
The Rise of the Ero Masseuse System

It is the year 202X, this is an Earth whose history is slightly different from our own. However, it was that 'slight' difference that changed life on the world as we know it. Daniel Foster is an ordinary young man born in a time where young men and women, who come of age, can receive a System tailor-made to their potential. When it was time for Daniel to receive his, the one he received was called: the Ero Masseuse System. Through clearing certain conditions unique to them, people can level up their Systems. As you might have guessed, through completing many erotic conditions, Daniel is able to level up his System. For a young teenaged boy, such a System is usually a dream come true. However, for the sake of Daniel's goal, Daniel felt only deep disappointment with what appears to be a weak System. Wanting to vent, he told his best friend all about his true feelings. While laughing at his predicament, 'she' also pity for her disappointed friend. Wanting to do something, 'she' offered a surprising proposal. “…..Hey? If it’s okay with you, you can practice massaging. With me that is.” “….Huh?” From then on, Daniel's fate had changed completely. (*) indicates erotic scenes without penetration. (**) indicates erotic scenes with penetration. *I do not own the image.* *All rights go to their respective owners.*

Forestwind3 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
63 Chs


For everyone who kept up reading this mess of a story.... 'Thank you.'

Just I had probably been telling everyone, this was a story I had made on a whim and I'm still pretty much a complete amateur. I had only actually started seriously writing something just at the end of the summer. This novel was the first time I had tried writing an erotic novel. It was basically my testing ground.

I had actually wanted to write something else but I thought 'Why not?' and wrote this story up instead just to see what would happen. This story blew up more than I would've believed.

I had only barely thought about it through but I put everything I could to try to make a realistic world-building. I thought I did a pretty good job... for an amateur at least.

Though this is where a problem came about.

I had made my story way too complicated.

I had underestimated the complexity and knowledge base needed to make this story into a real success. This resulted in me completely used up all of my chapter stock that I had for this story. I had to keep writing every day just so I could make my deadlines of a chapter every two days.

This resulted in me making pretty lackluster chapters and probably a lot of mistakes. I think you guys noticed right? Due to me having to make a chapter every two days, I had no time to really overlook any of the chapters that I write. I used Grammarly, but that is it. Otherwise, it was basically a 'draft', but I had to publish it anyway.

But it seems I had reached my limit.

I writing here to tell you guys that I wish to take a break from writing this story.

I had used all of my brainpower to at least complete the end of the volume I had envisioned but I have no confidence to continue the rest of the story.


That is why there will be an indefinite hiatus.


Until I feel like I can do better, I'm not gonna continue the story. I will have a larger stock of chapters fully edited at hand when I do.

Instead, I will be writing an easier story for my small brain to handle. It's gonna be non-erotic just so you know. I don't have a title yet.

I might still update erotic chapters of 'What if' chapters of sex scenes between all the female characters that had appeared in the story to date from time to time. No promises though.

Anyway, I want to thank you guys again for supporting my efforts in creating this story.

May I see you guys again.