
Chapter Sixty Eight

A dozen bulbs of flame lit up the surrounding area as the trio made their way through the dark ruins. It seemed that there were no areas for torches to light up the pathway.

"I keep getting the creeps from this place. Let's hurry up and leave." Marvin mumbled from the back of the formation.

"Oh, shut up. It's just because you weren't able to do much against Three. Don't worry, I'm sure there will be some monsters that you can do something about. Six wasn't jelly-like." Boyd teased him from up ahead. Marvin just shook his head and chose to hold his tongue.

The trio continued in silence for a few more minutes before Boyd abruptly raised his hand, signaling for them to stop. Kasuyi also sensed the presence of two people up ahead. There were only two possibilities. Either those two people were Nedra and Titus, or they were two monsters who held a couple of Philosopher's Stones.