
Chapter 64

Outside the closing elevator door, Tattoo Guy happened to look up. His eyes connected with mine, but I swiftly dropped my gaze to the floor and sank farther into my hoodie. Shit. Had he recognized me? Did he even know who I was? Nah, he was just some rando police guy. Right? Right. The door sealed us in, and we started downward.

Detective Appelt cleared his throat. "Speaking of locks and keys, can we strike some sort of deal so I don't have to keep buying locks to the graveyard every day?"

"That's you?"

He nodded. "It didn't used to be so hard keeping doors of all kinds shut."

I snorted. "Don't I know it. Tim and I used to have a deal. He'd make it look like he locked the gate at night, and when I was through, I would really lock it. It worked out for both of us...until it didn't." I frowned down at my boots and sighed.

"Did he know what you are?"