
1. Prep Time


Assalamu Alaikum brothers and sisters.

This story is totally my imagination and completely fiction but the things that will be said about Allah swt and sunnahs that will be mentioned are all real.

In sha Allah you will like this book :)



"Suhad! Are you done with the pudding? You have to get ready."

My mom yelled from her room. I sighed. "Nearly done mom! Finishing touches!" I yelled back.

I sprinkled some toasted almonds, cashews and pistachios on the saffron semolina pudding and stood back to take a look at my work. It looked good and tasted even better. It was one of my favorites in the desserts. I covered the pudding with the lid and ran to my room to get changed.

I had ironed my dress- a baggy Salwar suit and dupatta- before entering the kitchen because I knew that would take a lot of time and then I won't have enough time to iron and get ready. I put on my dress and then went in the bathroom to perform wudhu. I prayed my Asr salah and prayed to Allah that he guide me in choosing the right person for my life-partner.

That's right. Mom's distant relative's son's family was coming to meet me and my family today. I was nervous because I didn't know much about the man that mom guaranteed would be perfect for me. I hadn't seen him nor had I heard his name mentioned in my family before. He was as much a stranger to me as I was to Matt Bomer. Yeah, well. But I trust Allah with more than my life and I know Allah will pair me with the one I am compatible with. Like he gave Adam Eve, Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. Aishah r.a., etc. He knows the best.

I sat in front of the mirror and uttered the supplication for looking in the mirror. "O Allah! You've made me beautiful and make my soul beautiful too." (Allahumma anta hassanta khalki fa hassin khuluki.) I then applied a little concealer and foundation and highlighted my eyes with eyeliner and mascara. I fixed the dupatta like a hijab on my head and went in mom's room so she could approve of my look.

"Assalamu alaikum mom." I said entering her room.

"Wa alaikum assalam Wa rahmatullah! Mashallah! You look beautiful. In sha Allah everything will go just fine today."

"In sha Allah, I hope so too." Even though I wasn't so sure of this I was happy seeing my mom happy and if it was meant to be nothing would stop it.

"In sha Allah" I muttered to myself and went to wait in the dining room.


This was the first chapter! How do you like it? Please tell me. If you think I have erred somewhere do tell so I can make the changes.

Jazakallah Khair :)