
The Story About Me and the Girl Who Asked Me Out ver.2

So basically this is the story about our Mc, Matsuki Satoro and this girl Kira Miyoko. Kira asked him to go out with her, but , Matsuki hates the opposite gender. Matsuki accept her confession due to his own selfish and unreasonable reasons and that reason is, he wants to get his revenge on all girls. While Matsuki plans to use her as a stepping stone along the way for his goal, something went incredibly wrong. What could have possibly happened along the way? Will he be able to execute his plan or will someone get in his way? Find out by reading "The Story About Me and the girl who asked me out" [Note from the Author] This is the second version of the story I once wrote as a pantser, now I wrote it with plot, although I don't know if it is better or not, hope you find it enjoyable read despite my lackings Cover is mine

sm_yesa · Realistis
Peringkat tidak cukup
36 Chs

Chapter 20: Four Years Ago 3

[2019- September 10]

The full moon shone, illuminating the darkness of the alley as the sound of a nearby bell signaled that it was already midnight, the start of another day. Yet, I remained there, alone in the deserted alley, staring at the ground with a clouded mind.

"Awooo!" The distant howl of a dog brought me back to my senses, and I slowly began picking up the things I had bought for my aunt. My thoughts were still muddled, my brain heavy with the weight of what had just occurred.

I picked up the bottle of juice, hoping that regaining my senses would wake me up from this dream. I reached out for a stone, holding it in my hands like a shell crab, and stared at it blankly.

What had just happened?...

Huh?... Maybe I'm just really tired... There's no way Takumi would do such a thing. This alley is really dark, so maybe I just hallucinated, or worse, unintentionally fell asleep and dreamt it all. Haha, that must be it, right?

I tried to convince myself, but tears streamed down my face, betraying the pain and confusion I felt.

"Ha...Ha-Ha-Ha..." I cried out loud, hugging tightly the things I had bought from the convenience store.


I tried to call Takumi several times but gave up when I received no response from her. As I walked towards home, the breeze felt cold and chilling, and as I neared a bridge, the moonlight reflected on its surface like grains of sand. Lost in my thoughts, I pondered about my life, about how the people I loved always seemed to leave me, and how bitter and cruel the world could be. I couldn't help but think that this life sucks...

Feeling the rough texture of the stone, I placed my hands on the edge of the bridge and used them to climb, standing at the edge, facing the lake that I've never wondered how deep until now, I just hope it's enough to get my feelings drown.

Why?... Why did this happened?

Takumi what the hell?

"You're still not answering..." I muttered, frustration and despair filling my voice. I threw my phone, watching it stumble and fall into the water. At that moment, the thought of ending my life by jumping off the bridge crossed my mind.


But a sudden beep of a car startled me, jolting me out of my thoughts. Its headlights shone towards me, and I instinctively raised my hands to shield my eyes from the light. The car came to a stop, and a woman came running towards me.

"You're Matsuki, right?" she asked, her voice filled with concern. "The son of Lisha John. I am Yuri Shikawa, your father's friend. I learned about your circumstances too late, and I just managed to get here now. What are you doing there? It's dangerous."

"Who are you?" I asked, my voice trembling with confusion.

"I am an acquaintance of your father, and he left his last will to me, which is to take care of you," she explained, her words sinking in slowly.

"Come down here," she urged, extending her hand towards me.

"No, it's better if I just follow my father and may be there, I'll remembe-"

"Follow him? You're not thinking of jumping off that bridge, are you?"

"Of course, I..." Before I could finish my sentence, my shoes slipped off, and I felt a sudden rush of adrenaline as I plummeted through the chilling air. The world seemed to blur around me as I descended, my heart pounding in my chest. And then, with a jolt, the cold water enveloped me, jolting me back to my senses. I didn't care that I was about to drown; the water felt soothing and calm.

I just closed my eyes, bracing myself for the chilling coldness of the water.

But when I'm about to give up my life, I felt a sudden grip on my shoulders, pulling me away from the depths. When I opened my eyes, the woman, with quick reflexes, rescued me from the water, her strong grip providing a sense of security. She held me tightly, offering comfort and support in that moment of vulnerability.

Flick* "Idiot!" she scolded, her words filled with a mix of frustration and concern. "Your father didn't rescue you and raise you just for you to die. He did it so you can live. Are you trying to make his efforts be in vain?"

Soaked in water, I felt the warmth of a scolding that I had never experienced from a mother. Her words struck a chord within me, making me realize the gravity of my actions.

My father?...

am I.. an idiot? I muttered, my hands covering my face in frustration. Why did I forget... She's right. My father didn't rush me to the hospital and pay a huge bill for me to just die... But how can I continue to live? my father, and she... they're gone.. leaving me all alone in this unknown world.

"Just leave me alone!"

"No, you're coming with me!" Her grip tightened on my ear, and she forcefully led me to her car.

She placed a cloth around me, providing some warmth as I shivered from the cold air conditioning in the car.

[2023- November 23]

** Present: Three days after the incident**

Thud! The sound reverberated through the room, jolting me awake from my sleep. My heart raced, pounding against my chest like a drum. I gasped for breath, the cool morning air chilling my lungs as I tried to calm myself. I instinctively hugged myself, seeking solace and security in the embrace of my own arms. Pulling the blanket closer, I sought refuge from the chills of the morning breeze that seeped through the cracks.

"What the hell?" I muttered, my voice trembling with a mix of confusion and frustration. Of all times, why do I have to remember it now? Is it because I learned that Takumi is around? The thought lingered in my mind, intertwining with the remnants of the dream that still clung to my consciousness.


*Bang bang!

The abrupt sound of banging reverberated through my room, jolting me awake and pulling me back into reality. My hand instinctively flew to my head, feeling the dull ache pulsating within. With a groggy determination, I slid my feet to the side of the bed and gingerly touched the cold floor, sending a shiver up my spine. Summoning every ounce of strength, I pushed myself up, my feet protesting against the chill as I stood upright.

Bang bang*! The sound of banging continued, and I let out a tired sigh and rubbed my eyes, trying to clear my vision. "Who's making such an annoying noise this early?.."


My stomach grumbled, reminding me of my hunger. I glanced at my phone to check the time. It was 6:37 in the morning.

"Matsuki, open up!" A hoarse woman's voice came after the persistent banging.

Who's that? It sounded familiar to me.. I asked as I forced myself to get up without much energy and walk, starting with my right foot. I almost tripped. "Wait, I'll get there..."

*Bang! Bang!!

Sighing, that person clearly lacked patience. I was doing my best to reach the door, and the loud noises were becoming increasingly annoying.

When I finally reached the door and opened it, a woman rushed inside.

As I observed her movements, I couldn't help but think that her actions reminded me of Kira's annoying habits. Kira again? What's her deal this time,?

However, those thoughts quickly vanished when she turned to face me.

"Where's Kira?" She had a round face, black hair, and oval-shaped yellow eyes. She carried her school bag on her shoulder, still in her school uniform. And it wasn't Kira, It was no other than Kira's friend, Shina.

"What are you doing here? Why are you looking for Kira?" I asked, but she didn't answer. Instead, she went straight to the bathroom, then to the kitchen, and finally to Ate Yuri's room. Reluctantly, I followed her.

"What's going on now?" I asked as she stared at me furiously, raising her eyebrows.

This girl had been restlessly searching my place for Kira, and what's with her today?

"Where's Kira?" She demanded, "Where did you hide her?" Confusion washed over me as I tried to comprehend her words.

Hide Kira?.. is this girl still sane?

"What are you talking about?" I leaned against the doorframe, crossing my arms as I glared at her standing inside my room.

"Don't act ignorant. You're the only one I can think of who would..."

"Hey, did your parents not teach you how to behave properly in someone else's house?"

"Don't try to change the subject. Where is she?" She persisted, passing by me and ignoring my presence. "I'm sure she's here... you're hi-"

But before she could pass me, I gripped her shoulder and made her stop. "Hey, wait, calm down!"

"...What's wrong? Did something happen to Kira? For you to be looking for her here?..""

Then she stopped struggling and looked at me, tears welling up in her eyes.

"Kira... she's been missing for two days..."

[[<END 1 OF VOLUME>]]]

If there's even someone who would waste their worth time to read this book of mine I thank you, The volume one Ends here, and please look forward to the second volume

sm_yesacreators' thoughts