
The Ruined Death Knight

After someone took my life away from me, I felt something or someone pulling my entire being together with my memories away from me and placing them into somewhere where it was cold and hollow. And when I thought that my life came back to me... I realized that my new life as one of the dead had already begun... "Who am I?" Which path will this soul choose? A path of Perseverance or a path of Ruination? * * * * P.S: This is my first novel that I write so there is bound to be mistakes...so go easy on me xD

Allenheim · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
448 Chs


"If I run away now I will probably get away, but..."

Looking in front of me there is the one with the club and the one with the dagger. Both of them were injured, so if I run away they will either get tired of chasing me or right of ignore me.

One had to take one look to see that both of them were breathing heavily and sweating. It was the perfect opportunity to either run or finish them off. If there wasn`t this hot feeling  raging in me I might have chosen the former but...

"This will be for Fellow!" I didn`t wait for them to recover and I struck while the iron was hot.

He still didn´t know where he was and besides, if he really let those things recover, then sooner or later he would meet them again.

"You with the sword will be the first one!"

I tried to do the same thing but this time aiming at his neck similar to how Fellow had done, but to my surprise, it was able to block my swing. Although it did block the first strike...it let itself an opening for my next following swing. The strength differences between us were simply too much for him to block it right after blocking the first one.

Cutting through the soft flesh of this neck proved that even his dull rusted sword was capable of at least that much.

"Kgh!...ahhh!" Seeing the creature grabbing its neck in desperation to save itself from this demise. The feeling of my body burning in excitement became stronger for a split second before it quickly disappeared when noticing the one with the club sneaking behind me.

As if I fall for that!

I turned around swinging my rusted sword to hit the one with the club. But the only thing that I achieved by this was hitting the empty air...

The one with the club stared at me and I stared back awkwardly. At least as far as a skull could stare awkwardly (He can´t make expressions because of being a skeleton).



After like 3 seconds passed, we both realize that we were still in a fight between life and...death? Wait, aren`t I suppose an undead that lives after dying? So this fight would be for life and undeath?

Sadly the one with the club interrupted my nonsense by striking back at me. Which was blocked by me clumsy.

After a few exchanges, I realized that it`s getting the weaker from Fellows previews wound.

But that quickly changed...

"Kual keah!" a faint green light appeared from his legs, after the faint green light ended the thing that I next saw shocked me.

The one with the club jumped at me with incredible speed much greater that his usual speed with the intent of smashing my head!

I raised my rusted sword in a panic to block the club from hitting my head. The rusted sword wasn`t able to handle the impact from the club and broke into pieces!

Although I blocked the attack from hitting my face it allowed the club to hit my ribs!

"Dammit! You useless piece of junk!" He cursed internally.

`What the hell was that!? The strength and the speed of his are totally different from before! Was it because of the ligh-´

As if wanting to confirm, he opened the creature's status window thanks to making contact with it.


Name: ----

Race: Goblin

Level: 3

Class: [Warrior Lv. 1]

Sub-Class: ----

Health: 78/400

Mana: 8/30

Attributes: Strength: 4 Agility: 1 Intelligence: 3 Endurance: 7 Stamina: 12

[Talents] ---

[Skills] [Sprint Lv.1] [Lower Weapon Mastery Lv.1]

`Status!? But I didn`t think of it. Wait, this isn´t my status! Is it from the one with the club!? That dammed thing is called goblin! The hell is a goblin!?´ He though outloud before calming himself and focusing on his enemy information.

"Hm... the Attributes are lower than mine except for Endurance and it also got stamina which which I lack, is it because I am an undead and undead are tireless?" If the sudden strength didn`t come from the attributes then it can only be from these skills.

[Lower Weapon Mastery]: You learned what purpose weapons of any kind should be used and how to handle them.

[Sprint]: By Forcing mana into your leg you can surpass your limits thus being able to move at extreme speed for a limited amount of time. Though this method brings a heavy burden to your body.

"So that was it...although it seems dangerous if it uses it again, but it seems like it finaly reached his limit...."

Seeing the Goblin falling with these shaking knees with a pale expression on his face, it suggested that it probably can`t move right now.

"So that was a last-ditch effort, huh? You probably didn`t think that I will be able to block that club, right? How..." I walked towards Fellows "corpses" and pick up this sword and slowly approached the goblin which had a despaired expression written on his face.



With a swift swing down his neck, his head rolled to the ground.

Now headless, the goblin fell down like a puppet whose strings had been cut, and with it came a feeling of satisfaction. As if a great burden has been lifted off my body.

[You received 300 Experience points]


`Experience points? What are those?´

[Experience points] By using experience points you can Increase your current Level, Skills and possibly be able to gain new Talents. Depending on the users skills, other option will be unlocked. Experience points can be gained through doing specific actions or ending a conscious.

"So that is how I can increase my status? Sounds rather simple, right now I have 400 experience- Agh, let's call it XP for convenience sake. Right now I gained 300 XP from the goblin with the club and..." While mumbling to himself, he suddenly remembered something.

"Wait a moment...!" I turned my head around checking my surroundings only to see the goblin that I cut before barely breathing his last few breaths.

"It`s still alive huh...? Let's test how I openned that status."


Name: ----

Race: Goblin

Level: 1

Class: ---

Sub-Class: ----

Health: 5/300

Mana: 0/10

Attributes: Strength: 3 Agility: 1 Intelligence: 1 Endurance: 5 Stamina: 7

[Talents] ---

[Skills] ---

"To think that it's still alive..."

Walking towards it I raised Fellows sword and pierced his heart without any remorse.

[You received 150 Experience points]

"Weird, it felt way smoother that my rusted sword of before." At first glance Fellows sword seemed like his rusted sword that I had but at a closer look, this ones edge is still there except for some small pieces.

Feeling a hint of suspicious  towards Fellow sword, he went out of his way and brought out the information to see.

[Iron Sword (In the state of decay)]: A sword forged from iron. Although the material is of the lowest quality, the craftsmanship to create this blade is of  high class. Currently, the blade has already decayed and lost most of this quality. A truly sad fate for any sword.

"No wonder that Fellow was able to damage them more...with such a treasure in this hand everything is possible!" 

`Now that I got myself a new sword I should see what all this crap with the XP is all about. As long as I understood it correctly I can use those to somehow reinforce myself...Let us see if there is something that I can use that 450 XP for.´



Name: ----

Race: Skeleton 

Level: 1

Class: -----

Sub-Class: ----

Health: 200

Mana: 10

Attribute Points: 0

Attributes: Strength: 5 Agility: 2 Intelligence: 1 Endurance: 3

[Talents] [Undead] [Sin of Wrath]

[Skills] --

[Remark: Weakest Undead that there is...Although there are spooky and scary, their strength is at rock bottom! With you being the bottom!]

"Nothing changed and the annoying remark is still there..."

`If I think of how much XP I currently it shows up similar to the status window. Well at least I can check how much XP I have, otherwise, it would have been quite awkward keeping count of it.´

"Let's see what I can get with 450 XP, first of all, let us see what the skills have to offer!"


[Lower Weapon Mastery Lv.1]: 1000 XP required

[Miasma Corruption Lv.1] 5000 XP required


At first, I was excited.


Then I saw the cost.

Seeing that I can actually get something using XP was a good thing to know. Just imagining of gaining similar powers like that goblins sudden speed boost excited me for a moment, but after seeing that I can´t buy them I felt like I was cheated.

`That's too cruel!´ He cursed internally.

"Well, If I can get enough XP I would be able to get [Lower Weapon Mastery Lv.1] pretty soon, but what is that Miasma skill? It does intimidating.

[Miasma Corruption Lv.1]: A rare trait is seen upon the undead, to the lowest ranking undead at least. When an undead with a considerable amount of time existed, they begin to release dead mana to their surroundings which slowly destroys the environment around them. Undead in such an environment experience a small amount of improvement over time.

Increase of all attributes by 5

Lowest the cost towards Dark, Curse, and Death-based Skills by 5%.

Every 10 years, 1 attribute point is being granted.

"Increase of all stats by 5 sounds so good...but expensive as heck! Of course, the discount sounds good too if I get any skills of such attribute in the future."

"This income of attribute per year should be the small amount of improvement over time that was mentioned before...It is alright since undead are immortal beings but..."

Isn´t that too pathetic? Seriously! To gain the same amount of stats that I have right now I would have to wait for what? 110 years!? That's too ridiculous!

After complaining for a while internaly, I sigh heavily and drop to the ground while holding my head.

"Sigh, I can't get anything from only 450 XP. I would have to somehow get more if I want to get those two skills. Let's see what there is on the talents to buy..."



"...Seriously?" Nothing? Like...at all?"

"No talents and no skills, what's left are the levels, please be cheap enough for me to effort"

With trembling hands, I reached out and pressed on the level screen. And seeing what came out made me jump from my butt instantly.

[Level]: 400 XP required


I instantly pressed on the window without any second thoughts in mind.

[Level has increased from Lv.1 to Lv.2]

[Strength increased by 1, Agility increased by 1 and Endurance increased by 1]