
The Son of Marvel

What happens when a random working joe dies on the job, and the poor schmuck doesn't even realize it. That is when this particular putz wakes up from his perceived nap to a completely different perspective and a whole new world to be completely normal. What this guy doesn't realize is that this new world is far from normal. (I am a new writer so bear with me, and because of my American public-school education even though English is my native language. Grammar and punctuation is not my strong point.) No harem and some lite romance elements

UnlimitedRage · Filem
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42 Chs

Chapter 16 Day in the life of Vega

POV Vega

Amidst the bustling city streets, chaos and disorder seemed to ebb and flow like an unending tide. Jason Vega, known far and wide as the international superhero Vega, soared through the skies with unmatched speed and precision. His iconic red cape billowed behind him as he answered the calls for help that echoed across the globe.

From Tokyo to New York, from Sydney to Moscow, the name Vega became synonymous with hope. His sonic booms shattered the air as he arrived at each scene, his red-eyed gaze fixed on bringing justice to those who sought to sow chaos.

As he touched down in a dimly lit alley, the criminal activity before him came to a sudden halt. Bank robbers froze in their tracks, and the ominous atmosphere was disrupted by the presence of the masked hero. But among the criminals, one figure stood out—a disheveled middle-aged man who seemed more out of place than the rest.

"Rafi," Vega's voice resonated, a mix of sternness and concern.

The man named Rafi, his wild eyes locked onto Vega, offered a twisted grin. "Ah, Vega! The man with the red eyes and the sonic booms. The Rafi bomb's here, baby!"

Vega's gaze narrowed, his superhuman senses analyzing the man before him. Rafi, with his unkempt appearance and deranged demeanor, seemed more like a nuisance than a true threat. Despite the gravity of the situation, Vega's voice carried a hint of sympathy as he spoke.

"Rafi, you need to stop this. You can't keep terrorizing people."

Rafi let out a manic laugh, his expression alternating between euphoria and distress. "Oh, but Vega, you don't understand. The world needs a little chaos, a little unpredictability. Keeps things interesting, you know?"

Vega took a step forward, his eyes fixed on Rafi. "Causing chaos won't solve anything. There are better ways to find meaning in life."

Rafi's demeanor shifted, his gaze softening slightly as he looked at Vega. "You think so? You're different from the other capes, Vega. You actually care about people. But me? I'm just a stray lightning bolt in the storm."

Vega's heart went out to the man before him, his enhanced empathy allowing him to glimpse the turmoil within Rafi's mind. He extended a gloved hand, offering a small semblance of connection.

"You don't have to be alone, Rafi. There are people who can help you, who can guide you toward a better path."

Rafi's eyes glistened, his lips trembling as if holding back a torrent of emotions. "Maybe... Maybe it's too late for me."

Vega's grip on Rafi's hand tightened slightly, his voice gentle yet firm. "It's never too late, Rafi. You can choose to change, to make amends."

As sirens wailed in the distance, Vega glanced toward the approaching law enforcement. Rafi's gaze followed, a mixture of fear and resignation flashing across his face.

"Go, Rafi. Turn yourself in," Vega urged, his voice carrying a note of urgency.

Rafi hesitated for a moment, then nodded slowly. "Maybe... Maybe I'll give it a shot."

Vega watched as Rafi stumbled away, his footsteps echoing through the alley. As the law enforcement closed in, Vega took to the skies once more, his heart heavy yet hopeful. It was a small victory, a glimmer of change in a world that constantly teetered between darkness and light.

After a long day of patrolling the skies and thwarting criminals, I returned home to my parents, Franklin and Rosa. Their smiles welcomed me, genuine warmth radiating from their faces as I entered the familiar comfort of our living room.

"Hey there, champ," my dad greeted, his eyes crinkling at the corners as he set aside a book he'd been reading.

"Long day?" my mom asked, her voice gentle as she set aside her knitting.

I nodded, a mix of exhaustion and satisfaction washing over me. "Yeah, but you know how it is. Just doing what I can."

My parents exchanged a knowing glance, their unwavering support a constant in my life. We settled into the couch, talking and laughing about the events of the day, the conversation flowing easily as we shared stories and thoughts.

As we chatted, I reached into my bag, pulling out a folded piece of paper. "Oh, by the way, I brought something for you guys."

Curious, they took the autographed paper from Captain America, their eyes widening in surprise. "You met Captain America?" my dad exclaimed.

"Yeah, we've been working together," I replied with a grin. "He's a pretty amazing guy."

My mom's eyes sparkled as she held the autograph, her excitement evident. "We're so proud of you, Jason."

Our laughter and conversation filled the room, a comforting sense of belonging wrapping around me. But as the moments passed, a sudden change in the atmosphere caught my attention. I froze, my senses sharpening as a unique sonic boom echoed through the air, followed by the distant call of thunder.

I glanced toward the window, my heart racing as I zeroed in on the source of the disturbance. My eyes widened as I saw a mystical hammer, Mjolnir, descend from the skies, accompanied by a blinding light—the Bifrost being activated.

"Mom, Dad, look," I murmured, my voice barely audible.

They followed my gaze, their expressions shifting from curiosity to astonishment. We watched in awe as the hammer landed, the earth trembling beneath its impact.

"It can't be..." my dad whispered, his voice filled with disbelief.

As I continued to watch, my thoughts raced. Thor Odinson, the god of thunder, had arrived on Earth. He was one of the future Avengers—a hero from another realm.

In that moment, my pager buzzed, its screen illuminating with Director Fury's, message asking me to investigate a disturbance in New Mexico. The situation had just become even more complicated, and I knew that I needed to act swiftly.

"I have to go, guys," I said, my voice tinged with urgency.

My parents exchanged a worried glance, their concern etched on their faces. "Be careful, Jason," my mom said softly.

"I will," I assured them, giving them both a quick hug before dashing out of the house. The weight of the world seemed to rest on my shoulders as I took to the skies, the thought of Thor's arrival and the unfolding events sending a shiver down my spine.

As I soared through the skies, the image of Mjolnir descending from the heavens lingered in my mind. There was no doubt that this was a turning point, a moment that would shape the course of history. And with every beat of my heart, I was determined to face whatever challenges lay ahead and protect Earth from the threats that loomed on the horizon.