
The Star God Of Ancient.

Mukesh mysteriously transmigrated into the world of supernatural where Ancient Gods ruled the land. He possessed the body of Eric Lancaster who had died by drinking poison when he failed to graduate. Being complete unknown to this, let's see how Eric will gain supernatural powers. How will he solve the puzzle of his reincarnation? Can he return to his home? {The God Of Empty Throne} {The God Of Giant} [As this is my first time writing a novel, I hope you guys will like it.] Disclaimer - The cover photo isn't mine. I gave credit to the real owner, I am not the owner of the cover photo. If the owner wants me to remove it, just let me know.

Mukesh_Dhami · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
18 Chs

Chapter - 11 (Cursed Blood)

Noticing the red gleam in George's eyes, Eric is shocked. The supernatural aspect leaves him with conflicting thoughts. "Should I run? If they wanted to kill me, they would have killed me already. And before I regressed, Ms. Caroline seemed kind, and this guy seemed to be mute." The uncertainty swirls in Eric's mind.

"Caroline was also stunned, do you mean him?" She says, pointing at Leo.

"Yes, him," Eric confirms in a calm tone. He doesn't show his hesitation. Now aware that everyone here were supernatural aspects excluding him, he doesn't let fear affect him. If they haven't hurt him, it's okay. But if they do, he believes he can still regress, even though the chances are very low. He wants to hold onto that chance.

"I am Leo," the man beside them replied, surprised. "Well, most people can't see me as I am a Ghost Materializer. I am surprised that you can see me."

"Oh, Leo," Eric mutters. Confused by the terms "Ghost","Materializer" and "can see me" he doesn't say anything and just nodded. Thinking that, he was talking about the supernatural.

Seeing Caroline staring at him, Eric calmly asks, "Huh! What happened?"

"Nothing, I was wondering how calm you are," Caroline chuckles and thinks that he is unique since she called him through the Wishing Mirror.

"Am I?" Eric smiles bitterly. "Who won't be calm if they are in front of the unknown?", Eric muttered, the more they run the more they will suffer.

"Well, when did you awaken your blood?" Caroline suddenly asked.

"Awakened blood, what?" Eric thought in confusion. "Wait, is she asking about the dream? No, that's impossible. Maybe she is asking about my involvement in the supernatural." Then he says, "It's recently, I think one day." He thought about the involvement with that zombie beggar and said.

"Eh, so it's yesterday. So, you don't know anything about the supernatural, right?" Caroline asks, seeking clarification.

"No," Eric replies.

Then, let me tell you, Caroline said and she poured two cups of tea. "Leo is a human but he awakens an interesting spirit. While going through third form of Materialization, Spirit Awakening, he awakened Ghost as a Spirit. So, his state is quite unique. Most Materializers wouldn't be able to see or sense him, but you are a rare case. Without even becoming a Materializer, you can already see him," Caroline explains, shedding light on Leo's unique situation.

"Eh," Eric takes a cup and sips, noting sugarless. Then he thought, " Like a ghost cultivator in those novels???" The revelation sparks curiosity and surprise in his mind.

"So, as you know, you have cursed blood. It's a blood cursed by All Father," Caroline reveals, explaining the nature of cursed blood.

Hearing this, Eric is stunned. "So, I am cursed?" he wonders, grappling with the revelation.

"Don't worry, all the Materializers have cursed blood. Me, Leo, and the Captain also have cursed blood," Caroline reassures, emphasizing that it's a common trait among Materializers.

Eric sighs in relief, realizing that the cursed blood won't do any harm to him for now. It might even bestow him with powers. He was afraid that he would die early because of the cursed blood.

"As a matter of fact, every living being has cursed blood. But it hasn't been awakened yet. It can only be awakened if they are involved in a supernatural encounter and knows the certain truth or are a descendant of some Materializer," Caroline adds, providing further insights into the nature of cursed blood.

"When the All Father created the living beings, he also cursed them," Caroline narrates, providing Eric with essential information before fully entering the supernatural world. Cursed Blood will also creates a nightmare for every Materializers. If they don't have someone to help them, they might even lose their soul in the nightmare.

Eric is astonished to hear the origin of Cursed Blood. The All Father created the living beings, but 'he' cursed his creation. No one knows why he did that! Many years later, with the help of Gods, human beings searched for a way to eradicate the cursed blood. They found a way – the lesser form of Mortality, 'Materialization.' They invented the 'Ten Forms of Materialization,' each Form eradicating the curse of blood slowly as they advance.

Eric takes his time to consume the knowledge he just found out. "So, the Gods are real! Is the Goddess of Night also real?" Eric wonders, contemplating the possibility. The Sylvania Kingdom worships the goddess as their religion. "Even my parents are the same," Eric ponders, reflecting on his upbringing. I should visit the Goddess sometimes in the temple. Maybe, I will get good luck.

"As for why you have cursed blood? It must be because you have been involved in a serious supernatural aspect and know certain truths or knowledge. Or, you might have inherited it from your genes," Leo says seriously, offering potential explanations for Eric's cursed blood.

Eric thinks over Leo's words. "From genes? That's impossible! His parents are mortal. And he even has two siblings. It must be due to recent events occurring around him," Eric contemplates, trying to make sense of the origin of his cursed blood.

"So, is my job easy or hard?" Eric smiles bitterly, realizing that his path may now be more challenging due to his newfound awareness of the supernatural world.

"Well, that is," Caroline chuckles and turns towards the captain, leaving a sense of mystery hanging in the air.

Captain George gets up from the chair, puts on his coat, and holds the diamond cane in his hand. "Well, since he has already been involved in the supernatural aspect, let him join. I don't mind," The captain has some annoying expressions.

"Hehehe, nice. From now on, you are the fourth member of the 'Shelter.' Our job is to protect our country," Caroline says, handing a token to Eric with a skull symbol on it. "Our organization is known as a Punisher in the supernatural world.' It is quite famous in the Capital," she explains, initiating Eric into their group.

"If you show this token to officers, they will salute you," Caroline chuckles, revealing the privileges associated with the token.

"Don't forget that you are still an accountant. You have to make calculations for every expense we use," Captain George reminds Eric before heading outside. "Well, I am going for the escort mission. I will be back tomorrow," he announces to Leo and Caroline, leaving Eric with his new responsibilities.

"He always has an angry face, but he is always good to us. Don't mind him," Caroline reassures Eric, offering insight into Captain George's demeanor.

"Well then, you can start tomorrow. It's ten o'clock in the morning. Maybe you can meet our third member tomorrow," Caroline suggests, hinting at another member Eric is yet to encounter.

"Okay," Eric bids farewell and heads towards his home, contemplating the new responsibilities and mysteries that lie ahead.


"Leo, go and bring that mirror," Caroline instructs, leaning back in her chair, signaling for the item to be retrieved.

Leo nods in annoyance, retrieves a golden mirror from inside, and hands it to Caroline, complying with her request.

Caroline hugs the golden mirror and expresses her hope for the captain's safety on his trip. The golden mirror gleams and shakes slightly, indicating a mystical connection to Caroline's wishes..

Leo observes Caroline's use of the golden mirror, he had thoughts of borrowing it to wish for a hundred gold coins, curious to test its capabilities.

In the upper block, Lina and Michael prepare to visit the Temple. Michael, undergoing his third form of Materialization, hopes to receive blessings from the Goddess of Night. Linda accompanies him on this spiritual journey.


At six o'clock, Eric returns home, choosing a different route to avoid the alley where the zombie beggar might still be lingering. On his way, he makes sure to pick up some eggs.

(⁠◔⁠‿⁠◔⁠) [late chapter] (⁠◔⁠‿⁠◔⁠)

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