
The Serial Rider

Love and mystery take on a wild ride in this young adult fictional story of a college art student as she juggles with college life, obsession and unresolved past. Shirley Rider has every man's heart right under her riding boots. Except people don't really know who she is. What will she do when her mysterious life is threatened, and the past comes back into her life?

Serial_Reader_101 · Urban
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9 Chs


I never wanted us to have spin offs regardless of the money they bring to the business. Neither does the old man want them. Even with the races we try by all means to avoid putting outside rivals in the same race. It's a risk I never wanted to take. I learned the lesson hard.

These kinds of events always attract crime. The last thing I need is to have the police sniffing around. For the past year and a half, we have kept our business clean and safe. Except for having to deal with minor drunk fights, I am not read for a war to be declared on my ground.

But why tonight, and here of all places? Couldn't they have their rivalry somewhere else and those two have their meeting away from my track? Most importantly, I want to know what their meeting is all about. Why is this Martin back suddenly? It's been over two years.

I slowly get up and walk to the large window to look outside. The sun has set, and all the lights are on spotlighting the showground. With the growing crowds, the show has started. The people working the ground to make sure everything goes well are the old man's staff and Dave's security team.

The people are gathered around the arena in the groups they came with. It's a scenery of normal outdoor festivities. People drinking and smoking, others hooking up and dancing to the loud music, while the rest cheer for the spinners. There is nothing unusual happening.

"You haven't told me why you've been looking for this Martin guy." I ask after a while.

"He is our next target." Marks answers slowly confirming what I have already suspected.

"Our next target... " I laugh at the idea of it. Mark lowers his head slightly. I look at him and shake my head slowly.

"How long has Adams been our target? I've been trying to hack him but failing. He's too smart and wouldn't just let his plans be obvious. Your hope is Shirley, a girl he wants so bad but can't have her for himself. You think he'd let it go if he ever sees her with his rival? It's too risky Mark. We can't afford a mishap and have her cover blown up before we can even get what we want."

I take a deep breath in and out, feeling suddenly tired from my long speech. I don't know what frustrates me the most. This spin off rivalry thing or all these targets we can't seem to take down. Or the reason we're even doing this.

Mark and Dave are looking at me with silent expressions like they are still waiting for me to continue scolding.

"By the way, Adams saw this today when I went to his class." I pull up my jacket sleeve and show them my wrist. Mark slightly trembles at the sight of the scar he hasn't seen in years. Seeing his sorrowful; reaction I lower down the sleeve to cover my wrist.


"Damn! It is awfully quiet in here." Nate speaks loudly as he enters with Matt who is holding a pack of ciders, while he is holding two cans of soda drinks. They both stop their tracks as soon as they notice the unbearable mood in the room.

"Uhm, Matt, do you think we should have come back earlier, or we should have just stayed out to watch the show?"

"What happened in here? Mark, what did you do?" Matt asks accusingly.

"Kid, what makes you think I did something? Why did you guys take so long?"

"I saw some chick and I… No, why am I the one doing the explaining? Dave, what did he do? They were fine when we left. Now they are looking at each other like they are about to fight."

Dave looks at me uncomfortably and sighs before answering.

"It's the spin off. I thought you guys had already explained it to her."

"OH! Damn! Shaz, we thought it was good to spice up things and we tried to call you when the guys asked for the spot." Matt turns to me and tries to explain. "Besides, they are not getting paid for this. Also, I told that there were some new guys coming to spin. And it's my job for recruiting."

"Have they arrived, yet?" I ask coldly looking outside through the window.

"Yeah, they're here. Including that guy Mark has been …looking for." Matt starters when he realises what the problem might be.

"Okay, go check how things go. They don't know you, so you go can just mingle around and see if there is anything suspicious. Go with your car. Nate follow him and take out your drones. It's time to work."

"Yes, ma'am. Here's your drinks." Nate puts the cans on the table and pick up a box of hot wings then leave with Matt.

"Dave, go check your guys. Stop the gate ticket sales and bring the cash to the safe. We will talk about everything else later." With that, Dave nods his head and walks out.

"Look, I'm sorry. I want this whole thing to end too. If you want to stop now, it's okay. But remember the reason why we are doing this." Mark says after a while. His tone sounds like pleading yet commanding. He is not one to show weakness even if he needs help.

"No. I am not pulling out. Not this time. And yes, I do remember." After saying that I take one last look at the scene outside and walk out of the room. To be honest, I am not sure that I remember.