
The Ridiculous CEO

William Park, a 27 years old CEO of Park Corporation, a multinational company in Z Country was gifted with handsome look and wealth. He made many women and bent men fall in love with him. His cold and indifferent demeanor amplified his halo, making his dead-brain worshippers even crazier. He didn't have many hobbies, only one but it made people wonder. He liked... no... He loved embroidery. As people would associate embroidery as women's work, he didn't care about it. What he knew and care was: He love to embroider. After meeting his other half, he developed a new hobby that was: to be teased by his wife. His love for embroidery was completely replaced by his love to his cute little wife. Elena Park, a 25 years old independent woman, once known as campus belle and one of the geniusses in the history of Imperial University. She was well- versed in many things. She was warm and seemed naive outside but she was calculative and cunning inside. She worked as a forensic pathologist in a federal government agency. She was also an accomplished hacker that assist government to handle major criminal cases. She didn't have any hobbies before she met her handsome and wealthy husband. Now, she liked to bully...she liked to tease her husband. She loved him so much that she couldn't control her urge to tease him. ... "You are a sissy!" stated Elena. Wife, I'm not a sissy. Sissy's birdie will never react against you but can you see mine?" replied her husband while pointing at a huge bulge underneath the towel wrapped around his waist. " Wow, it's huge." blurted Elena. She shamelessly stared at the bulge. Her eyes were similiar to a wolf that look at its prey. Her husband, upon receiving such praise from the wife couldn't help but blushed. His face and ears turned red as the heat in his body rose. He looked at Elena with accusing look on his face while pointing his index finger at her. "You...you must be responsible." "Responsible for what?" "Responsible for teasing me!" answered the husband in matter-of-factly tone. Elena nodded, "En. Let's go." The man didn't expect her to agree easily. He grinned widely as he followed Elena to their bedroom. Only if he knew he was about to be completely toppled by her prowess, he would definitely prepare himself in advance. ### The cover is not mine. It belongs to the rightful owner. (Please contact me if you want to remove it)

TheCabbageLu · perkotaan
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83 Chs

The Countdown Begins!

It was Wednesday, not weekend, but William was so energetic that he barely rested for a whole day.

As if he was injected by chicken's blood, he ordered his secretary to pack every documents and arrange meetings that should be conduct tomorrow and the days onward to today.

Well, he was so excited because he planned to have a date with Elena, uhm, his girlfriend for three days in a row, friday till sunday. So he must have time to spare to prepare everything. In order to make their first date memorable, he personally designed their itinerary for three days.

For friday, because it was still working day, he only planned to have a fine dining with her. For that, he had booked the best restaurant in the whole Imperial City. The restaurant was located in the top floor of a hotel building. The restaurant itself was well known for serving three stars Michelin foods for more than ten years consecutively. The ambience as well as the scenery of the city that the guests could see from the restaurant became one of the main attraction of this hotel. Because of these reasons, this restaurant became the most sought after restaurant. If someone wanted to eat in the restaurant, he needed to wait at least three months. This rule was applied to everyone. No matter if they were commoners or socialites, they still needed to follow the rule.

But it was different with William

Well, it was because the owner of the restaurant was William. This restaurant was one of the business under Park Family. In fact, the restaurant was the very first industry from Park Family that William managed.

Because William booked the restaurant without prior notice, the other guests who had been waiting for three months were involuntarily dejected. Fortunately he offered them something that was too good to be rejected. Moreover, he also promised them to visit the restaurant whenever they wanted for once.

William was so detail and attentive in nature and now, because he wanted to make the dinner special, he ordered every chefs to prepare the best dishes later. Even William, who had never cooked by himself for years finally planned to get into the kitchen and cooked his own speciality, French and Greek dishes from Europe and Japanese and India foods. He actually excelled in many types of cuisine but he only cooked a few because he had researched Elena's preference. Of course, he set everything for a full course.

While for saturday and sunday, he planned to spent the entire day with her. On saturday, he would like to visit amusement park. He decided to go to the amusement park because he wanted to play some games with her while in fact, it was also because he had not been to the amusement park for years - he longed to play there. It was okay to be slightly egoist right? He wanted to play the games accompanied by his beautiful girlfriend. It was so effective, like hitting two birds with one stone.

For sunday, he would also take her out- but not amusement park or the likes. He would bring her to his ancestral home. He wanted to brag her girlfriend in front of his family, especially his cursed single brothers.

William was sitting on his chair, biting his pen while imagining himself on their dating some days later.

Hehehe. He would make everything perfect so their fist date would become something momerable for them.



A phone was ringing countless time. It seemed that the dialer on the other hand was not patient enough to wait for the owner to pick his call.

The man was sleeping in a Japanese Sstyle room. There were only white futon¹, pillow and bolsters. He was still half asleep when he picked the call. "Hello?"

"I'm sorry for the inconvenience client W - 012. I only want to make sure whether you'll change your plan or not. Are you really sure you want to do that on that day?"

The man frowned. He was their client but why did they commit something beyond their responsibility? He slightly exasperated by this fact but he still mantained hia calm demeanor. "Why?"

The one on the other end replied. "We received information that the police has already got some clues. Furthermore, one of our men in the police department reported that they have been wary about you and they already dispatched their best team.

"Indeed, you are our client but we couldn't implicate the whole organization for your sake. But, if you insist to do that as scheduled, you need to sign another agreement first because we need to make sure that everything is clean and trace-less. I'm sorry for the inconvenience client W - 012.."

The man didn't think too much about it. He only said, "That's fine. Just send it through the usual email. Don't forget to encrypt the file. Make sure everything is flawless."

"Understood. Please wait and we will notify you later."

"En." The man hung up the phone. He stood up and went outside. The day was sunny but there was thunderstorm inside of him. But this feeling only flew for a while before he regained his consciousness.

The man smiled coldly. five from then people he hated had already been shut down. There was only six people left. On friday, he would run his plan and exterminated the bugs. He would make sure the remaining people alive become sober.

There was still two days left before the D-day. The countdown begins!