
Chapter 1

"My Queen!" She wakes up to see a bulter stand beside her bed. "What?" She says. "We have a guest waiting in the next room".He walks out the room closing the door. "I wonder if...No it can't be" "Anyway i need to change" She gets out of bed graciously. She changes into a blood red dress. She is a thin woman with long dark brown hair. She rings her bell for a maid. I maid almost instantly comes into the room."Just brush it nothing else thank you" Her fair face shows beatiful features as she patiently wait for the maid to finish .As soon the maid had finished they left the room.The hallway is large and straight with maids and bulters bowing at her. The hallway with the red and gold carpet and decorations was lighted by large chandeliers. The maid opens the door. "Ahh Queen what a nice day it is!" Says the man. "Quite" she replies. "What do you wish to speak to me about?" she questions. "Oh right you see we was thinking as you are only 13 we should do a ball!" He says. She sits down with grace. "Are you saying im unfit for the crown?" She asks."What! No ofcourse not you are deserving of the crown!"He frantically explains. She calls for a maid. "May you gets us some tea" She tells. She looks back at the man. His face is full of terror as he sweats uncontrollably while trying to smile. "Don't worry it's just a joke!" She explains. "Oh i see..you are quite funny my queen!" He tries his best to laugh at the joke. "Any way i think i will allow you to set this ball up. Is that okay?" She asks. " Yes!" He replies. She gets up from her chair. She looks back at him. He seems worried but happy at the same time."Oh right invite everyone." She demands. "But my Queen"He says quickly. "Are you saying my judgement is wrong!"She says angrily. He shakes his head."Well then goodbye" .She turns away and exits.As the door closes her heart starts to beat frantically with each beat feeling like needles being stabbed into her.She falls to the floor on her knees grabing her heart."MY QUEEN!"A maid shouts.The maids Rushed to her trying to talk to her. "Whats happening your majesty!" says one maid. "Get a doctor!"Screams other maid. "I.."She tries to speak with no success. At that moment she closes her eyes and faints.

Hi everyone what do you think? I hope you do like it! (•♡•)

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