
The Sanguine Lord ( Urban Fantasy)

Title: The Sanguine Lord In the year 2078, Alex, a half-blooded vampire living among humans, discovers his real nature and is forced to quickly master his newly gained powers. But a note left by his father changes the direction of his life. As tensions rise in humans because of mysterious disappearances happening all over the world, Alex is forced to confront the force behind those events and save the world from impending doom. _________________________________________________

Parzivaall · Fantasy
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78 Chs

Twists and Turns

The next day, Alex stood in front of a building with his hands behind his back. He was wearing a black T-shirt and blue jeans like he was out for a stroll in his neighbourhood. But he wasn't out for a stroll. Not today at least.

Kira, Maira, Sam, Carla and Abigail stood behind him. Abigail was the girl from Sam's casino who had tried to attack him but she was now one of his subordinates. 

Alex had questioned her hoping he would get some important information about Ken after finding out that she might be Ken's subordinate but Abigail remembered nothing of what happened before she had been turned by Alex. All she remembered was being kidnapped by some guys and then everything was blank until she woke up in front of the unconscious Alex who had fallen unconscious because he had turned three people into his subordinates in a small window of time.