
The Seven Elementalists in End Times

The reappearance of aether started to revive the magic based civilization of the past. Some started to gain different elemental powers while there were some who remained the same. During such changes, there's no doubt that a little guidance can literally change one's fate. Will the world be engulfed in chaos? Or will there be pioneers bringing order to the chaotic world?

There_is_no_Love · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
41 Chs

Hard Decisions

After Yosef and Abbey left, Jason went back to Reina's Lab.

"So, what did you call me for?" Jason asked.

"You lost a huge amount of blood to create that barrier inside her," said Reina.

"That was necessary," said Jason.

"Well, you also know the situation we have in our hands."


"So the great Jason is still clueless about what might happen?"

"I am not omniscient."

"She still hasn't awakened and there are two different elements inside her. I know you know it too."

"It's all my fault. I was careless when I told her to use the Durandal. I forgot that the sword might contain some light energy from its previous owner."

"But that blood barrier inside her won't last for long. You also know that too, don't you?"

"It's a temporary solution till I find a more suitable cure."

"One more reason for you to keep living?"


"You don't look so happy."

"I am just a bit worried. The help I got came at a huge price. I don't think I will be able to recover if I have to pay that once more. But if I don't find a way to cure her I guess there's no other choice."

"What about the Chronicles?"

"The previous pages we had didn't contain any useful information on this matter. The new pages Yosef brought might contain some. But the team will need a lot of time to replenish the aether of those papers."

"How about we forcefully awaken her? We had some great results before."

"And we also had the greatest failure standing right in front of you."

"I have read the reports Dr. Greg had shown me. You also know that it happened because of the sudden interference of that thing. And I believe deep down you don't hate what happened that day. Isn't that what made you who you are today?"

"Sometimes it's better to just live a life without knowing the truth then knowing the truth and living in constant uncertainties."

"I for once don't regret the past. After all it's what brought you into my life. Or that's how I like to interpret fate."

"You have already told her, haven't you?"

"That's right. And she agreed. Of course I didn't tell her the details but she got the gist of it very quickly. Now we just need your permission."

"How's the situation at the blood bank?"

"They have collected enough to replenish one tenth of the yearly amount."

"Tell them to bring it here. And ask Uncle Greg to take out the moon stones we have in reserve."

"So I will take it as yes."

Before leaving Jason hugged Reina.

"What's wrong with you all of a sudden? You never acted like this," said Reina.

"You don't like it?" Jason asked.

"No, that's not what I meant."

"Thank you."

Jason then left.

After hearing about the incident, Greg returned to the base as soon as he could.

"How much did it take this time?" Greg asked after entering Jason's study.

"It was manageable," replied Jason.

"And the amount to create the seal inside Julia?"

"Like I said. I have it under control. I am just running a bit low on blood. But I asked them to send their collection from the blood bank."

"And you also gave permission for a forced awakening?"

"You don't look mad?"

"What do you think of me? I am both your uncle and a researcher. I know why you did all of those. I am just upset because I couldn't be of any help."

"We have enough moon stones in stock for a final forced awakening. And this time we will use a blood seal which will prevent any unnecessary developments."


"No need to worry. They are sending enough."

"Do what you think is the best. The reason I was out, your parents contacted me. They have found the location. They are asking whether you want to go there yourself."

"So it was telling the truth after all."

"That's how it seems. And thinking about it like that, it actually makes sense."

"So what should I tell them?"

"Search the area carefully before entering that temple. If they find anything with aether signature, tell them to bring it back with caution. And our top priority is the statue. Make sure we don't leave any trails behind us."

"I will let them know."

"And could you tell them to return to their positions after their trip? I don't want to deal with these paperwork all day."

"I believe they would say the exact same thing I am saying which is you are doing the job a lot better than any of us could ever do."

"I also read the books from the same shelf."

"Guilty as charged."

They both laughed for a while. Then Greg left the room and went back to his work.

While Jason got back to do the paperwork, the phone rang.

"Sir, you have a call from Mr. Jefferson."

"Alright, put him on the line," said Jason.

"How is the progress with the scrolls?" Jason asked.

"That's why I have called. We have good news. We were able to replenish one among the six pages."

Jason got a bit excited and went downstairs.

"Where is it?" Jason asked.

"Here, take a look," said Jefferson.

Jefferson handed the scroll to Jason. When Jason touched it the writings on the scroll started to react and changed their places forming a new pattern.

"What does it say?" Jefferson asked.

"Just what I needed," replied Jason.