
The Seduction of Shadow

"In a world of contrasts, Emily, a beautiful and cheerful young genius, crosses paths with Alex, a cold and handsome young general. In their first encounter, Emily finds herself kidnapped and drugged, vulnerable to the dangers surrounding her. encounters Alex, a unexpected ally in her perilous situation. "You smell good," Emily sexily whispers to Alex. "You're putting yourself in danger; don't seduce me," Alex responded with a husky voice. As she unravels the secrets of her past and fights back against those who hurt her, Emily's sharp wit becomes a force to be reckoned with. With an IQ that surpasses schemers, she laughs in the face of adversity. As Emily gains fame for her creations and talents, an accidental encounter sparks an intimate connection between her and Alex. Amidst whispered compliments and warnings, their chemistry deepens. Emily's newfound courage draws Alex in, and their pursuit of love intertwines with a tale of revenge, showcasing the transformative power of unexpected connections."

byprncss · perkotaan
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32 Chs

Chapter 8: Family feud

(Family Feud)

Emily is stunned by the sudden slap from her aunt.

"You! You always give us problems!" Mrs. Sy shouted at Emily.


Mrs. Sy, the mother of Kara, is wearing a leopard long sleeve, white pants, and heels. Her body is adorned with gold jewelry. Her face is full of anger upon seeing Emily audaciously return to their house after causing a mess for her daughter.


Emily had read what was inside the envelope that Alex had given her earlier. She realized her own cousin, Kara, and Lhei Lin had drugged and schemed against her. Despite her disbelief in the situation, Emily smugly smiled at the sudden accusation, knowing she was the victim of this elaborate scheme.


"Problems? Ask your good daughter who drugged me. I don't know why she keeps doing this to me. If my friend hadn't come and saved me, I would have been the one who got raped, and my reputation would be ruined! How will you compensate me? This is your daughter's fault! Don't pass it on to me!" Emily angrily responded.


Mrs. Sy became even angrier at Emily's response, and she intended to deliver another slap. Before she could, Emily caught her hand.


"I've always been patient with all of you! Since I was young, I've been very patient with all of you. This is the last time you'll hurt me because I will fight back now!" Emily declared while deflecting Mrs. Sy's hand.


"You bitch! You are a wild child! Who gives you the right?" Mrs. Sy angrily shouted at Emily.


An old man suddenly descended from the stairs, his stern expression mirroring disapproval. "Enough!" he boomed, his voice commanding attention. It was clear that he intended to put an end to the escalating confrontation.


Mrs. Sy, still seething with anger, turned her attention to the old man. "Father, she's ruining our family's reputation!"


The old man's gaze shifted from Emily to his daughter-in-law.

"Stop what you're doing! What do you think you're doing? We are already in a mess, and you're making another scene. Your daughter is the one who put herself into this mess. You didn't teach her how to behave like a lady! Don't touch my granddaughter, or you will see my wrath," the old man shouted.


"But, Father, all this mess started since she came to our house. We don't even know where she came from," Mrs. Sy retorted while looking sinister at Emily.


"Emily is my granddaughter and she is part of the family. Your daughter is jealous and insecure about Emily. She's the one who always causes a mess and scheming her, and now you point your fingers at Emily? Don't make me angrier, or you and your good daughter can leave in this house.


"Father, that's too much! Kara is your own blood, but you will choose that wild child?!" Mrs. Sy shouted.


"Too much? You know too much? Kidnapping an innocent girl, giving her a drug, and trying to rape her with some old man! This is inhumane. Your daughter is evil! What she does is keep messing up this family, and you're asking me if I'm too much?" the old man angrily replied.


"But Father!" Mrs. Sy shouted.


"Your daughter is twisted because of you!" the old man retorted.


A middle-aged man arrives at the scene. Chester, the son of the old man and father of Kara, returns from his business trip, unaware of the ongoing situation in their family. Wearing a suit, his tiredness evident from work and the flight, he faces the added headache of arriving to the shouting and arguments inside their home.


"What's happening here?!" Chester asked.


As Chester looked around, the tense atmosphere in the room became palpable. "Father, what's happening here?" Chester politely asked his father. He is very confused about what's happening; all he hears is shouting from his father and his wife.


"Your twisted wife and daughter are causing trouble for Emily and the Sy family," the old man replied.


Chester's eyes darkened as he observed his wife, Mrs. Sy, pointing accusingly at Emily with lingering anger. His gaze then shifted to Emily, and in that moment, they exchanged a look filled with hatred. The tension in the room escalated, setting the stage for the unfolding family drama.


"What did you do again?" Chester angrily asked Emily.


"Are you getting angry at Emily without knowing what happened? Is this how good this family is?" the angry old man interrogated his son.


"Me? I'm not doing anything," Emily replied, smiling softly. Chester became irritated with Emily's attitude and how mad his father is. He then turned to his wife, asking what had happened.


Mrs.Sy tells the whole story to her husband.


"My daughter might go to jail because of this girl; her reputation is already ruined. my poor child," Mrs. Sy said while crying.


Chester couldn't help but massage his temples, overwhelmed by the welcome he received upon returning from a business trip. Frustrated, he witnessed his wife hysterically sobbing, and in an attempt to bring comfort, he gently patted her back, reassuring her that he would take steps to resolve the situation.


"Go back to our room. I will talk to my father," Mr. Sy instructs his wife.

Mrs. Sy exits, casting a sinister glance at Emily.


Emily, standing by and observing the unfolding drama, smiles softly. "These two are made in heaven for each other. I'm glad they are not my parents," Emily reflects to herself.


After his wife left, Chester looked to his father, seeking help.

"Father, please help me with Kara. I apologize for what she did," Chester Sy humbly asked his father.


"Why are you apologizing to me? You should apologize to Emily, not me. Besides, your daughter is already too much. I really don't care if she goes to jail or not. She disgusted me. I don't know how you raised your daughter to be so jealous of others," the old man retorted.