
The rise of the dragon prince

Adrian is in his school when he awaken, but als one hunter that´s on F-rank. But what happend in the first dungeon raid leave everybody spreechless. He understand and speak the language of the monsters. But what is that in the second Riad? A new species of Monsters: "a dragon!" But Adrian get not attacked. But why? What is with his foggy memories of his past? This is my first novel. I hope that the novel is in your liking. I didn´t come from an english speaking country, thats why there can be alot of spelling mistakes.

Epic_Buddie123 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
45 Chs


"it is true that you didnt use underhanded tactics?" asked the reporter. "I dont even use abit of tactic. But I did manage to defeat him because he understimate me. Next one!" said Adrian.

"How do you dodge all of the attackes?" asked another reporter. "I didnt dodge them." said Adrian and pointed on the next reporter.

"What do you mean by you didnt dodge the attacks?" asked the reporter. "I let them hit me. That I mean. Next one." said Adrian and pointed on the next reporter.

"What did you use to take them on? An Elexir?" asked she. "I dont even have the money for an elexir and secondly it was an D-Rank defence skill that I use." replied Adrian and looked to the reporters who write everything down what he said.

*And so it went on for over 4 hours*

After the inerview or most likely the question hours from the reporters it was 4:30 pm. "Ppff. That was exhausting. Who has thought that it was that strenuos?" muttered Adrian and went home.

As he went home he saw on his phone and was shocked because of the many missed calls he saw on his phone. "What is going on. Why have I so many missed calls? That make no sense!" thought Adrian and saw that a not known cell phone number have called him.

"When he or she wants something than he or she will call again." thought Adrian and put his phone again in his pockets. And enjoyed the ride home. When he came home it was almost 6pm and Adrian was tired.

"Looks like I will sleep like a rock this night". And went into the kitchen to made him dinner. "Lets eat pizza." and with that he take the frozen pizza out of the freezer and put it in the oven. After he waitered 8 minutes he take the pizza out and began to eat. "Fuck! Why it is so hot?!" screamed Adrian in pain and dropped the pizza.

When the pizza flow to the ground he heared his mobile phone ringing. "First pick up the pizza and then I'll call you back. " said Adrian to himself and started to pick up the pizza slices on the ground. "Good that I wiped the ground last friday! But now I can wipe it again but the pizza can be eaten and is not dirty!" thought Adrian.

As he finished to pick up the slices he went to the tv and turned it on. "Lets see what is on the news." he thought and looked the news while he was ate the pizza.

"The armies are looking for hunters above C-Rank to kill the high-rank-monsters that came out of the S-Rank gate in north korea. And its look like that no civilian has survived the dungeon break!" the narrative speaker said while a video was playing. Where monsters killing civillians and hunters that trying to stop them.

"The monsters are not normal. Their whole behavior is different from what is usually always observed! And a new species of monsters was found! It look like a western type dragon and their are no reports that even a singel one of them died. Its look like their are immune to magic, skills and also against physical attacks.

It is for now impossible to kill even a singel one of them! Their are 5 Dragons solong, but its look like their will be more. Everywhere a dragon went there is destruction left behind. Their main attack is with fire. Its look like their will be a counter but we dont know which it is or how to use it!" said a military speaker infront of the cameras after the video.

"Even water or ice dont effect them. It´s look imposible! It is now the dangerous outbreak that ever happend in the history!" continued the military speaker. "What do you mean it is impossible to beat them? Are their even S-Rank hunters who fighting there?" asked a voice.

"Their are alot of A-ranks their but for now not a single S-rank hunter."said the military speaker.

"That will be alot of problems when their escape North Korea!" said Adrian and heard a ringing sound from his mobile phone.

"Really?" muttered Adrian and take his phone and accept the phone call.

"Adrian Hanson here." said Adrian. "Hello Mr. Hanson. My name is Peter Sirl I hope I didnt interrupt you by something. I want to asked you if you have intentions to have an CNN interview?".

"Good evening Mr. Sirl. I have no intention for an interview now or even later. I answered all questions of reporters already that where at the entrance of the arena. And I dont like to be in the spotlight. I hope you can understand me, Mr. Sirl." replied Adrian.

"Well I understand. It must be an tiring day for you because all the reporters but can I asked you a question?" said Mr. Sirl. "What is the question?" replied Adrian with a friendly voice.

"The question that you didnt answered at the interview. "Are you skills related to a typ of monster?". Because your scales that you have shown and the claws looked like a reptiles typ." asked Mr. Sirl. "Well it is reptile type but not quite. And more I wont say." Said Adrian as an replie.

"Well thanks. But what is the other type?" asked Mr. Sirl. "One question and I answered it. And also I AM TIRED. So good night Mr. Sirl." said Adrian and hung up the call.

"Lets put my phone away and get to sleep. Maybe can I raid tomorrow." muttered Adrian to himself. And went to bed.

Sunday morning at 9 o'clock, Adrian's cell phone rang again. But this time, another TV station wanted to interview him. But Adrian refused like last time.

"Can they not call me later? It is to early!" muttered Adrian after the call. "And how do they got my number?" asked Adrian himself.

"Let get ready!" thought Adrian and dress himself. "I think I should go to the HU and get tested again." thought Adrian and went off after he ate his breakefast.

"And maybe sitting in the train for 20 minutes at 11am. This Mr. Trule! He must wake me up at 9am." muttered Adrian to himself with anger.

*20 minutes later*

"Looks like I here. Again! Let show them what I have!" said Adrian and went inside of the building.