
The Seduction of Shadow

"In a world of contrasts, Emily, a beautiful and cheerful young genius, crosses paths with Alex, a cold and handsome young general. In their first encounter, Emily finds herself kidnapped and drugged, vulnerable to the dangers surrounding her. encounters Alex, a unexpected ally in her perilous situation. "You smell good," Emily sexily whispers to Alex. "You're putting yourself in danger; don't seduce me," Alex responded with a husky voice. As she unravels the secrets of her past and fights back against those who hurt her, Emily's sharp wit becomes a force to be reckoned with. With an IQ that surpasses schemers, she laughs in the face of adversity. As Emily gains fame for her creations and talents, an accidental encounter sparks an intimate connection between her and Alex. Amidst whispered compliments and warnings, their chemistry deepens. Emily's newfound courage draws Alex in, and their pursuit of love intertwines with a tale of revenge, showcasing the transformative power of unexpected connections."

byprncss · Urban
Not enough ratings
32 Chs

Chapter 7: A debt

(A debt)

Alex observed the continuous changes in her facial expressions, from confusion to sudden shock. Then, she pulled down the blanket to examine her body, and another wave of shock washed over her. Witnessing her embarrassment, he found amusement in her varied reactions, resembling someone who had just experienced a roller coaster of emotions.


Amused by the roller coaster of emotions displayed on Emily's face, Alex couldn't help but tease her further. "Enjoying the ride, Emily?" he quipped, his devilish smile widening.


Caught off guard by Alex's unexpected presence, Emily froze in embarrassment. She hadn't anticipated facing the guy from the previous night so soon, forcing her to confront the humiliating reality of her actions.


"Haha!" Emily awkwardly laughed, attempting to diffuse the tension in the room.


Flustered and still seeking clarity, she shot Alex a frustrated look. "Could you just tell me what happened? I need to understand," she pleaded, her voice tinged with a mix of confusion and embarrassment. The room hung in suspense, awaiting the unraveling of the events that had led to this awkward encounter.


Alex leaned back in his chair, contemplating how much information to share. "Well, let's just say we had an eventful night, and you were quite... adventurous," he teased, savoring the bewilderment on Emily's face.


As Emily attempted to piece together the puzzle from the previous night, a sense of trepidation lingered.


"Umm, you see, last night was an emergency! Someone drugged me and ended up there. If not for you, I don't know what will happen to me. Maybe I will die there. You are my savior. Thank you for helping me, and I'm sorry for what I did. Don't worry; I will pay for all the inconvenience that I caused."


"what pay? "Alex ask.


"Um, um, for the service? "Emily immediately answered, and she then realized what she said.


"Oh my God, oh my God, what service? Ah, it's so embarrassing," Emily thought to herself. She then shyly looked at Alex, whose eyes darkened. She froze, unable to utter a word.


Amused by Emily's inadvertent choice of words, Alex couldn't help but chuckle. "Service, huh? That's one way to put it," he teased. Alex's eyes, darkened with a mysterious intensity, held a gaze that left Emily feeling both captivated and uneasy.


Emily, mortified by the unintended implication of her words, stammered, "N-no, I didn't mean it like that. I meant, you know, for your help and inconvenience I may have caused."


Alex smiled and decided to play along. "Alright, alright. And how will you pay me?" he said, enjoying Emily's flustered response.


"I don't think my things are here, and I don't have money to pay you now. When I get home, I will send money to your account," Emily answered while smiling at Alex.


"I don't need your money, but you can pay me with something else," Alex replied, smiling devilishly.


Emily froze at his smile. He was so handsome—smokingly handsome. She never thought that the stranger who got her first was a hottie. "Well, at least it can compensate in that matter," Emily thought to herself.


Alex saw the girl in front of him not moving while staring at him. He smiled again, and Emily snapped back to her senses.


"If you don't want money, I will help you with other things. How about I clean your house? Or cook you something good? I'm really good at cooking!"


"I have a professional chef to cook for my meals, and I have a maid to clean my house. I will contact you on how you will pay me. Or are you trying to pay me with your body?" Alex asked, his gaze moving from her face down to her body.


Emily, following Alex's gaze, looked down at her body and realized she was naked. A rush of embarrassment painted her face a deep shade of red, and she hurriedly covered herself with the blanket, avoiding eye contact with Alex. The room fell into a brief, awkward silence as both grappled with the aftermath of the night's unexpected events.


"Please don't misunderstand," Emily tried to explain, the awkwardness palpable in the air. As they continued their conversation, the realization of her nakedness nagged at Emily's sense of dignity.


"Where is your dignity, Emily?" she thought to herself, a flush of embarrassment coloring her cheeks. The complexity of their interaction deepened, leaving Emily to grapple with the peculiar circumstances that had unfolded in the wake of that unexpected night.


"These are new clothes and a new phone," Alex said, pointing to the paper bag on the table. Emily immediately grabbed the paper bag, avoiding eye contact with Alex, and headed straight to the bathroom. She was too embarrassed to face the young man in front of her, while Alex smiled, watching her reaction.


In front of the mirror, Emily examined her body, revealing the aftermath of the night's wild events through bruises. Embarrassment engulfed her, but she tried to reassure herself.


"No, no, I don't need to be embarrassed. We did things wildly and intimately already. I need to be myself and walk with dignity," Emily thought, deciding to take control of her emotions. She took a shower, grateful that Alex had prepared some girl necessities. Putting on the fresh clothes, she gathered her composure and walked out, ready to face whatever awaited her outside the confines of that peculiar room.


Alex saw the girl finish taking a shower and pointed out the envelope to Emily.


"That's the one who drugged you and their accomplice. By the way, they are in the news now. If you want to press charges, you can call me if you need help," Alex coldly said to Emily. Emily was surprised that the man in front of her was helping her to this extent.


"Thanks; you helped me a lot. I promise that I will pay back this goodness of yours," Emily cheerfully answered while giving the young man a thumbs up.


Alex looked at Emily with an alluring smile. "Of course, there's no freedom in this world," Alex thought to himself while looking meaningfully at Emily. Emily was speechless at how he gazed at her.

Upon returning to her grandfather's house, Emily was brought back by Alex's secretary due to her lost belongings. She was greeted with a harsh slap from her aunt upon opening the door.