
2. Immature


No way!

A thobe?

Mom can't be serious. There was no way that I was going to wear a thobe as long as I lived. No way.

I had come into my room after taking a shower only to find this white thobe neatly laid out on my bed. If someone happened to pass by my room and looked at my expression they would think I was looking at a corpse or something for that was the expression I wore while looking at that piece of outfit lying on my bed.

How could my mom do this to me? First, she went and chose a girl for me to be my wife. And now she is also telling me what to wear while we are going to their place. I can't, won't let this happen.

I folded that thobe and placed it where it belonged-- in the wardrobe. I took out a navy blue button-up shirt and black jeans to go with it. But then I thought dark on dark just won't do so I swapped the shirt for a lighter and brighter color.

I dressed up and looked myself up in the mirror. I smiled at my reflection. I looked awesome. I combed my fingers through my thick jet black hair and applied some cologne.

Taking a look at myself one last time and mentally patting myself on the back I went into the living room.

"Wow! Did you just drown yourself in cologne?"

That sarcastic comment was made by my sarcastic sister, Zarine. She was younger than me by two years and had gotten married last year.

"And did you just take a wrong turn to end up here?" I countered.

"Mom! Look at the way Dabbu is speaking to me!" She wailed.

"I'm older than you! Call me Bhai!" I said.

"I'm older than you... Call me Bhai..." She mimicked. "Older huh? So why don't I call you grandpa?"

"Does this relate to a grandpa?" I said pointing to my oh-so-awesome physique.

Zarine rolled her eyes. "You're so full of yourself. I wonder how your body handles the weight of that big egotistical head of yours!"

I was about to reply when mom came in. "What are you guys, like, five?"

"She started it!"

"He started it!"

We said simultaneously. "Hey, you made that comment of me drowning in my cologne! You started it." I huffed.

"Well, I wouldn't have said so if you hadn't actually drowned in your cologne!"

Ugh! "Why is she here mom? Doesn't she belong somewhere else since she is all married and stuff?"

"Enough!" Mom said. She came near me and took me by my ear, literally, and made me sit on the sofa.

"Ouch! Mom, that hurt! You can't do that to me. I'm not a kid anymore!" I complained.

"I can do whatever I want." Mom said folding her hands in front of her. "You say you're not a kid yet you act like one. If you want to be considered a grown-up act like one."

Zarine snickered. "And what are you laughing at?" Mom said rounding on her. "Is this the way to behave? Is this how you behave at your in-laws'? You better not! You are married and still, you bicker like a five-year-old! What will happen when you are with a kid huh? It's high time you grow up! Both of you!"

We both hung our heads. I was really feeling like a five-year-old boy being scolded for having done something wrong.

"Sorry, mom," I said and Zarine did the same.

"Good. You're forgiven. Now we have to get going. And you both better behave and don't embarrass me."

"Yes, mom." We said unanimously.

"And Dabbu, why aren't you wearing the thobe that I laid out for you? Didn't you see?"

"What is with calling me Dabbu mom?" I said annoyed. "Isn't my name Shadab? And yeah I saw the thobe but decided not to wear it. It's just not me mom!"

Mom pursed her lips. She didn't like that I chose against her. "Fine! What's your problem with being called Dabbu nowadays huh? You didn't mind before."

"I was a kid before mom! Now I'm about to get married, aren't I?"

"In sha Allah." She said. "Wish your father was with us." She whispered.

Father passed away during the holy month of Ramadan this year. He passed away in his sleep. He passed away peacefully and went to Paradise, or was on his way there. As it was said that whoever died in the holy month of Ramadan entered Paradise.

"Don't worry mom. You know he is with us. And he would be happy too."

"Yeah, you're right. Let's get going." She said smiling.

And then we were on our way to check out my future wife.


So what do you guys think? I started this chapter as something else and it started to become something better. I thought I wanted Shadab to have a sister and then I continued writing and I got this. Alhamdulillah.

I hope you like this chapter. It shows the relationship between Shadab's family.

How did you like the bro-sis bickering? How many of you do that with your siblings? Lol.

Do comment and vote. Jazakallah khair :)