
The secret of billionaire matchmaker

Sold off by her family, Valerie Watson was forced to carry the child of a stranger for a hundred million dollars by her stepmother. Valerie was not only robbed of her innocence, her boyfriend also abandoned her. After the birth of her child, the child was taken away from her. She was kicked out of the house she called home. Her conniving step-sister even took away her boyfriend. Devastated and heartbroken, Valerie fled to Northridge to start her life. Six years later, she got a job at the billionaire Davison's residence as a nanny. She was going to babysit the billionaire's saucy little daughter. But why does she feel so attached to her? Will she make the little girl love her, and will the father… the CEO also fell for her charm?

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13 Chs

The Unforseen twist

At the sight of her, the President couldn't hold himself back. The glass fell freely from his hand, and shattered.

Audrey gasped, and ran to him, "Daddy, are you okay?" 

Feigning a smile, and trying not to glance at Valerie, who was already feeling uneasy. Her cheeks had already gone pink as she blushed. "Was he mesmerized by my beauty?"

"Yes, baby. Where have you been? Where did you go?" The President patted her hair, and walked upstairs, holding her pinky finger. He wouldn't dare steal a glance at Valerie again, probably because he would rather not drool. She can't catch him drooling at her… how off! He wouldn't risk his reputation for anything. He's known as the cold President, that's who he is.

Valerie, on the other hand, was struggling to walk on her heels. She felt like she was under some kind of punishment. Walking into the servant's quarter, she quickly took the heels off, and exhaled deeply in relief.

"What the hell? I felt like I was going to break my legs. That little girl, she's so persistent" Valerie mumbled as she walked towards the mirror to take a last look at herself before washing it off.

"Hey! What do you think you came here for? I can't believe you. You actually think that you are so beautiful?" A sarcastic voice drew her attention. It was Anastasia, she was glaring at Valerie like she was going to rip her head off.

With a snort, Valerie turned her gaze at her and said, "What are you talking about? I'm sure you've forgotten your duty post. It will be very nice of you to go back to the kitchen, Anastasia".

Anastasia clenched her fist, breathing rapidly in annoyance. "Who do you think you are? The earlier you finish your work here in the Davison's villa, the better".

"What do you care about? Are you so jealous because you're not as beautiful as I am? I'm sure you're dying to have my breathtaking look. Too bad! You can never" Valerie provoked her, laughing excitedly. She was already used to Anastasia picking on her, and she had learned to always stand up for herself.

"You might think you're getting pretty close to the President, I have a piece of advice for you. You better stay clear from the President, you scheming witch" Anastasia sounded even more bitter. Is she in love with the President? Why the heck is she defending him so much?

Valerie walked closer to her with a smirk and whispered, "I don't need you to tell me how I should behave or not. You're here to do your job, and so am I. You should be more focused with your work, Anastasia. If you're concerned about your work the way you're always poke nosing in my issues, then you would have gotten promoted a long time ago".

"You…" She gritted her teeth, and the door creaked open, drawing our attention to the door. It was Clara. "Anastasia, Miss Adelaide wants to see you"

"Fine!" Anastasia snorted before storming out of the room. Valerie couldn't wrap her head around why she's been so cranky to her. "That meanie!"

"You're pretty, Valerie." Clara complimented, and Valerie smiled softly.

"You think so? To be honest, I really find it odd because I've never had this kind of makeover before" Valerie bowed her head feeling embarrassed.

Clara widened her eyes in shock, and burst into laughter a few minutes later. "Really? I think you should dress up this way often. Who would have thought you look even much more beautiful?"

Taking a glance at the wall clock, Valerie gasped. It was already getting late, and she needed to get home before it got dark.

"Um… I'll go to Audrey now. I still need to bathe her, and also make her fall asleep" Valerie snapped, and rushed out of the room.

A few minutes later, Valerie was scrubbing her back with the bathing foam as Audrey kept blowing the foam and playing with it.

"Thank you so much, Audrey. Many people told me that I looked so beautiful because of the makeover" Valerie laughed.

Audrey chuckled, and nodded her head. "Miss old-fashioned, did you see the look on my daddy's face? He was so surprised. He didn't know you could change from average to beautiful".

Valerie flustered on hearing what Audrey had said. "What the hell is wrong with me? Why am I feeling so excited, hearing that the President thinks I'm beautiful?"

There was silence between them for a few more minutes before Audrey spoke up. "Miss old-fashioned, you must help me convince daddy that I don't want Miss Vicky as my home tutor anymore. You really have to help me, and that will only happen if you get on my daddy's good side".

Valerie's eyes popped out in shock, "Hmm?" 

"What? Don't you want to help me, Miss old-fashioned? I really don't like Miss Vicky" Audrey burst into tears, and Valerie was moved.

"Uhm… Come on, Audrey. Don't you dare cry or be sad? Don't you know that being sad or crying causes wrinkles? Would you want to look old?" 

"No" Audrey wiped her tears off immediately.

"Good girl! I'll help you, okay?"

Valerie helped her put on her pajamas after bathing her. 

"Read me a bedtime story, Miss old-fashioned" Audrey smiled.

Valerie yawned tiredly, trying hard to keep herself awake. She was very exhausted. After reading a few storybooks to her, Audrey fell asleep. Turning off the table lamp, Valerie covered her with the duvet. "Good night, Audrey".

Valerie walked out of the room feeling very sleepy. She twisted the doorknob, and walked into the room. "Oh, I'm so tired. I don't think I'll go home tonight".

The room was dark, and she didn't bother to turn the light on. She staggered to the bed, and laid on it. 

Suddenly, the light was turned on. Her eyes flashed open, and a gasp escaped her lips.

It was President Ethan standing in front of her, half naked with his hot abs exposed.