
The Sanguine Lord ( Urban Fantasy)

Title: The Sanguine Lord In the year 2078, Alex, a half-blooded vampire living among humans, discovers his real nature and is forced to quickly master his newly gained powers. But a note left by his father changes the direction of his life. As tensions rise in humans because of mysterious disappearances happening all over the world, Alex is forced to confront the force behind those events and save the world from impending doom. _________________________________________________

Parzivaall · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
78 Chs

Getting Ready (R-18)

After about half an hour of travel on the ship, Alex and the group arrived at Cryon City. The ship slowly landed on a helipad on top of a magnificent skyscraper and the back door opened, giving Alex a glimpse of the magnificent view of the city below.

The tall buildings pierced through clouds with spires on top. Numerous ships and cars floated through the sky, manoeuvring around the concrete towers. It was a beautiful view.

"It's beautiful, isn't it? "Merlin said as he glanced at the dumbstruck look on Alex's face.

Alex turned to Merlin and nodded, "Yes, it is."

"Hmm."Merlin hummed as he got down the ship while stretching his body. Alex followed behind as the men in black suits exited the ship in a hurry.

"Ken's base is around a couple of kilometres away from here. It's a villa with golden-themed finishing. In an hour, we attack. "Merlin's old and rusty voice reminded Alex of his mission.