
The Serial Rider

Love and mystery take on a wild ride in this young adult fictional story of a college art student as she juggles with college life, obsession and unresolved past. Shirley Rider has every man's heart right under her riding boots. Except people don't really know who she is. What will she do when her mysterious life is threatened, and the past comes back into her life?

Serial_Reader_101 · perkotaan
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9 Chs


I hear Mark's footsteps behind me as I walk down the stairs. I don't look back even when I get inside my car. I already know he is going to follow me since he cannot stop me. When I start the car, one of Dave's men working inside the building opens the doors seeing that I am about to leave. Mark also starts his motorbike ready to ride out.

When we both pass the crowds outside, I can hear some girls scream and boys whistle at Mark's motorbike behind me. He is probably not giving a care about that. It seems his focus right now is where I am heading. All I want is to calm myself down. He really does not have to take care of me.

Seeing that it's me, the security immediately opens the exit gate so I can go out. People are still coming for the show that's already started and the entrance gate looks quite bustling. As soon as I am out and away from the showground, I hit the highway accelerating at a a little over the limit, overtaking the few vehicles on their long journeys.

It's a huge risk that I am taking especially on a night like this. The traffic officers are probably on the look out at every road leading to busy places like the track. They are always ready to check any road rule breaking. At the current moment I am the one breaking the rules. I don't even know where I am going.

I am just riding away my frustrations. With every road sign I am passing, every car and every light, a flash of memory passes in my mind. And the harder I step on the accelerator.

I see myself driving the same car that I am in, on the same road, and a night like this. Everything seems similar, except I look a little younger and there's someone in the passenger seat. He is telling me to calm down and stop the car. Although I can hear his voice, I can't see his face.

The more I hear it the harder I step on the accelerator. The sound of the voice only gets louder and louder.

"Please, calm down! Stop the car! Or you gonna get us in trouble!"

I wish I could make sense of these things in my head. It's a puzzle set that might take me a lifetime to complete. And I am still holding on to pieces that don't match. 

Suddenly my phone rings inside my jacket, startling me out of my thoughts. I don't realize when did I hit the break. When I take out the iPhone I find several missed calls and text messages which remind me of Mark who just arrives and parks his motorbike in front of me.

Before I can open the messages, a call come through making me answer immediately. It's Matt, as I suspected. After a while not saying anything but listening to Matt calling my name to check if I can hear him, I finally speak.

"Yeah?" My voice sounds a little hoarse like I had been crying making me realize that I have been on the verge of tears.

"Shaz? Uhm… Sharon, are you crying? I knew it, what Mark do to you? Where are you? Just wait there I am coming to pick you up." Matt sounds like he is scolding someone to protect his child. It's just weird since him and I are of the same age and Mark is his older brother.

I chuckle lightly before telling him that I am okay. His protectiveness sometimes reminds me of my brother. He used to scold Matt for bullying me. When nor how Matt became the protector this time around, still baffles me.

"Okay, but where are you going? Nate's tracking you and it seems you've been moving really fast… Matt suddenly speaks again but he gets interrupted by someone on other side. "What? Damn, I'll tell her just now l.

"Shaz, there are cops on the road you're heading to. the two of you better not be racing."  Matt scolds again making me remember that I was practically racing with Mark's BMW S 1000r motorbike. But I know he just didn't want to race against me when he kept tailing my car.

Taking on my surroundings I realize that I have already taken a turn to a road that heads into the city.

"Hey, are you still there?" Matt asks from the other side of the phone.

I almost forgot that I am holding a phone to my ear. I assure him that everything is okay and hung up the phone. Mark knocks on the window of my car and I can see him standing impatiently outside hugging his helmet to his waist.

Calmly, I roll down the window without looking at him. At this moment I have already calmed down and decided not to think too much on things. The night seems young with the lights on the road and cars passing every few minutes.

The cops were really smart to patrol this road. Many people going to the city from the spin show would use the highway and make a turn here to avoid the traffic officers. Even though it's a long way, it's still better than getting caught while drinking and driving.

"Are you done? We can go back to the show now. Luckily, I told the others to track you down before chasing after you. Who knows if you get caught at that speed?"

Even though he is speaking calmly, the tone of his voice and his words are like a father disappointed in his child. Knowing that I acted like one, I only nod and start the car. Mark also goes back to motorbike and follows me into the city.

I thought it is better to go back to the track through the city since I've already taken the turn. As expected, the police are patrolling on the road, not just traffic officers. We even get pulled to the side for license check and alcohol test. Luckily, none of us has taken even a drop of alcohol, yet.

When we both arrive back at the track, the place is booming with music, cars, people shouting and drinking. There is smoke from the braai stands on the sides and from amongst the groups where people are smoking.

As for the centre of the showground, the crowd is going crazy cheering in the mist of smoke coming from the burning tires and pipes. It's a thrill that perhaps only this crowd can understand.

After driving through the busy crowd, I finally reach restricted area where the garage is. I roll down the window for the security to see me and open the gates for me. When I enter the building with Mark still tailing me, and we find Matt waiting for us.

"Are you two crazy? We have a show and you just drive off racing into town just because you feel like it."

Matt's voice scolds us before I can even completely get off the car. I roll my eyes and close the driver's door. Mark ignores him and follows Dave who just came back to the office upstairs.

"So, no one is going to tell me what is going on?"