hesitation, he stood up quickly, found a good hiding spot and hide.

Pong! Pong!

The stomping sound was like the ground was currently pouched by a huge hammer. Kane occasionally took a glimpse of eyes towards the direction of the sound, looking for the huge approaching creatures. After minutes, a figure fell into his vision.

It has a turtle shell with a long tail that emerged from its back. It was four-feet creature with a sharp claw, green color highly-folded skin.

By just looking at its powerful feet, Kane was sure that he would be crushed by just one stomp from it, thus it was better for Kane to avoid fighting with it and escape as fast as he could. Moreover, it had a long and huge tail, roughly seven feet, allowed the creature to swipe its tail for a ranging attack, its tail looked sturdy as well.

Kane's heart beat faster as the creatures approached just tens feet from him. Few second ago, he just had a blurred image by looking from its side, but now, Kane had a better-looking vision for it. It had a long neck with rhino-looked head, three horn was in front of his head.

" What is this weird creature? Turtle? Rhino? I never see some creature looked like this before. But one thing I can sure about this creature is dangerous, I gotta hurry to stay away from it. " Kane muttered to himself. His instinct was right as he had no match for this creature, he surely would be killed by it in no time if it noticed his presence. The best choice to deal with the creature was running or hiding away from it.

Kane turned around his back, going to leave from the scene but he was stopped by the little fairy. " Stop right there, don't leave now. Hurry! Follow that creature. "

" What?! Why should I follow it? That is too dangerous near the huge creature and we have no reason to do so. " Kane replied with a headache. Kane knew clearly the danger of the creature, yet Cecelia asked him to follow it. Is she tried to push him to his doom?

" Believe me! Follow it, I will explain to you later. Hurry! " Cecelia stressed with serious voice. Kane's heart was moved by her words, although it was a danger to his life but he chose to believe her.

" Well, I will do it. " Looking the creature away from him, he quickly moved his body and follow silently at its behind. Due to the huge size and weight, its walking speed was not too fast, Kane chased up it in just a while. He kept a safe distance from it to prevent noticed by the creature.

" From my estimation, the area I standing is still considered as shallow side of the forest. From what John told me before, it should be no too dangerous beasts hanging around. But the creature in front of me, just from its appearance, I can make sure that the creature is very dangerous. " Upon following the creature, Kane thought inside his heart of the creature. He wondered the reasons Cecelia asked him to follow the creature as well.

The creature was heading towards the deep side of forest. Kane frowned his brows and asked the little fairy, " I think I am heading towards the deep side forest, there certainly get more dangerous. Should I suppose to continue following it? "

" Just do as my order. " Cecelia replied. Without thinking too much, Kane walked into the deep side forest.

After tens minutes, Kane followed the creature into and had stepped his feet on deep side forest. His alertness was raised high, he kept observing surrounding with fear of some other beasts would suddenly strike out from nowhere to attack him. He put some marks on the ground as references to guide him when he returned to the village.

Kane showed his puzzled look to Cecelia as he was really concerned about the reasons for following the large creature. Cecelia understood that she needed to explain the reason to this wondering boy.

" The creature is named as Ground Rhino. The most significant future is it has a turtle shell on the back, the shell is hard and difficult to make a scar on it. But the shell was torn out when it reaches adolescent. You can observe the shell on its back, it seemed that its shell is going to shed out when the creature is walking. This means that it is at its pinnacle to reach the adolescent stage. Thus, at this time, it surely is looking for the Golden Mush Herb to boost its limit for a better foundation and then reach its adolescent stage."

" I can guarantee you that if you keep following the Ground Rhino, you probably can find out the Golden Mush Herb. "

Cecelia was sitting on Kane's shoulder and explaining to Kane, she got a lot of information by just observing the outside appearance of the Ground Rhino.

Roughly five more minutes flew, the Ground Rhino finally stopped its heading. Kane wondered what had happened to it? Was it found out the Golden Mush Herb? He then swept his eyes to the place not far away from the Ground Rhino, a giant snake lay on the ground, curving its body into a circle as if protecting some of its precious.

" Whoa! That was a huge snake there, it is approximately 50 feet length long and the body is thick like a rough tree with a circumference of roughly 2 feet. "

The snake fell into Kane's vision, he observed and estimated the physical condition of the huge snake. Although it was huge, it had no crazy length such as what he had seen before on television. He peered into the circle formed by the snake, there was a plant inside it.

The plant just had the height same the height of his kneel atop ground, four leaves grew on the plant bottom and a sturdy stem stood straight on the ground. On the upper of the plant, a flower was hung on it, a fruit with pale red color emerged from the middle.

As usual, Kane was going to ask Cecelia questions about the plant. Before he was about to ask her question, Kane could see the excitement on the little fairy's face, this made her face turned a bit red and a big smile was on her face.

This probably made her adorable and had the willing to pinch her chest, but Kane didn't feel any of this emotion as he stayed at high alert, the snake was dangerous to him as well and its speed surely faster than the Ground Rhino. If he was targeted by the beast, it far more difficult for him to escape although the strength was far lower than the Ground Rhino, Kane had no match for them.

Cecelia shouted excitedly to the point of she rising both her hands high.

" That is Golden Mush Fruit! "