

" I finally get it! " Kane spoke in excitement.

He held the fruit tightly on his hand, he was scared to lose it somehow as he had planned for one week. The strength of Ground Rhino was matchless for him, he couldn't confront it face to face, thus he used some tactics to trap the creatures.

He was running as fast as his feet could take him, or he would be caught up by the monster in no time. Although the creature was large in size, its speed was somehow fast, it would possibly to catch up Kane if he lost his speed.

Cecelia sat on his shoulder and spoke " You better hurry. The fruit nutrition will keep losing, you need to hurry up to get to a safe place at first. "

" Roger! " Kane took a look to behind, he could see the Ground Rhino was in rage, it frowned its bows, showed an ugly face and charged towards him. He could imagine what would happen to him if he was collided by the large monster, all his bones probably would be broke.

Kane recalled back the knowledge he learned on earth, he needed to run in a zip-zap way to deal with the beasts with great momentum. He believed that he could escape from the creature, with his great spontaneous and the aid of natural blockage in the forest.

Kane threw a teasing look towards the creature, waving the fruit on his hand as if he wanted to tell it that your precious was on my hand and you just could do nothing to take it back. He was trying to evoke it, and his acting was successful.

Far more furious expression could be seen by him on the creature's face, to the point of many large veins was shown on its face clearly. It then charged more forcefully with its leg, this made the ground far more trembling. It couldn't the mocking from Kane

Kane's heart was shaken upon looking the Ground Rhino charging towards him crazily, he took a deep breath to calm himself. " Steady, Kane! You can do it! "

He turned his direction to the right, the creature blended its charging direction to follow him as well. The creature kept closing near to him, it was about fifty feet to catch up him.

Kane took some flower buds from his pocket, readily threw those these to its front. It was the critical part for his escaping plan, if he was unable to do that, the difficulty of escaping from it would be greatly decreased.

40 feet!

He held those flower buds tightly, his heart was almost spouted out from his chest. He tried his best to claim himself.

20 feet!

15 feet!

Getting closer and closer!

7 feet!

" It is time! " Kane thought in his heart. He threw the flower buds towards the Ground Rhino's eyes.

" Fire Ball! " Other hand of Kane cast out a fireball to make those flower buds release pollen.

Without any hesitation, he immediately took a great and long dodge to the left side, he slightly curled his body and rolled on the ground for a while.

Luckily, the pollen was blown into the creature's eyes and made it temporarily blink. The lizard took a sudden haul, its body was driving forward by its charging momentum. It tried to brake itself in a quick by stepping hard on the ground, but it failed as the momentum was too large.

" It looked I don't miss this time. Although I success to make it lose vision, but I did best do not slow down my speed. As I don't when the time it will regain its vision again. "

Kane grumbling heart became calmer as he knew his plan was a success, he stood up quickly and ran to the safety point he found out before. He could sense the ground trembling vigorously and the rage roar and moan of the Ground Rhino could be heard. He didn't take a look to behind with the thought of, he'd best ran away from those dangerous creatures.

The Ground Rhino kept shaking its head, jumped high and down to step the ground, causing the ground trembling more and more. Its roar was full of fury and pain as the pollen made its eyes feel intense pain. The other reason for his rage was the fruit it protected for a long time stealing by Kane, and Kane even mocked it with the fruit, but it could do nothing now. It kept roaring to express its anger.

After a while, Kane had already run far away from the creature yet he still could feel the little trembling from the ground. A bitter smile shown on his face, he wondered how furious the creature was. He heaved a sigh of relief and ran to his hideout.

" Haha… It was thrilling. " Cecelia spoke with full of excitement on her face. She enjoyed the thrilling process of escaping from a giant monster.

" I was almost killed! How you can still laugh out with such a happy face. " Kane was almost lost his words. He was at the edge of death, he may be killed the creatures if he failed.

What if he estimated the wrong timing of throwing flower buds? What if he missed throwing those? What if he couldn't respond fast enough to take a dodge to the left side? If one of the above conditions happened to him, he surely had met his doom.

While the little fairy really enjoyed it, just like having a thrilling and fun trip that may become her sweet memories to be recalled when she grew old.

After minutes, Kane had reached the cave. He walked into the cave and found a clear for sitting. He took out the Golden Mush Fruit, looking at it.

Cecelia flew to the front of Kane, she asked Ray to take out the Cooling Grass as well, these grass served as herbs to reduce the burning pain of the fruit. Her happy face turned into serious as she knew the sharp pain of the fruit to a commoner's body, sometimes even 2-star warrior, who could endure 200 pounds of punch on his chest, would find it difficult to endure this pain.

She had yet to tell Kane the truth of the fruit, the pain causing by the fruit was far more its herb could compete but the reward will be handsome. If Kane could endure it, his future of warrior path would be probably bright. On the other hand, if he couldn't go through, it means… to his end of life.

She had her own reason for urging Kane to grow strong, even hoping he could be reached a higher level in a quick way. She chose an aggressive way for him by eating the Golden Mush herbs to improve his body at first.

Eating the herbs and Cooling grass and practice the technique she taught Kane before at once, could solve the problem of burning pain and improve the body, but it was just a theory from the previous owner of the book.

There was no evidence shown that the theory was right, nobody had tried it before. By consuming herbs was still under her control, if something went wrong, she was able to solve it in a certain way. While the herbs now had changed to fruit, there may be out of her control.

She shook her head helplessly, she knew that she couldn't be selfish to take Kane's life lightly by asking him to train himself in an aggressive way, he had the right to choose his own way. She decided to stop Kane from eating the fruit and told him the real danger of consuming.

But, she was too late.

" Wait! Don't eat it! " Cecelia was stunned as she knew that Kane had already eaten the fruit. He even gave her a look of the fruit was bitter taste yet it was acceptable, if some sugar could be added, the fruit may become somewhat delicious. Cecelia remained speechless.

Kane showed her an innocent face with a question, " Why? "

It was his reward for planning hard, and a lot of work had done to get the fruit. Finally, he got it, there was no reason to stop him from eating the fruit.

He could still remember what Cecelia said to him before, great pain great gain. He agreed with her words and had already prepared himself for any pain may cause to him. If he really knew the true danger of Golden Mush fruit, he would probably change his mind.

" Hurry! Eats the Cooling grass and practice the technique!" After knowing the fact couldn't be changed anymore, Cecelia asked him to take action to deal with the burning pain. Her heart sank, sincerely hoped that nothing would happen to him.

Kane ate a leaf of Cooling Grass in hurry and practice the technique. He controlled his breath, calm his mind and body.

" Nothing had happened to me? Where is the burning pain? " Kane wondered in his heart, he couldn't feel anything yet. Maybe the fruit he ate was not a Golden Mush Fruit?

" Err… !!!" After he wondering, he felt that his whole body was burning with fierce fire, his heart as if kept pouching by a great iron hammer, going to burst in no time. He felt also, as if many fire dragons were flying inside his body.

He had overestimated his capability to endure such pain.

" HOT!!! HOT!!! PAIN! ERR…" Kane screaming out with all of his strength. His suffering moan echoed in the cave.

If somebody were to pass by the cave, hearing the screaming surely would feel scared and creepy. Probably wondered how much suffering the people had experienced, maybe his muscles were being torn, maybe his bone was being crushed by all scary ways.

He felt like he was immersed in the Fire Sea of Hell, and he could do nothing.

" My vision slowly becomes blurred " Kane muttered inside his heart.

His mind slowly became blank, life of energy kept losing to nowhere.

He felt like he probably couldn't go through this hardship.

Would his life end up in this way?