
The Son of Marvel

What happens when a random working joe dies on the job, and the poor schmuck doesn't even realize it. That is when this particular putz wakes up from his perceived nap to a completely different perspective and a whole new world to be completely normal. What this guy doesn't realize is that this new world is far from normal. (I am a new writer so bear with me, and because of my American public-school education even though English is my native language. Grammar and punctuation is not my strong point.) No harem and some lite romance elements

UnlimitedRage · Filem
Peringkat tidak cukup
42 Chs

Chapter 23

POV cosmic citizens( all them aliens)

In the far reaches of the cosmos, awe and wonder spread like wildfire among the citizens of the Kree, Xandar, and Sovereign empires as tales of the mighty Asgardian warrior, Vega, began to echo through the stars. His iconic red cape and symbol of Asgard became symbols of hope and strength, leaving an indelible mark on the hearts of those he encountered.

Among the Kree, whispers of fear mixed with grudging admiration for this "maddening madman" who seemed to defy the laws of their universe. Vega's presence, his unparalleled speed and strength, had sent shockwaves through their fleets. Leaders and high-ranking officials debated the implications of his actions, acknowledging the threat he posed to their ambitions. "Vega, the Asgardian warrior," they spoke with a mix of trepidation and respect, realizing that their once-impenetrable armada was no match for his might.

In the realm of Xandar, gratitude and appreciation flowed freely for the valor displayed by the enigmatic warrior. The people spoke of his unwavering dedication, his willingness to confront any challenge head-on. "His valor is valor," they declared, recognizing the deep-rooted sense of duty that drove Vega to their aid. The leaders of Xandar held discussions about forging stronger ties with Asgard, understanding that allies like Vega were a beacon of hope in a universe filled with uncertainty.

The Sovereign, a race known for their haughtiness and perfection, were left shaken by Vega's unyielding power. Frustration and a hint of fear lingered among their people as they grappled with the aftermath of their drone fleets being obliterated. Vega's actions had shattered their carefully cultivated image of invincibility, forcing them to acknowledge the existence of a force beyond their control. The Sovereign's leaders debated their next course of action, wary of the Asgardian warrior who had exposed their vulnerabilities.

Across the known universe, Vega's name became synonymous with hope and defiance. His actions transcended the boundaries of species and politics, uniting civilizations in awe of his prowess. As tales of his deeds spread, the universe watched with bated breath, wondering what challenges he would face next and what impact his presence would have on the cosmic balance. Amidst the awe and fear, one truth remained clear: Vega, the warrior of Asgard, had left an indelible mark on the tapestry of the universe itself.

POV Peter Quill( master of the way of the footloose)

As the stars glimmered in the vast expanse of space, Peter Quill, also known as Star-Lord, found himself leading the Ravagers on a daring escapade across the cosmos. Their target was a distant world, rumored to hold valuable artifacts ripe for the taking. Yet, as they approached the planet's atmosphere, a streak of red and a distinct sonic boom caught their attention.

Hovering above the planet, Vega's imposing figure dominated the scene, his dark suit and red cape billowing in the cosmic winds. Star-Lord's heart skipped a beat; he had heard the whispers about this formidable warrior, the legendary protector of the universe.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold on, boys!" Peter called out over the Ravagers' comm system. "Looks like we've got some cosmic competition. And it's... Vega? Seriously?"

The Ravagers' ships came to a halt, their crews watching in awe as Vega descended gracefully towards them. Star-Lord couldn't help but feel a mix of exhilaration and unease. This was no ordinary encounter.

Vega landed with a precision that left no doubt about his power, and Star-Lord found himself face to face with the Asgardian warrior. A subtle smile played on Vega's lips as he regarded Peter, his glowing red eyes seeming to pierce through the enigmatic mask that adorned the interstellar thief's face.

"Well, well, well, look what we have here," Vega's voice resonated in Peter's mind. "Star-Lord, notorious pirate and lover of music."

Peter's eyes widened beneath his mask, his surprise evident. "Hey, wait a sec, how did you know about that?"

Vega's chuckle was almost otherworldly. "Let's just say your reputation precedes you, even beyond Earth."

Star-Lord scratched the back of his head, a nervous laugh escaping him. "Yeah, well, you know how it is. Gotta keep the jams alive, even in the vastness of space."

Vega's eyes twinkled with amusement. "Indeed. Just remember, while I appreciate your musical tastes, I'm here to ensure the safety of these worlds. So, let's avoid any... undue trouble."

Peter raised his hands in mock surrender. "No problem, big guy. We were just passing through, anyway. Just checking out the sights."

Vega nodded, his gaze unwavering. "Good. Now, go and keep the jams alive, Star-Lord."

With that, Vega lifted off the ground, soaring back into the cosmic abyss. Star-Lord watched him go, a mix of relief and fascination washing over him. He turned to his fellow Ravagers, who were still awestruck by the encounter.

"You guys heard that, right? Vega just told me to keep the jams alive. That's practically an endorsement!" Star-Lord exclaimed, his voice tinged with excitement.

As the Ravagers' ships continued on their way, Peter couldn't help but chuckle to himself. It seemed even the universe's mightiest warrior had a sense of humor. And maybe, just maybe, Vega's approval of his choice of music was a sign that not all cosmic encounters had to end in a clash of powers.

And so, to the backdrop of his favorite tunes, Star-Lord led the Ravagers through the stars, leaving behind a trail of music and mischief that resonated with the boundless expanse of the universe.

POV Thanos(Nutsack chin)

In the shadowy depths of his sanctum, Thanos stood tall and imposing, his presence radiating an aura of power that commanded the obedience of those around him. His piercing gaze fell upon his trusted lieutenants—Ebony Maw, Gamora, and Nebula—each of them loyal and formidable in their own right.

"Brothers and sisters of destiny," Thanos began, his voice a deep rumble that resonated through the chamber. "Our purpose remains unchanged. To restore balance to the universe, to bring order through inevitable sacrifice."

Ebony Maw, with his unwavering devotion, bowed respectfully. "My lord, the plan is progressing as expected. The Infinity Stones are well within our reach."

Gamora and Nebula exchanged glances, their expressions revealing a mix of anticipation and apprehension.

"However," Thanos continued, his gaze narrowing, "there is a disturbance in the cosmos that requires our attention."

The tension in the room grew palpable as the mighty Titan's gaze turned inward, contemplating a force that had stirred unease in his heart—a force that bore the name of Odin Borson, King of Asgard.

"King Odin," Thanos hissed, the name a venomous curse on his lips. "He dares to reenter the stage, to send forth his warrior to spread the name of Asgard across the stars."

Ebony Maw's eyes gleamed with intrigue. "Should we consider this a threat, my lord?"

Thanos' clenched fist revealed his inner turmoil, a mixture of fury and concern. "I do not know what Odin plans, but I sense a shift in the cosmic balance. His warrior, Vega, has ignited hope and fear across the universe. He is a force to be reckoned with."

Gamora stepped forward, her voice laced with curiosity. "Is he not another challenge to be conquered, my lord?"

Thanos turned his gaze to Gamora, his eyes burning with intensity. "Gamora, the known universe is vast, and Odin's intentions remain shrouded in mystery. I will not underestimate him."

Nebula's cybernetic features contorted into a sardonic grin. "You fear him, father?"

Thanos' lip curled into a snarl, revealing the depth of his trepidation. "I respect power, Nebula. Odin is a being of ancient might, a force to be respected. I must decide whether to accelerate our timetable or to exercise caution."

The chamber fell into an uneasy silence as Thanos' mind churned with calculations and possibilities. The fate of the universe hung in the balance, a delicate tapestry of power and strategy woven across the cosmos.

"Whatever Odin's intentions," Thanos declared, his voice a chilling proclamation, "we shall watch, we shall wait, and we shall adapt. For I am the harbinger of destiny, the Conqueror who shapes the fate of galaxies."

With those words, Thanos turned to the vast cosmic expanse beyond, his resolve unwavering as he plotted the course that would lead him to ultimate power. The universe trembled in anticipation, unaware of the storm that gathered on the horizon, a storm whose impact would reverberate across the cosmos itself.