
Fierce Beast Fight!

" That is Golden Mush Fruit. The fruit is far, far, far precious than its herb. We are lucky! "

Cecelia's eyes were full of excitement as if she had already owned some precious items on her little pocket. Although the Golden Mush herb was difficult to get, but you could probably get the herb if you put a few days of effort to search it. However, the Golden Mush Fruit was considered as rare fruit, some of the younger villagers even didn't know of the Golden Mush plant could grow fruit on it.

Kane could tell the preciousness of the fruit from her face and excitement of shouting. He felt lucky as he had the chance to meet a rare fruit in his life, but he didn't think that it was possible for him to steal the fruit from the huge snake.

" So what? "

Kane replied in cold as if he couldn't share the happiness of Cecelia.

" Hey, you! Don't you even know how precious the fruit is? The fruit had a double effect compared to its herb, if you manage to get the fruit and consume it, you surely will have a very strong foundation for you to be a warrior in the future and allow you to possess numerous strength as if the tough beast in the forest. After consuming it, although you have yet to reach Rank 1, you will have the strength to battle with the other Rank 1 Beginning warrior. "

Cecelia didn't satisfy with his expression and cold words. The fruit was precious for him and made his future brighter if he could get the fruit, she expected that Kane must show his excitement like her upon finding out the precious fruit.

" I know the fruit was marvelous. But you have to know one problem first, how can I get the fruit? This is the main and the only problem needed to be solved. "

Kane replied to Cecilia, he was not optimistic to the point he found the fruit and thought if he could get the fruit easily. He was weak now and had no methods to fight against this fierce beast.

" This is not my problem. You, as the chosen one by the book, must think out a way to get it. " Cecelia pointed her right finger towards Kane and spoke briskly. Her face showed that the matter of getting the fruit was not of her concern. With the thought, Kane must show his talent to get the fruit as he was chosen by the book.

A weird look was shown on Kane's face. That was right, he was chosen by the book, but didn't mean that he had nine lives. In this condition, he could do nothing but just stared the fruit from a distance.

" You are unreasonable and… "

He had yet to finish his speaking, he saw the Ground Rhino moving slowly towards the snake.

Ground Rhino walked slowly toward the snake, although it stomped slowly and lightly but the ground still trembled due to his heavyweight. The trembling waked the snake up, the snake moved towards the Ground Rhino as well, raised his head and stared at the Ground Rhino.

Piss! Piss!

Some sound could be heard from the snake, its alertness was heightened by the approaching Ground Rhino. The snake left from the plant a short distance to the front of the Ground Rhino.

The Ground Rhino stopped heading towards the snake suddenly and started to walk around the snake, while the snake kept staring at it. The atmosphere was silent as if the sound of a needle dropping to the ground could be heard also. Something was going to happen between them.

Upon the confrontation of the creatures, Kane didn't leave his eyes from them. He felt breath becoming heavy, the silent atmosphere made him more nervous. They are going to fight, who would be the winner of the fight? This question flashed into his mind frequently.

The snake struck fast to bite the Ground Rhino's head, making it moaning with great paint. The Ground Rhino kept swiping his head forcefully left and right in order to wipe away the biting snake.

The snake didn't give up and kept biting on it although the Ground Rhino swept his head with great force, making its whole body swept along with the Ground Rhino's shaking head.

The Ground Rhino moaned painfully, yet it couldn't escape from the biting attack of the snake. It made its furious face shown on his face and roared fiercely. Kane felt pain of hearing its roar, it was too loud and noisy. It then stomped the ground with its back legs and raised its entire front part of its body in the mid-air, the snake was drawn to the mid-air as well.

The snake gave up biting and fell to the ground, making the ground trembling. It showed that the snake had huge mass, but couldn't match with its enemy.

The Ground Rhino swept its tail towards the snake, causing the snake flying away for a quite long distance, roughly five feet. The snake was injury heavily by the Ground Rhino, the 'piss' sound from its mouth became weak and was full of pain, not like before that the sound was full of fury.

Just one round, it could tell that the snake was weaker than the Ground Rhino. The snake could hardly withstand the tail attack from its enemy, but it seemed the snake didn't give up yet.

The snake moved quickly to near the Ground Rhino, then wrapped the Rhino with its long body in order to crush it. The shell was surrounded by the snake, but Rhino seemed to have no any damage from it because the shell was really hard. The snake had taken one wrong step, this wrong step made it loose in the fight.

Upon the snake wrapping, the Ground Rhino threw itself to the ground, giving a heavy attack to the snake by its weight. The snake couldn't endure the damage and release its body, falling to the ground. The snake was weak after taking heavy damage, it could hardly to attack the Ground Rhino anymore, thus it planned to run away from its enemy.

While the snake just about to escape, the Ground Rhino stood up quickly and stomp on the leaving snake. Blood burst on the snake's wound and its scale shredded, it moaned painfully with a long voice. After a few seconds, the snake wiped out, laying on the ground and was dead meat for the Ground Rhino.

The battle was over, the winner was the Ground Rhino.

Just a moment. The Ground Rhino won the fight. From this, Kane knew this creature was tough, maybe one of the strongest species of creature in this forest. The brutal fight had shaken his heart, after watching this fight, he agreed more the statement of the power was too important for one to survive. He probably would face the same fate of the snake when he was against the Ground Rhino.

The reward belonged to the winner, the Ground Rhino moved to the plants. He sat beside the plant to guard his reward. After a tough fight, it had used up a lot of its energy, it gasped and took a rest on the ground. Moreover, it was slightly paralyzed by the poison of the snake.

" That was a thrilling fight among the creatures. I know my own ability, the current me has no match with it. It was better for us to retreat now, once it regains its energy, it is too late for us to go. " Kane told Cecelia in low voice, he was fearful of being heard by the creature.

" Wait! I need to confirm something at first. "

Cecelia flew towards the plant. From her words, she was going to make some confirmation. But what was the matter she needed to confirm, Kane wondered in his heart. Upon looking at the fairy flying towards the whereabouts of the tough guy, Kane tried to stop her as it was too dangerous. Her little body was easily crushed with just a little force by the creatures, he really worried about her.

" What are you doing? That was dangerous. "

Cecelia didn't pay attention to his words, flying towards the Golden Mush plant. Her body went near to the fruit, she observed the fruit with a close look, seriousness on her face was thicker. The fruit was the same height with her body, but the size was far larger than her.

Kane looked at the Ground Rhino, fortunately it didn't take much concern on the little fairy. An idea flashed across his mind, it looked like the creature didn't notice Cecelia and maybe the reason was it couldn't see her.

Cecelia took a close and careful look observed the Golden Mush Fruit and slightly pressed her hand on the surface of the fruit. After observing, she flew back to Kane's shoulder.

" Just from my experience, the fruit needs the time of one more week to be mature. You have about a week of time, you must think of a way to get the fruit. " Cecelia got the information from the appearance of the fruit. The surface color was still pale red, it would become deep red color when the fruit reached mature. Moreover, there was just cold feeling on her hand, the fruit made the person who touched it feel warm to the point of slightly hot once it matured.

Kane surprised and looked at Cecelia with his big eyes " Whoa! You are so knowledgeable, you really know when is the time for maturity of the Golden Mush fruit. "

Cecelia raised her little nose and spoke pridefully, " Of course I am. The forest is the home for the fairy, how can a person don't know a lot of her own home. I surely know everything about the forest. "

" So can you tell me how to get rid of that big beasts. " Kane replied in quick.

" Err… " Cecelia found herself didn't know anything about the creature in front of them. She still remembered what she said to Kane just now, this made speechless and she didn't know how to answer him.

Kane looked at her face, understood that this prideful fairy didn't come out any solution as well. He threw a teasing smile to her and spoke, " Or maybe you can ask your family member to go away and give the fruit to me. "

" You! "

Cecelia's face grew red, remained speechless. How could Kane caught her words' hole loop and attacked her with it, she thought in her heart how hateful of Kane was.

" Well, the most important thing now is getting out of here. " Kane knew the condition of Cecelia, she was a fairy with full of arrogant and pride. He was fear to broke this fairy's heart and tried to change the topic quickly.

Kane turned around to the direction he marked before, walking slowly away from the scene. But just he started to leave, he accidentally stepped on a stem, making a cracking sound.

" Oh, Shit! "

The Ground Rhino raised its body up by standing with front legs, looking at Kane. It exhaled air heavily from its nose and roared in low voice. Kane's heart was shaken, his mind was highly-alert and some cold sweat appeared on his front head.

" Run! "

Kane shouted in his heart. He had lost his alert before and made a mistake, now he was found out by the creature, he must escape as soon as possible for his life.

After minutes of running, he looked his behind and found that the Ground Rhino didn't chase him. He shook his head helplessly and revealed a sigh of relief, fortunately the creature was just having a fierce fight and didn't pay much concern on him, allowing him to retreat himself safely.

" I am saved now. But, where am I? "

He lost his direction back to the village upon the time he fully focused on escaping.


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