
Invading The South(2)

The mushroom forest was calm, suspiciously calm. No sound, no nothing.

"Kentaro, I think that we can send the message to lord Kusa now."

"You are right, Habiki. Let us tell him our exact location and that they can begin invading at full scale."

Three hours ago they had stumbled upon the woman who exploded and killed one man. Since then, threats were non-existent.

"come on Aruno, write down what Kentaro just said. Where is Jubjub?" Habiki wanted to speed things up.

"Do not worry brother, Jubjub always flies above us." writing everything down, Aruno produced a sound with his mouth.

Jubjub, the brown eagle decsended from the skies, landing on Aruno's shoulder.

"Jubjub, go deliver this message to lord Kusa, come back immediately when you are done."

Jubjub flew away.

As for the Fujimoto, they waited in their positions. But for Kentaro, they had to hide.

"Let's make an underground camp. We cannot afford being spotted in this damned place."

Eight men soon made a great underground camp, perfect for war situations.

They all found a spot in the underground camp, waiting for lord kusa's instructions.

"Habiki, are you sure the uchiha won't attack us in the days to come?"

"We are never too sure, Kentaro. We must always be prepared for everything. You know that, right."

'Yes, what he says is true. I must be prepared for everything.'

"It has been thirty minutes, Jubjub should be coming back now." Aruno surfaced from the ground, there he spotted Jubjub.

He took the message that was tied on his foot and gave it to Kentaro.

"tss, What is lord Kusa thinking. He wants us to go and attack the Kaguya near the border of the land of fire."

"Do not worry Kentaro, we must collaborate with him. The border is twenty kilometers away, so, if we travel from now on, we can reach it tomorrow."

Kentaro readied himself and so did the others, twenty kilometers is far and the risk of getting attacked while traveling such a distance is high.

They exited the underground camp and made sure to destroy it and leave nothing behind.

The border was located south-west of were they were right now.

They exited the mushroom forest, only losing one man. It was much less than what everyone had expected.

But just as they set foot outside the forest, the ground gave countless lights.

"Paper bombs!"

Kentaro reacted quick enough to cast a jutsu and protect everyone.

"Earth style: earth holding jutsu!"

This jutsu is used to manipulate the earth that is below an apponents feet, in this case Kentaro used it to manipulate the earth were the paper bombs were placed.

The earth swallowed the paper bombs quick enough to weaken the explosion.

But weakening them didn't mean negating them.


"aaaaaaaahhhhhha!" two men had been touched badly by the explosion.

They had both lost a leg, blood flowing like water out of the excruciating wound.

"Go attend their injuries! What the fuck was that, Kentaro!" Habiki didn't understand how the paper bombs were placed exactly where they were passing.

"Calm down Habiki, I know what you're thinking. It must be a coincidence, let's just resume the travel."

Carrying them on their backs, they resumed the travel. Staying their in the open would render them highly prone to be attacked.

It didn't take much time for the two wounded to die because of bleeding too much.

"leave the bodies here, take their weapons."

The thirty-eight men were now thirty-six, they had to pass a rather large river by crossing a bridge.

They all began walking on it, but the hidden enemy finally showed himself.

Countless Kaguya came out of the bushes that were near the river.

"Wind style: art of the gust blade!"

Two very large wind blades cut the bridge, making every person fall in the river.

"Men, stand up and fight!" being in the river himself, Kentaro looked around the river and they were surrounded from two sides.

But he know also had water affinity, it was a good time to test it.

"Water style: water Canon jutsu"

Putting two finger on his lips as if he was smoking a cigarette, a beam of water was spit.

Turing his head from left to right, the beam cut everything that it stumbled upon.

He then directed himself to the other side of the river while still spewing the beam of water.

They were killed easily and they offered little to no resistance.

"This is not a real attack, they just want to slow us down. But it won't happen, let's go!"

"Yes! Who do they think they are. Let's go boys, hahahaha!" they were pretty motivated from this little victory.

With such spirit nothing could happen to them, they were Invincible.

They had survived to two attacks since they exited the mushroom forest.

But soon they will face more of them as from the information they received from lord Kusa, they have numerous camps near the border with land of fire.

It was night and they did the same as last time, making an underground camp and survive through the night.

"Tomorrow we reach the border, tomorrow we will die fighting for our clan's honor. No matter what, you guys are to fight till the end."

"Yes, we will kill those sons of bitches!"

The night passed quickly and they finally reached the border.

Scouting the surroundings they found the famous camp they were send to destroy.

"This son of a bitch. Tenzo Kusa will pay for sending us here without informing us of how much men exactly we have to take on."

Everybody had second thoughts about attacking, now, they were not as riled up as yesterday.

"What do we do now, Kentaro?"

"We cannot go back, so we will have to attack. Do not forget, our clan does not accept cowards. They are at least four hundred, but we will give them a hard blow and if we have to die, then let's make sure to take as many as them with us."

Preparing there weapons, they roared and charged in the camp, accepting their fates.