

" What should I do? "

Cecelia struggled, her heart sank. The technique she was going to use would cost her a lot.

Just like mentioned before, Kane had already over pushed his limit to the point of transforming his life energy to strength. Thus, a normal way of healing could cure him as this was no longer a matter of mental and physical damage.

The only way to save Kane was somebody who knew the technique of transferring life energy and gave her own life energy to Kane.

Normal living things had no way to get the life energy, once this energy was lost, no method to get that energy back. Giving out their life energy meant of reducing their own lifespan.

Cultivators could live a longer life than a commoner. This was because they cultivated spiritual energy in order to break through their own limits, allowing their body and soul to reach a higher level. This will greatly lower the rate of losing life energy, thus they could live for a longer period.

For instance, a Beginner Warrior could live for roughly one hundred fifty years while a Saint Warrior could live for more than thousands of years. There were more secrets for those reached saint level to live longer age.

Cecelia was the type of fairy which was advanced in healing and curing power. Yet, human mage still could train their magic power to reach the same level of healing power as the fairy.

What made this type of fairy special was they could gain life energy in a certain way and their ability of transferring the energy to others. There was why the greed burning in human's eyes, not only human but still the other race.

But they never knew the price of transferring the life energy by the fairy, never knew how hard they gained just a little of this energy.

Nothing in this world could last forever, this was also true when this statement applied to the fairy. The fairy had the longest lifespan, yet their life would come to an end one day.

Thus, this had shown that there were many restrictions for them to gain life energy.

Cecelia muttered : " If the fifth owner died, I will fall asleep again in the Divine Book. Wait until the next owner appears, I will wake up again. Just sleeping, there probably no harm is done on me. "

" But if I use that technique… I maybe had… no chance to wake up again. "

Cecelia clearly knew the price of giving her own life energy to Kane. She had no idea of how much the life energy was enough to save Kane.

If a small portion of this energy was given out, she may be just needed to fall asleep for a longer time. While if too much energy life was lost, she maybe fell asleep forever and stayed in a vegetative state.

This was a gamble. Too much risk she needed to shoulder to save Kane.


Upon the time recalling back the memories with Kane, her heart felt warm. Cecelia's expression towards humans was bad, she still remembered how every human looking at her with greed. They even fought among themselves in order to catch her, longing for her power to make their lifespan longer.

Especially, those humans with status and wealth had a strong desire for her power. They want to live longer and keep enjoying what they had.

Initially, she just served Kane as her mission. She wanted Kane to get stronger in a quick and hoped that she could use Kane for her own purpose.

While Kane treated her as his family member, kept mumbling she was his little sister and he probably would protect her. Even giving her a name, not like other humans just look she as a treasure, not a life which had the feeling the same as them.

These memories flashed across her mind.

Much more struggle!

" Err! What should I do? " Cecelia couldn't help but felt a headache.

If Kane just had the personality as ugly as the humans she knew before, she probably would not struggle about this matter. She would choose to leave them alone. But, Kane was different from them, Kane showed no greed on her and treated her well.

Although they always argued with each other, they really cared for each other as if a family.

At the moment of struggling, Kane's body fell into her edge vision of her eyes.

" That is no good! His condition is getting terrible, I must decide it faster. Or else, if Kane's condition keeps worse at this rate, nobody could help as it is too late. At that time, even God appears in front of him, yet can't do anything as well to save him. "

Kane's face became paler, body temperature became colder. His pulse slowly turned quite, heart stopped beating. It looked the curing green cloud had no too much effect on him, just maintain his body for a very short time.

Looking at his terrible condition, Cecelia showed pity on him. She remembered that she was the one who asked Kane to eat the Golden Mush Fruit, and then result in this condition. She really should take some responsibility for it.

" EEEEEKK...! " Cecelia was in a panic.

" Remember, you owe me one! If you dare to forget it, I will take back the energy. "

Cecelia spoke to Kane. From her words, she mentioned that she was willing to save Kane and probably would punish him if Kane forgot his help.

Unfortunately, Kane couldn't hear her words as he had completely lost his conscious.

While what actually could she do towards Kane. Her current position was the fairy of the book, Kane was the owner of the book, the relationship between them was clear. Kane had yet to know that he actually could manipulate Cecelia in certain, or her to do what he wished.

If Kane really forgot how she saved him, Cecelia couldn't do anything but endure it in silence.

After deciding to save Kane, no more hesitation was shown on her eyes. Immediately, she flew towards Kane and landed on Kane's chest. She then bit her fingertip, blood flowed down on the chest of Kane.

Cecelia then closed his eyes, her lips were moving as if she was casting some spell. Just a moment, an array was formed beneath her feet but above the chest of Kane. Many weird and ancestral character was shown on that array, it seemed some sort of old language that seldom people knew about it.

All of a sudden, a huge amount of energy was flowed out from her body until her entire hair being blew upward. The array became bigger to the point of covering the whole cave, the array then glowed brighter and crazily absorbed the spiritual energy from the surroundings.

A very thin and green deep color of energy thread was connected between Kane's heart and Cecelia. It seemed just like some tube that transported certain energy towards Kane.

After a minute, Kane's face slightly gained back the color of a normal face, heartbeat slightly returned normal. He was different from the person just one minute before who was going to meet his doom in no time. Yet, he was like a normal sick patient currently. This had shown that his life energy was slightly returned.

" Ah... " Cecelia felt weak, fell down and lay on Kane's chest.

Cecelia's face was pale, she could hardly open her eyes as if she would lose her conscious anytime. She then raised his head and looked at Kane's face and spoke with a soft voice.

" Farewell... "

Cecelia collapsed and completely lost his conscious. Her body slowly became transparent and finally disappeared.

At that moment, a plant grew at a rapid rate above Kane's heart, this phenomena had already disobeyed the law of nature, how could a plant grow in this crazy rate.

The plant grew taller and started to emerge many small roots from it. Just a few seconds, those roots had become thicker and longer, they bent and wrapped the entire body of Kane.

Kane was completely wrapped by the roots of the tree, nobody could notice him by just looking at the plant. If they cut those roots out, they would find that someone was sleeping inside the stems.

A normal person had no enough strength to cut off those roots as the roots were harder than steel. This meant that the roots formed a protective wall for Kane, at the same time, the stem of plant kept infused energy into Kane's body and nourished it.

Kane fell asleep as well...

Nobody knew how long the time he needed for his body entire body to be recovered.

Once he waked up, the world was surely once again became unfamiliar for him.

Once he waked up from asleep, he would discover the true face of this world...




[End of Volume One]