
Chapter 2

"She seems to be perfectly healthy i don't understand why that happened".She wakes up to see worried faces of maids and a doctor. "Ahh your awake my queen how are you feeling?"he asks. She looks around to see she is in her light pink bed again.She slowly realises whats going on."Oh im fine doctor!"She says cheerfully."Okay just-" the doctor was explaining."GET OUT ALL OF YOU!"she screams.They all frantically run out the door closing it behide.Her face was full of worry ."I know exactly whats wrong doctor" she says to herself. She slowly gets out of bed. Then gently takes of her white gloves.She starts to sing beautifully and smoothly like a angel. "Sing a song, a cure for sorrow,A song for the angels,May all give power to queen and all..." she countines to sings as a golden light starts to come out her hands.She places both of hands on her chest and say this "...i shall be kind". At the moment all pain she once felt was gone."Thank goodness if that didnt work...no don't think about!" she says under her breath.She puts her silk white gloves back on. "I'm sorry you can come in!" she shouts.The door starts to open. "We are sorry we upset you your majesty!"The doctor says apologetically.She looks at them with a kind smile. "No im sorry i was just suprise to see so many people i shouldnt of acted that way!"She says."Im better now anyway so you can leave now if you like doctor"She says kindly.The doctor waves and leaves.A maid with golden blonde hair comes rushing over and grabs her hands."I was so worried for you my queen!I heard you singing its so beautiful like the last time you sang to the people!"the maid kindly says."My goodness thank you so much,"She says "Whats your name dear?"She asks.She smiles at her with such happiness in her eyes."Oh my name is Ann!"Ann explains."Okay Ann i shall remember you"She happily replies.Ann's face lights up with wonder as she hugs her and runs off into the hallway."How cute and inocence that girl is"she says to herself."Okay ladies tell the man i shall be singing at the ball!"She happily tells the maids.

Hi Everyone Since my last chapters got 100 views which is amazing I've decided to post the next chapter hope you enjoy!

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