
The secret of billionaire matchmaker

Sold off by her family, Valerie Watson was forced to carry the child of a stranger for a hundred million dollars by her stepmother. Valerie was not only robbed of her innocence, her boyfriend also abandoned her. After the birth of her child, the child was taken away from her. She was kicked out of the house she called home. Her conniving step-sister even took away her boyfriend. Devastated and heartbroken, Valerie fled to Northridge to start her life. Six years later, she got a job at the billionaire Davison's residence as a nanny. She was going to babysit the billionaire's saucy little daughter. But why does she feel so attached to her? Will she make the little girl love her, and will the father… the CEO also fell for her charm?

DaoistCZPvfS · Teen
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13 Chs

Caught in the act

Valerie's eyes flew open as she screamed, and she turned around immediately. She wouldn't dare face the half naked President who grabbed the towel, covering himself. Valerie ran out of the room, panting heavily.

The President clenched his fist in annoyance. "What the hell? That lady has been nothing but trouble ever since she set her foot into the mansion".

He locked the door, and sat heavily on the bed. Was she actually sleepwalking? What kind of person is she anyway? She's barely a week old in the job, and she's already getting into trouble.

Valerie stormed into the room at the servants quarter. Beads of sweat rolled down her face. She thought of how she'd be punished. "I'm doomed! I'm definitely going to lose my job".

"Valerie, are you okay?" The voice startled her, and she shivered in fear. Turning swiftly, she saw Clara, who was about to go to bed, staring at her with narrowed eyes. How the hell is she supposed to explain to her that she actually saw the President half-naked, and that she barged into his room? 

Valerie forced a smile at her, covering up the nervousness she was feeling. "Oh, Clara. I… I didn't know you were in the room". 

"Yes, I am. Are you going to sleep over at the mansion today? It's already too late for you to go home. I doubt that you'll be able to get an Uber" Clara said, and she nodded her head with a feigned smile.

Valerie wasn't still comfortable, no matter how hard she tried. Plenty of questions filled her mind with no replies.

"Am I going to lose my job? Will the President have me punished? Oh, Valerie, you always get into trouble".

The next day, Valerie kept on avoiding getting to see the President. She wouldn't dare face him after what transpired between them last night. He would definitely strangle her.

"Hey! Why the hell are you lazing around? I bet you don't know the reason you're here" Anastasia taunted, and Valerie turned to her with a snort.

"What is it?"

"Don't you know what is written in Audrey's timetable? Today is Monday, lazy ass. She should be dressed for school, and you should prepare her cornflakes for her breakfast" Anastasia sneered at her. If only she knows that Valerie was trying not to see the President.

Valerie walked upstairs, taking a proper look at every nook and crannies, she rushed into Audrey's room. A few minutes later, She had already gotten her ready for school.

"Miss old-fashioned, what's with you today? You don't look okay" Audrey asked as Valerie combed her hair, styling it into a ponytail.

Valerie smiled dryly at her, and responded, "I'm fine, baby. Just a bit of tired, that's not a big deal".

"Are you sure about that? You're rather too gloomy". 

"I'm certain, baby. Come on, it's time to eat then you can go to school" Valerie carried her down from the chair, and she rushed downstairs. 

Meanwhile, the President walked to the dinning table with his suitcase. He saw the plate of cornflakes that was prepared for his daughter already. He thought of what happened last night, and shook his head.

Audrey got to the dining table, and sat on the chair. "Good morning, daddy"

"My princess, good morning"

She quickly opened the plate, and her face countenance changed. That attracted her father's attention, he arched his eyebrows at her and asked, "Baby, are you okay?"

"Daddy, I don't want cornflakes for breakfast. I thought I was going to have oatmeal" She pouted her mouth.

The President turned to the servant who was standing at the other corner and said, "Oatmeal, please"

"Daddy, I don't want her to prepare that for me. I want Miss old-fashioned" Audrey snapped. Her Father patted her head with a faint smile.

"Get the nanny" He ordered, and the servant bowed slightly before leaving.

A few minutes later, the servant returned with an unwilling Valerie. To everyone's surprise, she was putting on a nose mask, and eyeglasses.

"Miss old-fashioned?" Audrey squeaked.

Valerie laughed dryly, trying to conceal how nervous she was. "Baby, I'll make you the oatmeal now"

"Why in heaven's name are you putting on a mask and glasses?" 

The President turned his face away, and fixed his eyes on the plate of cornmeal he was having for breakfast.

"I'll be back in a jiffy" Valerie ignored her questions, and rushed into the kitchen. Audrey scoffed, and turned to her Dad, who wasn't even looking. "Daddy, I think Miss old-fashioned is being weird this morning"

"Is that so?" Ethan replied without concern.

Valerie returned with the pack of oatmeal and warm water. She prepared the oatmeal, trying hard not to steal a glance at the President. Her heart was racing fast, but she managed to control herself.

"It's ready" She said before rushing upstairs, and Audrey shrugged.

Placing her head on the pillow, Valerie exhaled deeply in relief, and thought.

"I just hope he doesn't terminate my job. Gosh! I'm sorry Audrey, I just can't face your dad. I was supposed to help the little girl talk to her Dad, but I keep on getting on his bad side. When will you ever do anything right, Valerie? You're such a party pooper. How unlucky of me!"

She was still lost in thought when she heard a faint knock on the door. The knock jerked her out of her thoughts, she walked to the door, and threw it open.

A gasp escaped her lips, and her heart raced faster on seeing President Ethan standing right in front of her.

"President, what…" She was still speaking when he pushed her aside, got into the room, and locked the door.

Valerie couldn't help but shiver. Was he going to take advantage of her? Is he a pervert? Or was he going to punish her?

He approached her fearlessly, and she stepped backwards, panicking. Words refused to come out of her mouth. She kept moving backwards until she landed her back on the wall.

He got so close to her that she could feel his warm breath on her face. "Goodness! I'm doomed".

Slamming his hands on the wall, she was trapped in between his two hands. She was visibly shaking in fear, and couldn't bear to look at his face.

"To get even with what you saw last night, strip!"