
The Son of Marvel

What happens when a random working joe dies on the job, and the poor schmuck doesn't even realize it. That is when this particular putz wakes up from his perceived nap to a completely different perspective and a whole new world to be completely normal. What this guy doesn't realize is that this new world is far from normal. (I am a new writer so bear with me, and because of my American public-school education even though English is my native language. Grammar and punctuation is not my strong point.) No harem and some lite romance elements

UnlimitedRage · Filem
Peringkat tidak cukup
42 Chs

Chapter 6

POV Jason

Over the course of the next five years, I dedicated myself to mastering my powers. Each day was a new challenge, a new opportunity to harness the strength, the speed, and the incredible abilities that had become a part of me. My super senses allowed me to hear the faintest sounds from miles away, my vision became sharper, and my heat vision grew more controlled.

But with the growth of my powers came a new challenge – controlling them. I had to constantly hold myself back, to restrain the incredible strength that surged through me. It was a constant worry – the fear of accidentally shattering glass, walls, or crushing objects with a mere touch. My control over flight was also improving, allowing me to soar through the sky with ease, the wind rushing past as I navigated the world below.

Director Fury had me put my abilities to use, sending me on discreet missions where my unique skill set could make a difference. My speed, strength, and enhanced hearing became assets that shielded trusted agents, preventing danger before it even had a chance to materialize. These missions allowed me to gain invaluable experience, to understand the world beyond my family's safety, and to grow in wisdom as I confronted various threats.

Throughout these years, a special bond formed between Agent Phil Coulson and me. He became not just a mentor, but a friend, a confidant who shared his insights and experiences with me. Coulson's wisdom and guidance helped me navigate the complexities of my powers and my responsibilities. Our connection went beyond duty; it was a genuine friendship that extended to my family as well.

As the years went by, I found myself standing at the precipice of a destiny I had never imagined. With each achievement, each challenge overcome, I grew closer to becoming the guardian I needed to be – not just for my family, but for the world that I had been reborn into. And as I looked ahead, I knew that the journey was far from over, that the road I walked was filled with both danger and purpose.

Over the years, my senses have evolved into a symphony of information, a cacophony of sounds and voices that paint a vivid tapestry of the world around me. The whispers of wind carry stories of people in need, cries for help echoing from every corner of the globe. It's as if the world itself has become my responsibility, a constant reminder of the power I possess and the duty that comes with it.

With each supersonic boom that resonates through the air, criminals tremble in fear, knowing that the Red-Eyed Demon is descending from the sky. I've honed my super speed to a level beyond what I thought possible, racing through the atmosphere at speeds that defy comprehension. It's not just about stopping crimes; it's about showing those who prey on the innocent that they are no match for the forces of good.

Rapists, drug dealers, murderers – I've intervened in their dark deeds, a flash of crimson and determination, a living embodiment of justice. With every action, I'm driven by a sense of purpose, a desire to make the world a safer place, to ensure that no one else has to endure the pain and fear that my parents protected me from.

It's a fine line to walk – using my immense power without becoming a tyrant myself. I remember my parents' teachings, their values etched into my very being. I strive to be a protector, a beacon of hope, rather than a force of fear. And so, as I help the people around me, I'm not just living up to my parents' legacy; I'm forging my own path, embracing my identity as the Red-Eyed Demon, a symbol of strength and justice.

But with each intervention, each criminal stopped, I can't help but wonder – is there more I could be doing? Are there greater challenges on the horizon, threats that require more than just my speed and strength? As I navigate this ever-changing world, I'm driven by a sense of responsibility, a need to ensure that my powers are used for the greater good, that my actions are a testament to the sacrifices my parents made to protect me.

And so, I continue to patrol the skies, to listen to the whispers of those in need, to answer their calls for help. It's a never-ending journey, a relentless pursuit of justice that pushes me beyond my limits, that tests the boundaries of my power. As the years go by, I can only hope that my actions make a difference, that I can create a world where my parents' legacy lives on through me, a world where no one is beyond the reach of justice, and where hope shines brighter than the darkness.

POV Alexander Pierce(nazi emperor)

Alexander Pierce sat in a dimly lit room, his fingers tapping impatiently on the table. Before him, a group of Hydra agents stood in tense silence, their faces a mix of anticipation and apprehension. He glared at them, his voice cold and calculated.

"Explain to me, why are our operations being compromised? Our carefully orchestrated plans are unraveling, and I want to know why."

One agent stepped forward, his voice laced with nervousness. "Sir, it's the Red-Eyed Demon. We suspect he's behind it. His interference has thwarted our attempts around the world."

Pierce's eyes narrowed, his patience wearing thin. "The Red-Eyed Demon? The same kid who's been playing vigilante? I thought we dealt with him already."

The agent shifted uncomfortably. "We thought so too, sir, but he seems to have disappeared. It's as if he's become a ghost."

Pierce's frustration simmered beneath the surface. "A ghost? We can't afford to have ghosts meddling in our affairs. Find him, and deal with him – once and for all."

Another agent spoke up, his tone cautious. "Sir, perhaps we should focus on the bigger picture. Our goal of world domination, the Project Insight –"

Pierce's glare silenced him. "Project Insight means nothing if we can't even handle a single boy with powers. We are Hydra – we control the world from the shadows. But it seems we have a leak, a weakness that needs to be eradicated."

He leaned forward, his voice dripping with venom. "Agents, find the Red-Eyed Demon. Bring him to me. And if any of you dare to fail again, you will face consequences far worse than you can imagine."

The room was heavy with tension as the agents absorbed Pierce's words. He watched as their determination mingled with fear, and he knew that the future of Hydra hinged on their success in capturing the elusive figure that threatened their plans. As the agents filed out of the room, Pierce's disappointment grew, igniting a fire of anger within him. He had built Hydra on a foundation of power and control, and he would not allow anything – or anyone – to stand in his way. The Red-Eyed Demon may have eluded them for now, but Pierce was determined to crush any opposition, no matter how formidable, and ensure that Hydra's grip on the world remained unshaken.