
Fire Ball Magic

The sky was already enveloped with dark color, and numerous stars blinked in the sky.

The air was cold, blew into his home through the wooden window. Kane had just retreated from the book realm, he remembered it was just evening before he being drawn into the realm, yet now is night already.

" It seems I stayed at the realm quite a long time, the sky had turned dark already. " Kane took a long breath to relax his mind. After roughly two hours of studying without a haul, he felt a bit tiredness on his mind. But now, it wasn't the time for his rest, he needed to put what he learned from the book on practicing.

Before he left, he saw around to look for Cecelia, wondering her whereabouts. When his vision turned into the bed, he saw a cute figure sleeping on the blue pillow.

" Today was a long day for us, you must be tired. "

Cecelia slept deeply on the pillow, tiredness could be seen on her face. She curled her body, hugging her legs with hand when sleeping. Now she was quiet and slept in peace, just like a naughty child who had a whole day playing, went back home with full of exhaust and had a deep sleep. It made her have different aura compared to the time she awakened, between quiet and active.

Kane had no willing to disturb her sweet dream, decided to go out alone. When he opened door, cold air blew into house and made him feel cold. He then looked back to Cecelia, her body trembled because of coldness.

Knowing Cecelia would get cold if she kept blew by cold air, Kane immediately closed the door and walked toward her. He put her little body with a blue blanket, covering her whole body. Cold air still could be felt, his eyes was drawn to the direction of cold air.

" The window is needed to be closed as well. " Walking near to the window and closed it. Then, he blew the light of candle on the table, left in slow and quite.

The weather was cold, he could tell that when he went out of the house. Outside of the house was far colder than inside, making Kane have a strong willing to get back to the house. Yet the coldness couldn't stop him, he had decided he must practice the fireball magic tonight, at least had practice out to something.

No matter what happened, once a man had decided and knew what he supposed to do, there were no ways to draw him back. These words were what Kane's father always told him when his father was still alive.

Without thinking too much, he started to head towards the forest. Most of the house in the village was no more light inside, probably they had an end to their day and fell into sleep. But some other houses still lighted brightly, maybe they had certain work yet to be finished before they could have their sweet dream.

After a few minutes, he had reached the edge of forest.

" I'd best not leave the village too far away. Maybe I will lose my way back if I entered too deep in the forest. "

At first, he would need to find out a good spot for his training. It was better the place not too far from the village, the place was more ideal if it was near to a river or lake. This was because once he was able to cast out a fireball, the magic had a high livelihood to burn up a tree. Maybe later, the fire went to other trees and caused a burning forest.

In fact, Kane had overestimated the power of basic fireball magic. Normally, a beginner couldn't cast a powerful magic ball. If the fireball being cast out could make a quite big hole on a tree by its momentum, and the heat slightly burned the tree stem, the magus could be considered as a talented person.

After deciding his first step, he walked to forest and searched for a training spot.

In dark night, his vision was poor in forest. Fortunately, the sky tonight was full of blinking stars and had a huge round moon. Due to the light reflected by the stars and moon, he was able to have better vision in the dark forest.

There were no dangerous beasts hanging in shallow side forest, but Kane dared not to lose his alert and carefully walked inside the forest. Sometimes, a careless mistake could lead to a fatal result.

After a long time searching, he finally found a training spot. There was no lake or river nearby, but the distance between the trees was large. Thus, this training spot could be considered ideal as well. Moreover, it was near to village with roughly 400 meters away from the village.

" Well, I have found a quite good spot, though it is not like what I have planned. Now let's try the magic. " Kane couldn't wait any longer as he had endured the strong willing to practice the magic for a long time, but he couldn't practice it on his home and public area.

As usual, he controlled his breath to calm his mind, recalling back the knowledge learned from the Fire Ball magic book. He tried to lead his spiritual energy from soul sea to his right hand.

Now, Kane had better control of his spiritual energy, he could lead it flowing fluently inside his body and led the energy to his palm. He had improved a lot after practicing the Chaotic Star Technique.

When the energy flew to his palm, the energy slightly came out from his palm. He could sense that something was forming on his hand, but the shape was random, but a round shape.


The energy dissipated. He failed to accumulate energy, at the same time, failed to form spiritual energy into a shape. This was just his first try, the result was positive. Due to having experience of using magic before, Flame Burst to hurt beast king, he could at least sensed the energy and accumulated it for a short time.

Most of the common learner of magus couldn't even sense the energy flowing out of their hand in their first try, and found it very difficult to accumulate energy. For slow learners, perhaps they needed a whole day spent just to do training of sensing the energy coming out from their hands. Thus, if somebody was beside him and knew that he could do up to this stage in his first try, would probably be jealous of him.

But he had no idea of this, he didn't know a single thing about the training way of another magic learner. While he was unsatisfied with his first try as he thought that the book had shown him every detail as if he was guided hand by hand but failed to even make some sparks on his hand.

Kane clearly understood that Rome was not built in one day, he was a little bit impatient as he had a very strong urge to master knowledge during learning since young. Hence, he quickly removed this emotion out of his mind and calmed himself once again.

" Be impatient. Give it more tries, I firmly believed that I can handle it well. " Kane muttered to cheer himself up.

He cast the magic again and again but ended up failing. After about thirty tries, he was more familiar with the magic, now he could hold the accumulated energy for a longer time and the shape was slightly round.

His head was covered with sweat, red color thicker on his face due to exercise and started to gasp. Casting magic was not only consume spiritual energy, at the same time, but it also consumed physical energy of the magic user. This was the reason why he wiped out all his energy during casting the magic of Flame Burst.

More tries and fails, he finally used up all his spiritual energy. He could sense his soul sea was empty and had thirst for spiritual energy. Kane muttered, " My spiritual energy was used up and I immediately need to absorb spiritual energy to my soul sea. "

Immediately, he sat on the ground and started to cultivate. Energy from his surroundings kept entering his soul sea, he tried to fill up his soul sea. After twenty minutes of cultivating, he had fully filled up his soul sea.

He stood up again and kept training the Fire Ball magic. He was patient to give the magic many tries, he was a completely different person from his first try as he was impatient just now. This was what made his personality unique, both patient and impatient existed in his soul. He was impatient to acquire a new technique but willing to give a lot of try on the new thing patiently until he mastered it. This unique personality made him a quick learner.

Time elapsed quickly, he had no idea how long the time had flown as he kept training the magic nonstop. On his one hundred twenty-fifth time, he finally cast out a fireball. However, the fireball was small with the size of a tennis ball, could hardly maintain in a round and flies out of his hand and disappeared in just a short distance and time.

" Yes! I finally cast out something, even it was just a poor quality fireball. I am certain I'm eventually can make a real fireball if I spend more time and give more tries. "

The excitement was shown on his face as he could at least control the spiritual energy to create a small 'fireball' after numerous tries.

But he had yet to satisfy the result, he threw all emotion of excitement out of his head and focused back on his training. He used up spiritual energy again, he then cultivated energy from surrounding to fill up his soul sea again and continued training nonstop.

After many times of using up and filling up of spiritual energy in his soul sea, Kane could tell that his soul sea was expanded. As his first round, he could only cast roughly fifty times with failure tries which were less energy being consumed. But, after many rounds, he could roughly cast about sixty times of Fire Ball magic, while he could cast a small fireball or some sparks on hand.

On his two hundred sixty-seventh try, he suddenly was able to make a ball shape and huge fireball with size larger than his hand. At first, he thought that he was about to succeed casting out the magic, but he lost control of it. The fireball burst and hurt his hand, fortunately the pain was not serious. Kept swiping his hand and took a rest for a while.

During the time of resting, he tried to recall back his previous tries and found out the reason for capable to make a success fireball just now.

Feeling that his hand was turned back in good condition, he stood up again. But this time, he didn't do anything. He stared at the tree in front of him, his eyes looked blank. This expression had shown that he was indulging himself in his own world of thinking.

" Why am I able to make a larger fireball than before? Why am I lose my control of the fireball? I am just about to succeed but I ended up failing again, what are the reasons? "

Questions came into his head, he tried to find out the answers to all his questions. He could tell that the spiritual energy flow in his body was fluent in the last try, he was able to hold the fireball in round shape and allow it to grow bigger. Until the fireball grew to a certain degree, it reached maximum size and burst.

" How can I repeat it again? "