
The Sinful Life of The Emperor

In the age of mutants and technology, everyone is after power and eternal life, but Kiba lives for his dreams of lust and vanity. A man on a mission to live the life to the fullest. The tale of the legendary Wife Hunter whose very name terrifies husbands around the globe. This is the story of the devil who does as his heart pleases, unafraid of the labels of good and evil. ----- Fan synopsis: Entangled in the schemes of two-faced government, a futuristic divided world, and a holy mission of his own, follow Kiba's journey of sins! (Note: The starting 20 chapters are very short and slow paced. The main story starts from the 30s so please give it a try till then ^_^ You can rest assured the novel has a good plot besides the R-18 elements ^.^) I do not own the cover. Support: http://bit.ly/trueseeker Discord: https://discord.gg/TGmqHw3 Glossary/Wiki: http://trueseekernovels.com/

True_Seeker · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
791 Chs

For Ti**s!

While Suzane rushed to save Morgan – her Good Husband, the reality-warping powers enveloping the area far ahead burst up with sinister grayness. 


The reality twisting into something new exploded like a mirror, and shards of reality erupted.

The clone of Kiba – The Defender – was shell-shocked. He had Kiba's abilities and knew it was one of his most overpowered abilities…. Yet it was destroyed like nothing.


Kiba laughed, the gray in his eyes glowing eerily, becoming a stark contrast with his bright complexion.

The Defender was caught off-guard by Kiba's demeanor.

"What is this grayness inside his eyes?! It's like he has become a new person!"

Despite having all Kiba's abilities, he now realized he really didn't have all his powers… at least not ones that originated from this evil gray.

And that alone has changed the tide!!