
Chapter 6: My Golden Finger!?

The night was silent and eerily calm, the only light that can be seen shining upon this dark night was from the moon that shines upon the earth through the gaps of clouds and the stars that decorated the night skies like dazzling glitters sprinkled upon a black canvas.

Whaddaya think? Quite poetic of me no? wahahaha! And in this beautiful night, the moonlight that shone through the clouds 'coincidentally' landed upon the hunter's hut that our mc is currently sleeping in.

The inside of the hut was silent.,the fire already died a long time ago making the inside of the hut slightly colder. Yet our mc and the hunters are all sleeping peac-


…..oh? Oh my? It seems someone is having a hard time sleeping? Or perhaps having a nightmare of sorts?

Who could it be? Who could be having nightmares and turning around in the middle of the night like this? Well not the middle of the night since its only 10 p.m but who cares bout that right?

Could the one turning around and groaning be the injured Gudo having nightmares about the bear eating him or killing his whole group?

Could it be the gruff beard Arai having a bad dream about his son dying due to his injuries? Perhaps the anxious and wary Kibo finally saw our unleash hell upon them just as what he expected to happen. The twins following after the mc rolling down the slopping and snapped their necks before dying?

To those who guessed it right, yes, the one turning and groaning right now is our mc. To be exact, he's not having nightmares or anything of the sort..he just…can't sleep..


'I CAN'T SLEEP AT ALL!' I loudly screamed in my head before turning myself over so I can lay on my back once more.

I opened my eyes and stared at the ceiling with my bloodshot eyes…oh wait, they're not bloodshot, it's my eyes default red color.

'*sigh*, I can't sleep at all…then again, I've never saw any demon sleep in the manga at all except for Nezuko..So either all demons sleep and only Nezuko sleeping is shown or mentioned in the manga or only she sleeps as a demon.'

'….That might be the secret to her conquering the sun…maybe…but that has nothing to do with me for now, I can't sleep, well.. I don't feel tired but I'm HUNGRY..'

I blinked before realizing that the bear meat that I ate was not enough…hell, I don't feel like I ate anything at all!

'Urgh, this takes me back to my college days back in the old world…when I was still a normal human called Honestly B Alfred, the B stands for Beyond….What? My parents were weird okay? At least my name is better than my older stepbrother'

'Those college days where I ran out of money and had to live on instant noodles, coffee and biscuits for a week or sometimes more than a week was a damn pain in the ass…stomach to be exact…those times when you eat but feels like there's still empty spaces left in your stomach before realizing that you're still hungry after you hear a roar from your tummy was damn annoying…well at least I ate edible food unlike some people out there who couldn't eat and have to starve…for that, I'm thankful for every food that I eat…except for vegetables, cause fuck those green monsters, I ate them when desperate but I still hate it.'

'Anywho…what am I going to do now that I've realized that I'm still hungry, can't go to sleep and feeling bored?'

I turned my head and stared at the hunters one by one. '…Eating them? That's stupid, out of the question, I want meat not bones, besides their meat might be ruddy.'

I turned my head and stared at my..*ehem..my 'Excalibur' hidden underneath the blankets and clothes for a few moments. '….should I 'polish' it?.....not a good idea and as much of a pervert as I am an idiot, doing it right now will only make it awkward if any of them wake up, besides, I don't think I can rub one out here right now..too much man smell in the hut, no sire, won't do it.'

Then a metaphorical light bulb flashed on top of my head as I had a 'eureka' moment.

'Meditation. That might just calm me down, I can also enter a pseudo sleep state where I ignore everything else and contemplate my whole reason of existence. What a spectacular plan'

I sat up cross legged on the fur blanket, rest my hands on my knees, closed my eyes and slowly took deep breaths to calm myself down to prepare myself to enter 'the zone'.


I started to calm down as I focused on my breathing and I felt my consciousness slipping.


My consciousness gradually faded as the sound of my breathing started to become faint. And before I lost consciousness, all that I could think of was. 'I knew that 'Meditations even monkeys can do it' book was a scam!!!!'


Thus everything turn dark as our mc lost his consciousness while remaining in his meditation pose.





Our mc was still breathing only it is so faint that one might mistake him for being a statue or dead if one does not go near him and listen closely for the sound of his breath.

His consciousness is not here though it seems, to be exact his 'spirit' is not here…so where could it be?

Well, let's see what he's doing shall we?


I blinked my eyes...then blinked it again. A blank expression was etched on my face as metaphorical question marks started flying around me like flies that flies around a pile of shit.

I mean…anyone would if their dark sight turn into white surroundings suddenly without any warning right? And to push things further, this place looks a lot like the place where Kaneki met with Rize while being tortured by Jason…only that everything is white all around me with nothing else…and as I turned around, I saw a large sphere a bit further away from me.

'Huh…this is kinda creepy in its own way…'

I mean, it's a large slightly dark red sphere just sitting there in the middle of a white sky and white ground, like the Japanese flag, all white except for a red circle...and considering the world I've reincarnated in was made by a Japanese mangaka…it's oddly ironic.

I started to approach the sphere and as I took a step forward, I flinched…that is because I saw the moment I step on the ground, ripples was created and it seems as if the ground itself turned into water as the ripple kept going on till it disappears.

'…interesting' I took another step forward as the ground rippled once more and I clearly heard a click in my head as the 'fun' switch was flipped and I started ignoring the red sphere and started playing around with the ripples.

I jumped and stomped the ground to see if the ripples is stronger than the ones from my steps and clearly it is far stronger than the first ripples that I made. I giggled playfully while staring at the ripples and started tap dancing while gazing at the ripples, started running around (Naruto style of course). Sliding on the ground on my belly like penguins, rolling on the ground like a kid.

I stopped rolling as I pant out of tiredness as I wait for the dizziness to settle. I then started chuckling before gradually laughing out loud…

No, I haven't gone insane…yet

Just...when you're thrown into another world just like that with no warning, hadn't an ounce of rest and had to keep moving while all the while hiding underneath what could kill you in an instant…yeah, you need an outlet to let your stress out…

Moving like this though, running with no care? Playing and fooling around like a kid where no one can see you, can be quite…relaxing...

I continued laying down flat on my back with arms and legs spread out before slowly sitting up and turning my head towards the red blob that's still just, sitting there now that I look at it closely…doesn't it seems like its…I dunno... floating?

I slowly stand up dusting my butt off…before realizing that there's no dust here, habits die hard I guess.

I slowly approach the red blob and I swear I could just imagine the red blob saying, 'oho? you're approaching me?'…I swear I'm not insane, it's just my jojo-meme-o-meter going crazy…again.

Anyways, thank God nothing came flying out of the red blob yelling about the world, or me suddenly having knives embedded inside my body in the next moment for that matter.

I shook my head to remove the silly thoughts I was having as I took the last step before reaching right in front of the sphere.

'…it's bigger than I thought' (That's what she said!)-Author's quip

The blob was bigger than my body probably near 2 meters tall, and I think the height of my current 15 years old body is about 170cm…which is taller than my old 20 years old body which is about 164cm tall…yeah I'm kinda short in my old life.

Anyways, this blob is even creepier up close…I wonder what it is? The color is a deeper shade of red than normal red…kinda…like…..blood.

….wait...now that I think about it, I've been so busy daydreaming while trying to move around to avoid from being caught and fooling around that I didn't even stop and check if I had any golden fingers that comes with being reincarnated.

I mean…that's how it always go in the webnovels right? Dying, meeting the big G, wishes, getting reincarnated, having systems, harems, rada, rada, you know the drill.

But I didn't even meet or talk with big G, getting wishes granted or even anything. The harem part is overrated too, I already have someone in mind too. Harem might be fun and all in webnovels and inside fantasy worlds but this is my real life now and frankly? Handling more than one girl is gonna be a pain. So yeah, as attractive as the girls in demon slayer universe can be, I wouldn't wanna go for them all. (At least not in this fanfic, no sire)-Author's future works

Besides, some of the pairings are quite adorable and I wouldn't wanna ruin it. Ehem, I'll be sure to make some ships sail, the S.S ShinobuxGiyuu will not sink! Not on my watch! Fuck you Douma!

"Sigh, alright enough with the stupid monologues, time to see what this thing actually is"

I stared at the sphere as I raised my right hand and hesitated a bit before placing it on the sphere. I then closed my eyes as I waited…

And waited…..

...still waiting…


..Is it broken?

I opened my eyes and gave the blob a confused look as I tilt my head a little bit to the side and I swear I kinda felt like the blob was doing the same thing. Must be my mind playing tricks on me.

'Maybe it works by voice? Let's test it out.'


…Nothing happened, no screen pop out filling my vision or anything at all for that matter.


….Still nothing

"Settings", "Menu", "Options", "Chimichangas" 'why did I said that?' (Did anyone said chimchang-)-A̷ ̷s̷e̷x̷y̷ ̷b̷a̷d̷a̷s̷s̷ ̷s̷u̷p̷e̷r̷h̷e̷r̷o̷ AN ANNOYING LOUDMOUTH!

(Fuck off dammnit, go back to your own universe)-Author

Narrator POV

And so, as the sound of our author kicking a certain red merc back to his universe resounded in the void, our MC continues on his efforts of activating his so called 'golden finger'

A few moments later..


"*pant**pant*, dammit, none of these work! why?"

I used every single words that are somewhat related to to systems a go but none of them works..at least by voice….hmmm...how about giving it a mental command instead by saying all those words in my mind?

I closed my eyes once more as I mentally shout the magic words, "System!"


….Nothing happened

I then went through the same thing I did when I shouted the words out loud, still nothing.

I opened my eyes and just stared at the giant red ball...I just stared at it quietly and try to calm my heart so that I don't snap in annoyance and hit it with my fist.

"*sigh* none of them works so far…so how do I activate this crap?" Frustration dawned on me as I scratched the back of head roughly.

Hmm…maybe it's something like in those wuxia novels where you drop a drop of blood into items or inject your spirit or soul to bind with it or something?

Yeah couldn't hurt to try, I mean dropping a drop of blood into something that you have no idea about how it works or what it is shouldn't be a bad idea right?

…right? What could go wrong?

I bit my left thumb like so in naruto before dripping a drop of my blood on the red blob's surface.

The drop of blood fell on the sphere as my injury heals itself, I then saw the drop of blood created ripples that spread through the whole blob and the blob kept rippling…its quite the bizarre sight..

I waited for a while and waited till the rippling settled and after a few moments the rippling slowly died off and the blob turned back to normal again.

As it died down, the blob suddenly turned white for an instant before turning back to its normal color.

I flinched to the sudden change…that was unexpected. At least nothing harmful or crazy happened…but that remains to be seen I suppose.

I then waited for something to happen, waited and waited for maybe a voice or something telling me that it has awaken or something, a system popping out of nowhere explaining stuffs or an obnoxious head going on a tirade in my head and….nothing happened..

Huh…maybe it needs to be activated by voice again? Or maybe by mental commands?

I then repeated what I did before and still….nothing happened.

I started to lose my patience and moved my head to stare at the sky before seeing something flashing on top of the sphere, kinda like the notification flashes on smartphones.

Huh…I didn't notice that probably cause I'm too close to the sphere to see it as it is taller than me

I wanted to jump and investigate what it is but before I could even move, I heard a voice booming out.

"7 hours have passed"

Before I can do anything, I sank into the surface that I'm standing on, kinda like you're standing on a thick ice lake before the ice suddenly disappeared.

I sank into the white ground before everything around me gradually dark as I start losing my consciousness, I tried to swim back up in a panic but I couldn't even move my body.

The thing is, I'm panicking not really because I'm sinking or losing consciousness, it's because of that fucking voice that I've heard just now.

'I recognize that voice, that tone and that way of saying it, dammit! How can that voice appear here? Is he related with my reincarnation or something?'

Before I completely lose my consciousness and fade into the dark depths, I shouted his name mentally.

'That voice, was the voice of Dio!'

I then went unconscious.

Narrator POV

As our mc lose consciousness, the white surface resumed its tranquility. The top of the red blob was still flashing and had our mc jumped up the blob, he might've seen what it is.

On top of the red blob was words that are a darker shade of red than the red blob with one same colored star on the top right side of the writing. This are the words, 'You thought it was a system, but it was me, Dio! Wryyyy!'

….No for real, that's what was written, I'm not pulling your legs or anything.

Looks like our MC's golden finger might not be your typical golden finger I suppose, maybe we'll see what it is in future chapters. But for now, let's go back to our mc shall we?


I snapped my eyes open as I took in my surroundings, seems like they're all awake and are sitting near the fireplace…Is it morning already?

I groaned to get their attention and as expected, all of them turned around to look at me.

"Good morning Ryu-san" Kibo smiled.

I smiled as I replied to his greetings.

The twins and Gudo always said good morning to me and returned their greetings as well.

Meanwhile, Arai just stared at me, I gave him a good morning and he replied to it but continued to stare at me.

He might be curious about me meditating…maybe he'll ask about it.

A few moments later, he did just as I predicted and asked me, "Were you meditating the whole night?"

Everyone stared at me with slightly shocked faces, other than Arai of course.

'….Should I lie? Probably not a good idea, Arai or someone might've woke up at night and saw me meditating and might've watched for a while or even went to sleep and woke up every few hours and saw me still meditating, they might've even shared this information among them all, lying will only make them more distrustful of me'

'Might tell a small lie tho, mixing lies and truths are one way to lie effectively on somebody…that's what the webnovels I've read said at least.'

"Yes, meditation keeps me calm and it puts a measure of control on myself, that's why at times I might be lost in meditation and lose track of the time"

Arai just nodded his head, "I see" before turning his head away from me and stared at the fireplace.

The silence was a wee bit uncomfortable, thankfully Kibo cleared it up a moment later.

"Arai-san was asking that because seeing people meditate is rare, meditating for so long is even rarer and we've only seen one person do so and that person was quite old so this is the first time we've seen a young man like yourself meditate, a whole night long no less from what Arai-san said. That's why he was quite curious about it."

'Ah, I see…people meditating is quite rare huh…at least for these people'

I gave them a smile, "Oh, I see, so meditation is quite rare huh? By the way, who is the old man who you've seen meditate before?"

Kibo-san grinned and replied to my questions, "He's quite the strange old man and most of the townsfolk calls him senile, but he's a good man, albeit slightly weird."

"His name was, Joho"

….What a convenient 'coincidence', meeting and saving people who knows the one that I am looking for so easily, almost like taking candy from a baby.

"I see, very well then, is this Joho person still in the village?" I asked

"He was there before we depart, I'm not so sure right now." Kibo replied

"We'll know soon enough, let's move out, it's already morning and we need to reach the village soon. My son needs to rest at home and we have better medicines at home. Besides, we need to hunt for some food near the village, perhaps we'll have to take a risk." Arai said as he stood up and started tidying up their sleeping places.

'Wait a minute, they think I ate all the meat by myself and only gave them some meat last night? Huh, I can't wait to see their faces later when they saw all those meats outside.'

"Yes, of course Arai-san" Kibo glanced at me before he turned away and replied, standing up and tidying up as well, followed by his sons.

I also stood up and tidied my sleeping place as well.

We all got ready and Kibo put out the fire before we all left the hut.

They all saw the big snow mound in front of us and was a lil bit bewildered I guess. I walked towards the mound while wearing my bear mask and slowly removed the snow, revealing the meat underneath it, I spread the bear leather before putting all the meat on top of it and bundling it all up and tying it up.

I then lifted it up and looked at them, those shocked faces was quite funny as well, I smiled towards them, "Lead the way"

Kibo snapped out of it and started to stammer, R-right, l-let's go then, our walk h-home"

Before he could turn around and lead the way, Arai put his hands on top of his shoulders to stop him in his tracks. He glanced at him before looking at me before bowing towards me.

"You killed the bear and had the right to eat everything and not give any meat to us, but last night you cooked some meat and gave it to us, I was thankful for that and think of you as a good person. However, a part of me feels dissatisfied that you didn't give us more meat, not for us to eat but for us to bring back home, back to our starving family."

"I thought of you as a selfish and greedy person and labeled you as a liar even after you said you will bring the meat back to our village, I didn't even know what happened to the meat and even though it all belongs to you and for that, I am deeply sorry for thinking badly of you when you're actually a good person. Please forgive me."

Arai continued bowing his head to me and a moment later Kibo followed after as well, saying basically the same thing but with different words.

I just stared at them before laughing out loud and telling them to raise their head. They complied and raised their head as they looked at me.

"Hahaha, no harm done both of you, it's only normal to think of it like that, I don't mind. I forgive both of you." I beamed at them.

They both looked at each other before smiling and looking back at me and giving me their thanks, even the twins and Gudo looks happy as well.

Looks like I won even more of their trust and admiration, this will make things easier at least.

"Now then. Shall we go?" I asked them all.

"Ah yes, of course, let's go back home, to our village. We'll have to walk for half a day's time, but the weather seems good enough." Kibo replied before turning around and started walking. We all then followed behind him.

'Now then, let's see what kind of person is this Joho? And to see what's in store for me, this is exciting!'

I grinned as I follow them back to their village.

Soooo sorry for not updating for quite some time, was trying to find inspiration on how to continue and i've got a good plotline going on soo..yeah I'm gonna be active once more! This chapter is also longer than before so hope this makes up for the long updates, I'll try to update even more in the future, for now tho..


Hamsters, roll out~

TediousHamstercreators' thoughts