
The Son of Marvel

What happens when a random working joe dies on the job, and the poor schmuck doesn't even realize it. That is when this particular putz wakes up from his perceived nap to a completely different perspective and a whole new world to be completely normal. What this guy doesn't realize is that this new world is far from normal. (I am a new writer so bear with me, and because of my American public-school education even though English is my native language. Grammar and punctuation is not my strong point.) No harem and some lite romance elements

UnlimitedRage · Filem
Peringkat tidak cukup
42 Chs

Chapter 22

POV Vega

During the month of rigorous training alongside Thor and the formidable warriors of Asgard, Jason Vega's relentless dedication and his unparalleled Kryptonian abilities had propelled him to new heights. He had embraced the martial traditions of Asgard with an open mind, mastering the use of the mighty weapons they wielded – spears, axes, swords, and shields. Yet, even among these legendary arms, he found his own body to be the ultimate weapon, harnessing his immense strength and speed to devastating effect.

As the days progressed, his Kryptonian mind worked tirelessly to blend his knowledge of Earthly fighting styles with the techniques of the Asgardians. The result was a unique and potent martial art that seamlessly incorporated his natural abilities. His mastery of flight allowed him to maneuver with unrivaled agility, while his super speed granted him the advantage of striking before his opponents could react.

Incorporating heat vision into combat proved to be a game-changer, as he could pinpoint his targets with scorching precision. His X-ray vision granted him insight into his adversaries' vulnerabilities, allowing him to exploit weaknesses with surgical precision. He had become a force to be reckoned with, each move executed with the grace of a dancer and the power of a cyclone.

Yet, among his abilities, he had also honed a unique technique known as Solar Flare. With this awe-inspiring maneuver, he could channel the entirety of his solar energy into a single, cataclysmic punch. It was a last-resort move, the ultimate display of his might, capable of obliterating whatever lay before him. The sheer force of his Solar Flare punch had torn through the very fabric of space itself, rendering moons and asteroids into cosmic dust.

However, Vega was aware of the toll this technique exacted on his body and the temporary depletion of his solar reserves. He had dedicated himself to honing control over this awe-inspiring power, choosing to deploy it only when all other options were exhausted. As he continued his training on Asgard, he pushed the boundaries of his abilities and learned to harness his strengths with unparalleled finesse.

With each passing day, Jason Vega became a living embodiment of power, his form a testament to the blending of his Kryptonian heritage and the teachings of the Asgardian warriors. The culmination of his training awaited him, a final test that would determine his worthiness and shape the destiny of not only Earth but the vast cosmos beyond.

Standing in the grandeur of King Odin's throne room, Jason Vega felt a mixture of awe and responsibility. The weight of the universe seemed to settle upon his shoulders as he gazed upon the mighty ruler of Asgard. The All-Father's eyes bore into him, and Jason listened intently as Odin spoke, his voice carrying the gravitas of eons.

"Jason Vega, you have shown yourself to be a warrior of exceptional potential and strength," Odin began, his voice resonating through the chamber. "Yet, true heroism is not merely about power. It is about honor, wisdom, and the ability to bring hope to those who need it most."

Jason nodded respectfully, understanding the gravity of the task that was about to be assigned to him.

"As part of your trial and to test your mettle, I present you with a challenge," Odin continued. "You shall embark on a journey that will take you to the farthest corners of the Nine Realms, aiding those in need, and defending the innocent from the forces of darkness."

Jason's heart swelled with determination. He knew that this task was an opportunity to prove himself and contribute to the greater good of the universe.

"But your journey will not end there," Odin added, his gaze unwavering. "Once you have demonstrated your valor across the Nine Realms, you shall venture beyond, into the territories of the Kree, the Xandarians, and the Sovereign Species. There, you will offer your aid in their struggles and battles, carrying the banner of Asgard as a symbol of our presence."

The weight of Odin's words settled upon Jason, and he understood the significance of his mission. He would become a beacon of hope, a force for good, carrying the legacy of Asgard to the far reaches of the universe.

"Let it be known that Asgard still stands as a realm of warriors, a force to be respected and revered," Odin's voice echoed, his words imbued with an aura of power. "You will instill hope among the innocent and a touch of trepidation in those who would challenge the might of Asgard."

Jason felt a surge of determination coursing through his veins. He bowed his head respectfully and replied, "I accept this challenge, King Odin. I will carry the banner of Asgard with honor, and I shall strive to uphold the values of courage and justice across the realms."

Odin's gaze softened, a hint of approval in his eyes. "Go forth, Jason Vega. May your journey be filled with trials that forge your spirit and victories that illuminate the darkness."

As Jason left the throne room, his heart filled with a sense of purpose. He knew that this journey would be one of growth, self-discovery, and unwavering resolve. With the banner of Asgard in hand, he would embark on a path that would shape not only his destiny but the destiny of countless worlds throughout the universe.

Within the span of a year, Jason Vega embarked on a journey of heroic proportions that would leave an indelible mark across the cosmos. With his dark suit adorned with the symbol of Asgard, he soared through the Nine Realms, offering aid and protection to all those in need. The red cape billowed behind him as he descended onto worlds and civilizations, his presence alone a beacon of hope and reassurance.

On each world, he faced unique challenges and adversaries, his Kryptonian abilities and newfound Asgardian training allowing him to triumph over darkness. From preventing natural disasters to thwarting tyrants and evildoers, Jason's unwavering dedication to justice resonated across the Nine Realms. The flag of Asgard, carried over his shoulder, symbolized not only his allegiance but also the might and support of an entire realm.

His journey then took him beyond the Nine Realms, venturing into the vast expanse of Known Cosmos. In Kree-controlled space, he confronted powerful battleships and fleets, his presence instilling fear into the hearts of those who had once spread oppression and slavery. With unmatched strength and speed, he dismantled their forces and showed them that Asgard would not stand idly by in the face of injustice.

Moving on to Xandar space, Jason helped stem the tide of piracy and criminal activity that had plagued their worlds. His presence became a beacon of safety, as he swiftly responded to distress calls and swiftly dealt with threats, using his powers to crush Kree invasions and protect innocent lives.

Even the haughty and arrogant Sovereign Species could not escape Jason's impact. Despite their pride, his actions and might made them realize the folly of underestimating Asgardian warriors. Drone fleets were decimated, and their perception of the power of Asgard was forever altered.

Through it all, Jason's determination remained unwavering. He upheld the values of justice, honor, and protection, leaving a trail of hope and courage in his wake. His actions earned him the respect and admiration of countless beings across the cosmos, as he continued to carve a legacy that echoed the ideals of Asgard itself.

As the year drew to a close, Jason's journey had only just begun. The challenges he faced and the alliances he forged would play a crucial role in the battles yet to come, as the universe stood on the precipice of unimaginable trials. With the flag of Asgard held high, he looked towards the horizon, ready to face whatever challenges the future would bring.