


turn imagination into words and let others know

2021-12-15 BergabungPhilippines





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  • sm_yesa
    Balas Lachgar

    what do you mean by japanese girl?

    Ch 34 Chapter 34: I'm sorry
    The Story About Me and the Girl Who Asked Me Out ver.2
    Realistis · sm_yesa
  • sm_yesa
    Balas Lachgar

    why? you don't like drama? do you hate Takumi? why😭

    Ch 33 Chapter 33: Just listen to me, please
    The Story About Me and the Girl Who Asked Me Out ver.2
    Realistis · sm_yesa
  • sm_yesa

    Kira scene

    The Story About Me and the Girl Who Asked Me Out ver.2
    Realistis · sm_yesa
  • sm_yesa
    Balas Brogden_Cotton

    thanks for reading my work, hope you stick around till the end😊

    Ch 21 Chapter 21: Korosaku Lee
    The Story About Me and the Girl Who Asked Me Out ver.2
    Realistis · sm_yesa
  • sm_yesa

    if you're wondering abou what happened to Naruki and Matsuki after meeting Korosaku lee, I think I'll put it in the next chapter, that's what I plan to, but if you think is weird after I release it, please reach out to me so I can ask my editor to help me figure it out

    Ch 31 Chapter 30: A forceful Act
    The Story About me and The Girl who Asked me out
    Realistis · sm_yesa
  • sm_yesa

    you're right, even I is having a hard time how to brought things up, I'm sorry to disappoint you, it's my first time to really write with the intention of finishing it asap but sometimes I make mistakes because of rush. Please forgive to your useless author.

    Ch 31 Chapter 30: A forceful Act
    The Story About me and The Girl who Asked me out
    Realistis · sm_yesa
  • sm_yesa

    This work is quite good, reading it is not a waste of time, though I must say there are some uninteresting part like any other nobels out there. The writing style is fine but could be better by making it more gripping. Overall it's good ! Keep up the good work fellows !!

    Lightly Tainted
    Fantasi · Kamera189
  • sm_yesa

    This one gave me goosebumps, as i read your work with imaginations my heart began to throb really fast, I was having a mix feeling of excitement and nervousness. I'm not into horror/thriller but I will not be bias, this book is good, the quality of writing attract my attention, though. there are some mistakes from time to time. It's alluring and exciting as I proceed with the chapters. Hope this would be done well. It's good!!!

    Survive as long as you can!!
    Seram · Maryam_Mayo
  • sm_yesa

    Ok here's my two cents h quality of writing and grammar is good, but there's something I am not satisfied, and that is just suddenly dropping the information traits and details in an unattractive way, i think it can be improved more how it was delivered. The story is engaging as I wonder how the story will go. Overall it's good. Keep up the good work, you can do it fellows!

    Rise like a phoenix
    Fantasi · Turquoise24
  • sm_yesa

    I'm not into BL but I endured and read it, well, what can I ssay, it's good. Here's some of my comments. I'm not into third POV but how the story was delivered is good, the quality of writing and grammar is also satisfying , what only needs to be improved is the quality of feelings of characters, making it more relatable I think will do the trick, whatever you may come up is fine. Keep up the good work

    Born Again(BL)
    LGBT+ · Sweet_Vanilla553
  • sm_yesa
    Balas Nytri

    I guess, the reality that really happened will be unveiled sooner.

    Ch 26 Chapter 25: A nightmare or a memory?
    The Story About me and The Girl who Asked me out
    Realistis · sm_yesa
  • sm_yesa

    So I read it, here's my two cents about this book, at first I like how the story was portrayed by first person but it suddenly change to third person that actually mad me lose interest it changes abruptly. I do not relate to the main character so I was not hook, I think, just my suggestion you should consider changing point to point perspective with considerations. The writing quality it good and it was mysterious but some may not find it catching when the mystery is not that something where when you read it you'll be full of questions, In terms of plot and world building, I think it's good to make it more interesting. Remember, that's just my opinion don't take it to the heart. It's better than average just need some work, keep up the good work

    Shut-In Of The 'Dead'
    Fantasi · DaisukiDayoSenpai
  • sm_yesa

    This is pretty good to be honest, I like how the story started, though I don't like brutality and violence, The quality of writing is so good that it's easy to imagine and be immersed to it, I'm not into 3rd POV but this made me still read it through few chapters because of how good the story was delivered. It's good and awesome

    Falling for his Prisoner
    perkotaan · PerkyPompous_Pixie
  • sm_yesa

    ehh!!! Cruel! scary

    With a flick of his wrist, Frederick threw his dagger towards Elwood's direction and a blood-curdling scream ensued. The man's body spasms and falls flat on his face. Just before people could react further, the hazel-eyed man hissed, "Too snobby to my liking. Next! Show me the heir or I'll slaughter ten more of you."
    Falling for his Prisoner
    perkotaan · PerkyPompous_Pixie
  • sm_yesa
    Balas PerkyPompous_Pixie

    uh , no it was not a rebirth, it is a bout the guy who lost his memories, his 10 years childhood memories.

    Paragraf ini telah dihapus.
    The Story About me and The Girl who Asked me out
    Realistis · sm_yesa
  • sm_yesa
    Balas PerkyPompous_Pixie

    thanks, I overlooked that I'll correct it

    Paragraf ini telah dihapus.
    The Story About me and The Girl who Asked me out
    Realistis · sm_yesa
  • sm_yesa
    Balas PerkyPompous_Pixie

    sorry for the confusion, What I intended to deliver here is two years earlier " the proceeding event he was telling happened , if you could suggest a good way to deliver it, please feel free to correct my grammar and words , I'm still learning about English language you see

    Paragraf ini telah dihapus.
    The Story About me and The Girl who Asked me out
    Realistis · sm_yesa
  • sm_yesa

    The writing quality is nice, I'm not into third point of view but it is immersive because it's kinda funny and relatable though I'm also not into female Mc, overall it's good keep up the good work

    Moved to a new link
    perkotaan · Little_North_Star
  • sm_yesa

    The character and the story, I like it and seems to be improving, I only read a few chapters but I would want to read more , over all it was impressive though I'm not fond of third POV

    Moved To A New Link ()
    Realistis · Ink_Quanta
  • sm_yesa

    I'm sorry but I would review this book as a bias, I hate gore and brutality, but I, also want to write one but when I read this, I really can't . The mc seems to be merciless and I'm not fond of it so I'll also drop my review without bias. the story intro, punishing someone has already portrait the mc kind of character and it was a good way for me. Then What I just didn't like is that he's not the one who's doing it right away. He has pawns. The Mafia concept is pretty normal yet it is immersive since I don't like concept like this, this one is pretty interesting and good. The quality of writing and grammar is good but sometimes confusing maybe that's just me but that's how I see it, over all it was a good read but short so I can't say if it will be much better or worse so I'll wait for more.

    Utilizing a mafia boss
    Realistis · Moonwriting