
The rise of the dragon prince

Adrian is in his school when he awaken, but als one hunter that´s on F-rank. But what happend in the first dungeon raid leave everybody spreechless. He understand and speak the language of the monsters. But what is that in the second Riad? A new species of Monsters: "a dragon!" But Adrian get not attacked. But why? What is with his foggy memories of his past? This is my first novel. I hope that the novel is in your liking. I didn´t come from an english speaking country, thats why there can be alot of spelling mistakes.

Epic_Buddie123 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
45 Chs

Guild requests

"Hey let me through!" said a middle aged man with blue shirt and black suit. "No! This is a closed area!" said one of the guards that are standing in a straight line. "I am the Guild master from the "black knight guild" so let me throught!" he screamed at the guard.

"It doesnt matter who you are. I have got the command to let nobody by. When you have something to discuss with him than do it after he went out of the arena!" the guard said and block the path for him. "Looks like I have over done myself! And the black knights want me!" Adrian thought and went behind the guards to a relax- room.

"But first I will rest and go then back home." Adrian thought after he saw the armchairs in the room. But befor he can sit on one of this armchairs a young women came into the room and went straight to Adrian.

"Good lunch Mr. Hanson." she said with a friendly voice. "It isnt lunch but yeah good morning Mrs." Adrian replied and sit down on one of the armchairs with red and blue pattern. "I want to know if you are in a guild." she said and Adrian looked to her.

"Who are you? And why do you want that to know?" Adrian said annoyed. "Well. I am Elisabeth Smith and I am a member of the white lightning. And we want you in our guild!" she said.

"Sorry but I have no intentions to join a guild in the moment." Adrian replied while he was sitting in the armchair. And closed his eyes. "You didnt even heared our offer!" Elisabeth said with anger and sadness.

"That dont matter. I am only doing that what I want to do and when I join a guild I will get most likely problems because I didnt heared on the guild master." Adrian explained with closed eyes and monoton voice.

"We give you 1million USD when you are joining us." tried Elisabeth to say, but in the middle he got disrubted by a others voice. "Dont join her! We will give you 1.2 million USD!" a man voice said. "1,2 million USD when you are joining the lions!" the voice continued.

"I have no intentions to join a guild for the moment. Also I dont need money because I can live well. So please go outside of the room." Adrian said with tiredness and looked to the voice that interrupt Elisabeth speak.

There was a young fat man with black hair, green eyes, and dark skin colour. "That means also you Mister and also Elisabeth!" Adrian said as they didnt went out.


"We give you 1.5 million USD and a full entrance permission to each gate that the black knight guild have!" screamed a young man with brown hair and write Shirt and black suit. Where the blue colour eyes matched perfectly.

"No thanks. I have no interest to join a guild. And most likely I will create my own guild. Thats why I refuse. Thanks you for giving me this offers. " said Adrian and looked to Elisabeth, the fat young man and the young man that was run in the room a second ago.

"are you sure to not join the black knight guild?" the young man asked with interest and woory. "You will lose 1.5 million USD!". "That is something that nothing in compare to some rich people. And you can make it easy when you are working hard!" replied Adrian and looked to the young man.

"And now leave me alone like the two others already did!" said Adrian with anger to the young man. "Do you know who I am?" said the young man in anger and went to Adrian. "Somebody that thinks to highly of himself. And also somebody who thinks that he can get everything with money!" said Adrian with confidents and anger.

"I am S-Rank hunter "Liam William" so be quiet E-Rank trash! Only because you have won a fight with an A-Rank. Does it not mean that you are unbeateble!" screamed the young man! "I am maybe a trash hunter infront of you but I have beaten an A-Rank hunter. As an E-Rank! So I would like to see that you beat an SSS-Rank hunter up by youself!" said Adrian. "I dont think that you can do it! As an normal S-Rank hunter!"

"We will see each other again. But next time you will get it all back or even more!" said Liam William and went out of the door with a red face of anger.

"This fucking E-Rank trash thinks that he is somebody who can do everything! I will show you your place. Even when it must been in an A-Rank dungeon or higher!" muttered John and went the hallway down to the arena.

"He was mad! Only because I refuse to join. What is that!" Adrian muttered and try to relax.

*After 20 minutes*

"I think it is time to get home. Then I can look for a dungeon raid for tomorrow and can earn abit of money. When I dont need the item that I get!" thought Adrian and stand up and went to the door to leave. "The armchairs where so nice. But at home it is even better to rest!" thought Adrian and leaved the room with the armchairs. After afew minutes of walking he went outside of the arena and saw alot of reporters try to interview him.

"Can you say us how you have beaten A-Rank, Carl Johnnas?" asked one of the reporters. "Are you in a guild?" asked a other. "What poisen was that you use on Carl when his hand rot away?" asked a other reporter. "What do you did to trick him?". "Was the dark voice you, that feared almost everybody in the arena?". "Are you really an E-Rank hunter?" asked different reporters. Why behind them alot of others take pictures of Adrian.

"Why did I manage to get so much attention? And all this because I won against an A-Rank Hunter?" thought Adrian in surprise. "Fuck. Why do I need to get so much attention? I would to go home and even if I answer all the question I need hours to get home. What should I do?!"

"Do I need to answer all questions? I dont think so. I need not to answer, right?" thought Adrian. "I will answer one question per Person." said Adrian loud. More reporters then came to ask Adrian questions.

"One at the time. Or I will end the interview!" said Adrian and pointed on one of the reporters in the front.