
Chapter 65

Hours later, after my day shift at The Bean Dream but before my slayer powers urged me to patrol, I flung myself into my favorite house. A beautifully scarred back faced me, but then its owner turned and lit my soul on fire with his impossibly bright grin.

"Damn, Slayer. Welcome back. I can feel your p - oomph!"

I'd crossed the room and wrapped him up as close to my heart as I could get him. "Jacek," I breathed into the cool skin of his neck. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." He hugged me back equally tight. "I told Ronick everything. Everything about you and Paul. I think he understands why he is where he is, though that doesn't make him any happier about it. He explained about his sword and how it could help you, but...he's not going to transfer its magic to you."