
Chaotic Star Technique

The mysterious book had existed five thousand years ago and humans just treated it as a legend without knowing its existence. According to history, a thousand years ago, humans suddenly found its existence and started a war in order to obtain this book due to greedy. As they believed the book would bring them magnificent power and helped them to be the one stood at the pinnacle of this world. That time was the darkest period of humankind, many were sacrificed and died because of this war.

Looking at the flashy fairy, Kane had some idea on his head.

" It seems you know some secrets of the book. How should I use this book? I cannot connect with the book as it just stays floating inside my brain. " Kane asked for the fairy's teaching. The book had recorded numerous number of magic, it certainly came in handy, Kane would like to learn those magic and obtain the power at least could protect himself.

The fairy hugged his chest with both her hand crossing over, staring at Kane, " You can't even connect with the book, aren't you? Are you really the owner of this book? " Weird look was shown on her face.

Kane understood nothing about this book. He just knew the book possessing unimaginable magic power, but he couldn't use the book.

" Guess I'm the owner of this book, yet I just owned it today. Thus, I knew nothing about this weird book. Can you tell me more about it? " Kane asked.

The fairy asked Kane to show how he connected to the book. Kane controlled his breath once again, closing his eyes and staring at the book. The image kept becoming clearer but responded nothing to Kane's effort.

" What is wrong with him? He must be the owner and the book surely will respond him something to help him. But, this little brick cannot connect himself with the book. Weird… weird. " The fairy never met this condition before. From her memories, the previous owner could summon the book out on his hand as he wished, but this new owner couldn't even connect with the book.

She suddenly disappeared, Kane didn't notice this as he was too focused on the book. The fairy was searching for something in the realm in the book, the realm was created by the previous owner for the living room of the little fairy.

" Am I using the wrong method? " Kane was questioning himself. Then, Kane took a look searching around for the fairy, " Where is she? Just now, she was beside me. "

Upon muttering of Kane, the fairy suddenly appeared in front of Kane. Kane was shocked by her sudden appearing, " Woah! Where are you from? You just suddenly appear in front of me. "

" Haha… you coward. I searched for something for you. " The fairy laughed at him, she felt happy to surprise Kane and looked at his surprised face. She was holding a scroll of paper on her hands, the roll was three holds higher than her.

" I have found a solution for you. Maybe you need to infuse more spiritual energy into the book in order to unlock some restrictions of the book. "

" Nah, here you are. Try to practice this technique, infuse as much energy as you have to the book. " The fairy handed over the scroll to Kane.

" What is this. The paper seems old and some recent can even smell. " The scroll was color in yellow due to aged. Kane wondered the reason the fairy giving him the scroll, what the usage of this scroll?

" This was a soul training technique. " The fairy explained.

" Soul training technique? " Kane asked.

" The name of this technique is Chaotic Star Technique. This is one of the most powerful techniques used to cultivate the spiritual energy, you can reach Elite Rank magus in quicker time by practicing this technique. This technique is divided into seven scrolls, each scroll corresponds to each stage. The scroll I have is volume number one, suitable for you as a beginning cultivator. " The fairy explained furthermore.

" Err… May I ask you what those you're saying about level and rank. I cannot understand what are you talking about. " Just like before, Kane couldn't understand Lucia's words as she mentioned that he was a Rank 3 magus. What exactly were those rank, Kane was ignorant of the rank details

" Huh? You know nothing about these? This makes me more curious about the reason you are chosen by the book. A commoner without any basic knowledge of the training system, didn't have any knowledge of magic and have yet to train your soul power before. But, the book had chosen you to be its owner. This kind of matter never ever happened before. "

The fairy was really puzzled. The book just chose a nobody to be its owner, how could that be? The previous owner had great talented in cultivation, moreover, his high intelligent allowed him to understand concepts of magic in a short time. He found the book in twelve years old and become only saint level magus in his period of time, standing at the pinnacle of humankind.

But now, Kane was just a commoner and knew nothing about the magic and the training system. Added, the fairy thought this new owner would occasionally show his idiotic look on his face. Kept wondering in her mind, what was the talent possessed by the new owner as his qualification to be chosen by the book.

Kane stared at the fairy with his innocent eyes. Kane didn't feel shy although being questioning by the fairy about he knew nothing. In his mind, there was nothing to be shy to admit his ignorant and was not knowledgeable, he believed that he surely could understand those things puzzled him as long as he kept asking and found out the answers. He was waiting for the fairy's answers.

By looking at his serious face, the fairy didn't speak any more cold words. She started to impart the knowledge of the magus world to him.

Magus was powerful, could use spiritual energy within their soul sea to cast magic with the aid of knowledge. Path of magus gave the meaning of a person chose the path to be a magus, they require to train their soul and gain numerous knowledge. This was the reason why the number of magus was lesser than the warrior. Among hundreds, there would be a few warriors. Yet among thousands, there only one magus. This was because the requirement to be a magus was more difficult, required one to accumulate a lot of knowledge in their brain. While the warrior was required to cultivate spiritual energy to train their body yet the necessity of knowledge was not play a huge part to it.

Magus was also called soul trainer or spiritualist, whereas the warrior was physical trainer. The magus consisted of seven levels, each level was divided into five ranks. Same as warrior, the Rank 1 was lowest while the Rank 5 the highest.

Magus : Beginner Magus, Elite Magus, Expert Magus, Master Magus, Grandmaster Magus, Warlord Magus, Saint Magus.

Kane had finally known the training system in this world. But what made him more puzzled was the reason Lucia called him Rank 3 magus, as he had yet to cultivate before.

The Flame Burst magic. There must the reason for him being called Rank 3 magus, Kane suddenly taught of it.

" Don't think of nonsense. Start to cultivate now and infuse the book with the spiritual energy you gained. " The fairy put a haul on Kane's thinking.

After listening to her words, Kane dispelled all the though other than the scroll. He opened it slowly, the recent smell became stronger, words one by one fell into his vision. He read the text of the technique, trying to understand those words' meanings.

Upon reading the text, Kane felt that he was attracted to the words. His eyes became lifeless and looking blankly on the scroll. At first, Kane thought the text would probably difficult to him, but he just took a look on it, confidence was appeared from nowhere into his heart. He could learn it in a short time, he had never learned any such technique, yet he could understand the meaning of text giving to him.

Kane regained his mind, took a deep breath and slowly closed his eyes. He was spelling the formula of the soul technique, focus his mind on sensing the energy flowing into his soul.

" So much energy! " The spiritual energy absorbed was beyond his imagination. He felt his body was filling full by energy, kept flowing inside his body without any direction. He had yet to able controlling such amount of energy, the energy just flowed inside his body for few second, then came out from his body.

The technique allowed cultivator to cultivate a magnificent amount of energy in short time, yet the amount was too large for a beginner like Kane to absorb the energy into his soul sea. Although his cultivation speed of spiritual energy was astonishing fast with the aid of technique, maybe ten times faster than the speed of other techniques, but he just absorbed a little percentage from the energy. This was because Kane didn't get familiar with the technique yet, his current speed of cultivation was a bit faster than a normal person if he really could handle the technique well, his cultivating would probably stunningly fast in the future.

Since the recovery of his intense injury, his soul had grown stronger yet he didn't know it. His vision became better, he could more focus on certain thing and he could endure a longer time of focusing without feeling tired. A long time had passed, he had cultivated about five hours. He started to feel tired and stopped to cultivate.

Staring at the sky through the window, Kane estimated that the day was at the midnight, far much time for the coming of dawn.

He observed the book once again. That had something changed to the book, it glowed brighter than before. " At least that was some change on it. Maybe more energy needed to be infused to the book. I wondered what will happen to the book if enough energy is supplied to it. "

With the passage of time, Kane could accumulate much more energy on his soul sea. Yet, he just felt a little growing of his soul sea, normally absorption of energy would make the soul sea growing larger. Most of his energy was infused to the book, thus only a small portion of the energy was remaining and flowed into his soul sea.

" It is still a long way to go. How much energy the book really need? Are my effort would truly pay off if I continue infusing energy into the book? " Kane helplessly sigh and shook his head. It seemed like he had to do harder to supply much energy to the book, but is his effort really work? Is this way the correct way to allow him to connect to the book? He had no idea to these questions.

After ten minutes of resting, he continued cultivating. As much energy kept accumulating in his soul sea, it made him felt energetic and had yet to feel tired. Due to impatient of willing to see the change of book if more energy kept infusing to it, he forced himself to cultivate the spiritual energy until dawn.

As more energy was cultivated, the book glowed far brighter.

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